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CBC – rbc, wbc, hct, hgb

PC – measures platelet that helps in blood clotting

BUA – measures uric acid in blood
BUN - urea nitrogen is a waste product that your kidneys remove from your blood
CREA - measure of how well your kidneys are performing their job of filtering waste
from your blood
SGPT – liver function test
SGOT – liver function test
NA – electrolyte imbalance
K – electrolyte imbalance
HBSAg – infected with hepatitis B
HBA1C – measures average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months

Isoket – cardiac; MI, angina

Isordil – cardiac; MI, angina
Omeprazole – stomach; acid, GERD, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer
HNBB (Hyos) – abdomen; pain, cramps, GI spasms
Metoclopramide (Plasil) – stomach; nausea, vomiting
Nicardipine – HPN; used to lower BP
Norepinephrine – used to increase BP, used for severe & acute hypotension
Epinephrine – anaphylaxis (allergic reactions)/ cardiac; arrythmia, vfib, pulseless, used
to increase heart rate
Mannitol – cardio, renal, hepatic; osmotic diuretic, increase urine output, lose salt, &
excess water
Furosemide – cardio, renal, hepatic; congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, renal
Ketamine – pain reliever, sedative
Tramadol – moderate to severe pain reliever
Ketorolac – NSAIDs; moderate to severe pain reliever
Nubain – moderate to severe pain reliever, sedative
Paracetamol – mild to moderate pain reliever
Hydralazine – used to lower BP in pregnancy

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