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Albert Lomonggo

PEH Analysis
The activity 2.1 – 2.3 is very much a specific Questionnaire were, the person answering
is required to answer honestly and politely, to give information that may require my own
attention to coupe up with the wrong things happening in my body, the activity 2.1
somehow focuses to the persons reasons. The activity also give me a fine Reason to
check my doctor if everything is good, though most of my answer is No, but I should still
be careful and aware of myself. The second activity is Somehow relatable in medical
history of CAD; my answer to that is No, I still haven’t experience CAD so the my risk
factor is low so I’m quite happy about it, still need to focus on the risk factor which is
Obesity. For the activity 2.3, I’m unsure if I should answer it so I did answer it, the risk
factor Scoring right, somehow their I’m able to perform moderate-intensity physical
activity, seems true but I do it if with parents and me but not too often. The result
became that I should try checking and helping my body to improve.

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