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t's a positive, life-affirming experience for many people.

Vomit or otherwise,
most people are glad to have been through it. Ayahuasca is a preparation, one that
has no set recipe. Across
the amazon there are dozens of ayahuasca preparations, which may be why it has
been reported as treating a wide variety of diseases. The most common five
ingredients are: Banisteriopsis
Caapi vine , DMT containing leaves, Guayusa leaves, datura leaves or flowers,
mapacho tobacco. The last three are uncommon in "western" preparations, but in the
jungle one would likely find
them in the brew. Westerners have been creating their own only a couple decades
or so. The original knowledge comes from curandero's in south america. The first
ayahuasca decorative cup
was dated at 2000 years ago.

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