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OCTOBER 22, 2019




Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Characteristics of Older Adults 1
Sensory and Cognitive Modalities 2
Perceptual Decline 2
Vision 2
Audition 2
Haptics and Motor Skills 3
Cognitive Decline 3
Memory 3
Spatial Cognition 4
Attention 4

Designing for Older Adults 4

Older Adults as Participants in User Research 4
Older Adults as Participants in Evaluation 5
Mobile Interface Design Guidelines 6
Conclusion 8
References 8

Mobile Design for Older Adults

Mobile phone has become essential parts of personal and business life. The recent growth of smart
phone usage is an observable fact that crosses all age and gender boundaries. It can potentially
play a significant role in assisting older adults in many ways especially in terms of maintaining
social relationship, providing sense of safety and accessibility. However, older people seem to be
a neglected user group in the design of mobile phone devices and services. Hence, this paper
attempts to report the issues which are related with the design of mobile devices and services for
older adults. According to United States census projections, 20% of the US population will be over
65 by 2030. Similar trends are seen globally. People are living longer remaining more active into
the older age. In addition to the change in demographics, there has been a change in the way
products look, act and work. Increasingly people are accessing information through smartphones;
a Pew survey found that 47% of surveyed adults access local news from mobile devices. Thus,
designers should determine how best to design smartphone applications for older adults (Fox,
2012). Research suggests that older adults require technology to be specifically designed for them,
because many have cognitive and physical limitations, as well as a lack of digital skills that limits
their ability (Rodríguez, Cajamarca, Herskovic, Fuentes, & Campos, 2017). This paper is divided
into four section, in the first section the characteristics of older adults are discussed. In the second
section age related decline in various sensory and cognitive modalities are discussed from a human
factors point of view. The third section presents a case for universal user centered design and the
need to involve older adults as research participants in user research. The last a final section
provides high level guidelines for mobile design to incorporate the needs of the older adults based
on the scientific knowledge and literature presented in this paper.

Characteristics of Older Adults

It can be said that there’s no universal agreement on the age at which people are considered older.
In the US, age 65 has commonly been associated with old age, because that is the age at which one
becomes eligible for Social Security and many senior discounts (Zeitchik, 2015). In the US, as of
2015, 92% of all adults own some kind of mobile phone, 68% own smartphones, 73% own a
desktop or laptop computer, 45% own tablet computers, and 19% own e-readers. Older US adults
have been acquiring digital devices and increasing their online presence. In 2015 most people aged
65+ still preferred simple mobile phones (feature phones) to smartphones, and a majority also
owned desktop or laptop computers (Anderson, 2015). However research also suggests that as of
2013, 15% of all US adults were not going online. That includes 19% of those aged 50–64 and
42% of those aged 65+ (Poushter 2016). Today’s generations of older adults have not grown up
with information and communications technologies that are widely available these days. Thus,
there is “a natural confound of age and experience, since today’s older adults are exposed to these
technologies at a different point in their lives than today’s young adults.” And, this problem will
prob- ably not go away easily, as new technologies and their inter- faces and interaction styles
continue to be evolving. Thus, to make new technologies usable and useful for older adults, we
need first to fully examine the complex patterns involved in technology acceptance and use among
this population (Kim, Gajos, Muller, & Grosz, 2016). A focus group study conducted by Czaja et
al., (2019) showed that 47% of the problems reported by older adults were due to financial
limitation, health difficulties or general concerns. Each remaining problem was classified
according to whether it could potentially be solved through redesign, training or a combination of
both. The results should that approximately 25% of the problems could potentially be remedied by
improving the design of the systems. The remaining 28% of the reported problems had the potential
to be solved through the provision of training (Czaja et al., 2019). This research shows us that
older adults do use technology and especially emerging technologies such as smartphones,
however designers must think about the difficulties these populations may have and incorporate
these considerations in the design process. In the next section age-related changes in sensing and
perceiving information, processing that information and physically responding to that information
are reviewed.

Sensory and Cognitive Modalities

It can be said that sensation and perception are the first of many complex processes that occur
when an individual interacts with a mobile device. In short sensation involves activation of cells
such as the retinal cells, whereas perception refers to the interpretation of the information by calling
upon store memory. No perception gives complete knowledge of the device, cognition takes up
the product of perception and provides interpretation. Fisk and Rogers (1997), recommend using
the human factor approach by studying scientific knowledge about people’s capabilities and
limitation to create designs that capitalize the user’s strengths and capabilities while guarding
against their limitations. In the context of older adults, there are several limitations associated with
perception, cognition and the control of movements, that increase in prevalence as one age. This
section discusses some of the human factors applicable for mobile design.
Perceptual Decline
Sensory perceptual processes and capabilities deteriorate as we age. Visual and Auditory
capabilities are perhaps the most important because they represent user capabilities and limitations
that are directly relevant to mobile design. With advent of touch screen smart phones haptics is
another sensory capability that designers must consider.
Visual capabilities tend to diminish and deteriorate as we age. Research suggest that contrast
sensitivity, visual acuity, color perception and the ability to adapt to different lighting
environments may slow down with ageing. Decline due to age related changes becomes noticeable
by the fifth decade. Research found that due to the loss of accommodative capacity, seven out of
10 people over the age of 45 require glasses. At this stage the lens cannot alter its shape to allow
the eye to focus on objects at close range hence glasses are required (Pierscionek et al.,2015). The
ability to discriminate color for short wavelengths hues reduces due to the decrease in the ability
to dilate the pupil. The scattering of light, in optical media between cornea and visual receptors
increases. Visual acuity decreases along with our ability to judge depth and motion (Czaja, Boot,
Charness & Rogers, 2019). Anderson (2012) suggests that with age our lower-level perceptual
processing capacity decreases with a decreased sensitivity to luminance, particularly under low
levels of luminance or scotopic vision (Anderson, 2012). The issue with contrast masking and
glare may also affect older adults. Hence it can be said that with age day to day activities such as
dealing with visually cluttered displays, reading text, identifying difference in color and patterned
backgrounds, identifying small targets, all become increasingly challenging (Czaja, Schulz, Lee &
Belle, 2003).
The ability to hear may affect and older adults’ ability to interact successfully with mobile devices
Age-related hearing loss has a medical name: presbycusis. It is important that designers consider
age related changes in audition. The rate at which people lose their hearing and the degree of loss
vary widely from person to person, but generally speaking, human hearing grows worse with
increasing age. Most hearing loss occurs after age 50, but certain losses start in early adulthood
(Coren, 1994). Presbycusis reduces the, ability to hear low-volume sounds, ability to localize
sounds, ability to filter out background noise, ability to understand fast speech sensitivity to high-
frequency sounds. Many older adults experience losses in more than one sensory system. For
example, it is common for older people to have declining vision as well as declining hearing. This
complicates efforts to design technology to overcome the losses (Johnson & Finn, 2017).
Haptics and Motor Skills
In addition to these perceptual problems, these people may have difficulty with the sense of touch.
As individuals grow, there is increasing variability in haptic control. It can be said that the
thresholds for vibration and temperature perception increase. This makes older adults less sensitive
to haptic cues for example vibrations in mobile phones. There is evidence that they use different
movement strategies than younger adults, with lower peak velocities and many sub movements,
and that fine positioning over a target is a particularly difficult for this group. Many would be well
served by having larger targets on the screen that would not only make tapping easier but would
also make seeing the targets easier (Razak et al, 2013). On a similar note as we age, our ability to
manipulate things with our arms, hands, and fingers tends to decline. With age, most people
experience declines in their sensorimotor abilities. In the context of mobile device a significant
factor to consider is the decline in manual dexterity. This decline in manual dexterity means that
in our later years, we experience greater difficulty grasping and manipulating small objects. We
also have more trouble executing coordinated gestures. These include pinch, spread, and other
multi-finger gestures used on many touch-screen devices. Research indicates that targets at the
upper left of a mobile touch screen are harder for right-handed older adults to hit accurately (top-
right for left-handed ones) (Leitão and Silva, 2012). This because hitting targets requires stretching
the arm farther across the display. The farther the stretch, the more strain on the arm and the less
accurate the hand movements are. The explanation for this could be the fact that as we age, our
hand and arm muscles tend to weaken, reducing our strength. This means we apply less force to
digital buttons, variable-pressure touch screens, and other input devices.
Cognitive Decline
Cognitive scientists generally agree that most cognitive abilities decline with age. Research varies
enormously in which abilities decline, when they start declining, and how rapidly and how much
they decline (Reddy et al., 2014). Age related changes in cognition can be important to consider
when design mobile applications for older adults. For example, slower task completion times and
diminishing ability to filter distractions can result from declining working memory capacity. In
information processing tasks, researchers have seen a speed/accuracy trade-off among older adults.
Older adults perform as accurately as younger adults when allowed to take more time, but when
older adults are rushed their performance drops significantly (Fairweather, 2018). Razak et al.,
(2013) points that declines in mental domains such as processing speed, reasoning, memory and
executive functions maybe underpinned by a decline in a general cognitive factor (Razak et al.,
A simple view of human memory is that it consists of two main components: short-term memory
and long-term memory. Short-term memory (working memory) holds information for periods
ranging from a fraction of a second to many minutes, while long-term memory retains information
for longer intervals, all the way up to a lifetime. The capacity of human working memory typically
rises as we develop from babies into adults and begins to decline when we are in our 30s. The peak
capacity of working memory varies somewhat among people, but the rate at which the capacity
declines and the ages at which the decline accelerates vary greatly from one person to another. On
average, however, the working memory capacity of older adults is lower than that of younger
adults (Salthouse and Babcock, 1991). Charness & Boot (2009), suggest that declining working
memory capacity has powerful effects on our ability to think, reason, and make sense of the world.
It diminishes our ability to combine concepts, compare ideas and objects, multitask, keep track of
what we have done and not done. (Charness & Boot, 2009). Long-term memory is required for
learning. Research shows that older adults typically learn new technical skills more slowly than
younger adults do and, during learning, require more help, repetition, and hands-on practice (Hart,
Chaparro & Halcomb, 2008). Research has found that older adults tend to perform worse on recall
tasks than younger adults do, but just as well as younger adults on recognition tasks. When older
adults realize that their memory isn’t as good as it once was, they adopt compensatory strategies.
They write appointments in calendars and check them daily. They also place notes around their
homes and make notes on how to use software and websites. In today’s world where software
updates happen almost daily, the changes in a user interface that older adults have carefully
documented for themselves can really set older adults back. Designers can provide design
intervention by designing mobile solutions such as alarms, calendar event reminders, location-
based reminders, and connections to family and friends to augment user’s memory capacity.
Spatial Cognition
Spatial memory is the ability to navigate in real or virtual spaces by consulting a mental map
representing spatial and connectivity relationships between places. This has major implications
for information architecture and information design on mobile applications. Research suggest
that the ability to navigate easily in menu hierarchies, websites, apps, and other abstract spaces
decreases due to decrease in spatial cognition with age (Czaja and Lee, 2008).
The capacity to maintain focus on a particular stimulus, changes with age. The older person is less
able to inhibit competing information and is slower to orient their attention from one thing to
another. Current research suggests that that the level of brain activity related to attending to a goal
does not change with age; what diminishes is the ability to ignore competing sensory information
unrelated to the goal. As a result, frequent though brief shifts in attention slows the older person’s
speed of processing relevant information.

Designing for Older Adults

Many older adults have difficulty in understanding and operating mobile apps, it can be said that
root cause of the problem isn’t the user, but it is the design process. Research suggests that to
minimize such problems a user centered design (UCD) approach should be applied. This UCD
approach ensures an early focus on the user and the analysis of the tasks that user would be
performing. An empirical measurement of user behavior, context and goals using qualitative
methods such as surveys, interviews and observations as well as early usability testing to
measure qualitative performance. The UCD process also involves iterative design and testing
using prototypes. Murata & Iwase (2005) recommend the use of Universal design for mobile
applications. This includes inclusive designs that are flexible enough to be used by people with
or without disabilities. Designers must strive to focus on universal design because that ensures
that age-related changes in functional abilities, such as perceptual, cognitive, and motor
functions, are taken into account (Murata & Iwase, 2005).

Older Adults as Participants in User Research

There is a track record of researchers who have involved older adults in software development.
Abeele and Rompaey (2006) performed an ethnographic inquiry to develop a model based on the
“passions” of older adults for a digital game (Abeele & Rompaey, 2006). Massimi et al. (2007)
conducted participatory activities involving older adults in the evaluation of mobile phones.
There has been a significant effort in the UK on designing with older adults. Vines et al. (2012)
performed participatory design exercises with eighty-somethings which led to the creation of a
novel digital payment system called “Cheque Mates” (Vines et al., 2012). However, researchers
devised the system based on feedback from older adults, rather than older adults’ ideation of a
possible solution. They were able to create ideas for new tools using a co-design process with
older adults and claimed that they empowered older adults by involving them in the design
process. Lorenz et al. (2007) created an application for monitoring the health of older adults, but
they followed a user-centered approach that did not include participatory design sessions
(Lorenz, Mielke, Oppermann & Zahl, 2007)Researchers often use participatory design, involving
end- users in technology ideation as this is found to lead to more useful and relevant products.
Researchers have sought to involve older adults in the design of emerging technologies like
smartphones, with which older adults often have little experience. Therefore, their effectiveness
as co-designers could be questioned (Davidson & Jensen, 2013).
Because older adults are at the tail end of adoption, younger developers design many mobile
applications, often with little or no input from the population they hope to help. In part, this is
because small teams write smartphone applications, which may not have the necessary means to
adopt complex requirements gathering and evaluation processes. Therefore, there is a potential
disconnection between what developers think will be useful and usable, and what the target
population wants or needs.
Design researchers must try to involve their target audience in the design process. Involving
older adults in the process is a potentially low-cost way of improving the end result and could be
adopted in the design of smartphone applications. However, older adults may not have extensive
experience with new technologies such as smartphones, which may affect their effectiveness as
co-designers and participants in research. Their lack of experience may lead them to pursue
technologically impossible designs, pursue ideas that have already been explored, be too fixated
on ideas from other domains, or limit themselves to less ambitious ideas because they lack an
understanding of the capabilities and possibilities smartphones offer.
Older Adults as Participants in Evaluation
Older adults may not have been a big part of design and evaluation so far, but we need to start
including them. When planning a participatory design project or a usability study that involves
older adults, designers should be aware of other considerations, as well. For example, older
adults may not be familiar with usability studies or participatory design. Even recruiting older
participants can offer some unique challenges as they might be active on social media outlets and
may not even be checking emails regularly. The classic technique of having participants think
aloud while executing tasks can be problematic for some older adults who, due to diminished
short-term memory capacity, might struggle to speak while simultaneously solving a problem,
performing a task, or exploring something novel. If the study involves low-fidelity prototypes,
some older adults may struggle with the extra mental work required to constantly translate
between the tangibles they see in front of them (sketches) and what those tangibles represent
(such as digital prototypes) (Johnson & Finn, 2017). Dickenson et al., (2007) suggested many
strategies for involving older adults as research participants, for the purpose of this paper some
of these guidelines are summarized as follows:
1. Make sure the study situations are relevant to your participants: Use scenarios,
circumstances, or events that ring true for your participants. Research suggests that role-
play situations and video prompts work well for this purpose (Dickenson et al., 2007).
2. Use concurrent think-aloud protocols: A concurrent thinking aloud (CTA) protocol is when
you ask the participant to think out loud while they’re working through tasks, evaluating
interfaces, etc. This gives the researcher real-time insight into the participant’s thought
processes and allows them to stop the participant and ask for further clarification
(Dickenson et al., 2007).
3. Make it easy for older adults to participate: Bring older adult participants into the design
process as early as possible. Provide familiar office supplies and low-fidelity mock-ups.
Develop an advance plan. Prepare a list of the topics you want to cover, with estimates of
how long you’ll spend on each topic (Dickenson et al., 2007).
4. Pilot everything: As with any study, it’s a good idea to schedule one or more pilot sessions
in advance of the main body of the study. This gives you a chance to revise your procedure,
in case it doesn’t play out as planned. Test your surveys, screeners, or assessment forms in
advance. You might find that you’ve misjudged what your target participants do online or
how they interact with technology (Dickenson et al., 2007).
5. Take extra steps to increase participant attendance: In addition to being flexible in your
scheduling, you can increase your attendance rate by putting it in writing and making a
formal payment agreement in advance (Dickenson et al., 2007).
6. Have an ethical exit strategy for your participants: At the end of the session, offer to show
your participants how to do something. This could be related to the session, their own
(home) system, or the smartphone or cell phone they’ve got. In the end wrap up everything
and do no harm (Dickenson et al., 2007).

Mobile Interface Design Guidelines

Based on the through scientific review of the factors that designers must consider when
designing for older adults this section provides some high-level design guidelines that must be
considered to accommodate age related changes.

Simple guidelines for accommodating age-related visual impairments will increase perceptibility
for people of any age with a range of sensory activity. Designers should consider the following
• Higher illumination without glare can be achieved with more numerous low intensity
sources or with diffuse rather than direct sources of light (recessed lighting, sheer curtains,
lampshades). The illumination of mobile surfaces should be 100 cd/m2 reflected light. To
minimize glare, matte rather than glossy surfaces should be used for reading materials and
in the physical environment (Farage et al, 2012).
• High contrast (50:1) on-screen facilitates legibility. Color choices in the long-wavelength
end of the spectrum are preferred. If short wavelengths are used, large contrast steps will
be required to facilitate perceptibility. Shades of any color used to convey information must
be clearly distinct from the background (Farage et al, 2012).
• Simplicity of visual presentation is key: Designers should strive hard to minimize visual
clutter. Important information should be large, conspicuous, uncrowded, and in the central
visual field. Uppercase is useful to highlight key material but is tiring to the reader when
used in long blocks of text (Farage et al, 2012).
• Distracting visual stimuli (such as elaborate backgrounds, flashing lights, rapid motion, or
flickering) should be avoided unless used judiciously to signal a specific, needed action.
• Provide text alternatives for non-text content: Supplement images and videos with text
(Farage et al, 2012).

Motor Control and Haptics

• Make sure users can hit targets: For Mobile devices this means designers should create big
swipe targets, put space between tap targets, place important targets near the user’s hands,
place swipe targets on the bottom or on the right (Johnson & Finn, 2017).
• Keep input gestures simple: Designers can achieve this by avoiding multi-finger gestures.
• Make it obvious when a target has been selected: This can be achieved by making feedback
obvious and providing feedback immediately (Johnson & Finn, 2017).
• For touch-screen smartphones, provide within-app training on gestures, if possible.
• Allow users plenty of time to complete operations: Design apps that do not time out and
give older adults time to finish the task (Johnson & Finn, 2017).

• Ensure that audio output is audible: Designers should design mobile apps that avoid high-
frequency sounds, ensure that sounds are loud long in duration (Farage et al, 2012).
• To aid auditory perception and recognition by older adults, sound signals of at least 60 dB
should reach the ear (conversational speech is 50 dB). A high “signal-to-noise” ratio is
necessary: the intended sound or message should be at a high enough volume with
background noise kept to a minimum. Volumes should be adjustable (Farage et al, 2012).
• An auditory signal can be reinforced by redundant cueing through another sensory channel
(e.g. a telephone ring accompanied by vibration; a buzzer alarm accompanied by a flashing
light). If different sound cues must be used to convey information, these should be from
different parts of the sound spectrum and be distinctly spaced in time. Altering the location
from which sound is emitted can also help to distinguish various sound cues (Farage et al,

• Visual information should be spare and uncluttered. Designers must highlight relevant
information and minimize irrelevant and potentially distracting information. This is
critical, for example, in prescription medication labeling and in mobile interface design
(Czaja et al., 2019).
• Pictorial icons in particular should be tested with older audiences to ensure that they convey
what is intended. Readability statistics should be performed on written text to be sure it is
not overwhelming (Czaja et al., 2019).
• The presentation format (whether textual, pictorial, or auditory) should be simple and
intuitive to minimize the possibility of misinterpretation. For example, medical apps
medication usage instructions (dosage, side-effects) and warning labels should be
formatted consistently, and specific types of information placed in a predictable location
(Czaja et al., 2019).
• Procedures should consist of simple, discrete steps consistent with established practices.
Performing a sequence of several steps to achieve a single outcome or requiring the
processing of multiple pieces of data to draw a conclusion, is unnecessarily complex to the
older person. Mobile app navigation can be particularly challenging without prompts that
show where one is or what has been done at the particular point in the process for example,
booking flights (Czaja et al., 2019).
• Use vocabulary familiar to your audience: Group, order, and label content in ways that are
meaningful to users and avoid technical jargon.
• Don’t assume the user has a correct mental model of the device or mobile app: Design a
simple, clear conceptual model. Match users’ mental model of navigation space (Czaja et
al., 2019).
Designing for older adults should include mechanisms to successfully engage these older users
with applications in a meaningful and satisfying manner. The goal of this paper was to aggregate
research and translate it into guidelines for designers designing mobile applications for older
adults. We started this paper by demonstrating research that shows that older adults do use new
technologies including mobile smart phones. We highlighted the fact that good design for old
adults is good design for everyone. However to achieve this, designers must firstly understand the
user population. Research shows us that there are normative age-related changes that designers
must keep in mind while design mobile applications. Secondly designers should involve the target
audience as participants during user research. Thirdly designers must follow an iterative design
process to test protypes with representative user (older adults), doing representative tasks for the
defined context (Czaja et al., 2019). In conclusion its important to emphasize that older adults want
to maintain their independence and can be at risk of social isolation, health concerns, and limited
technology access, so it is very important that we help them become, or remain, digitally engaged.
And since digital technology is becoming more necessary to function in today’s world, we need to
design mobile applications, and devices that are usable by people of all ages and abilities (Johnson
& Finn, 2017). As designers we need to counter myths with convincing arguments, and scientific
evidence as demonstrated in this paper. We must strive to educate the members of our cross
functional teams and other businesses, non-profits, and government sectors about the on-going
need to design age-sensitive mobile user interfaces and the value that these organizations can
derive from doing so.

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