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He called together his wise men, and they discovered that the object, about the size of a hen's egg,

was actually a large grain. The king wanted to know where such a large grain could come from,
and he had his men bring him an old peasant, hoping that he might know something of it.

The wise men pondered and pondered and could not make head or tail of it, till one day, when the thing
was lying on a windowsill, a hen flew in and pecked at it till she made a hole in it, and then every one
saw that it

 Answer the following questions briefly.

a)Describe the object the children found in the ravine.
The object that the children found in the ravine was shaped like a grain of rye,with a groove down the middle,
but as large as a hen's egg.

b) How did the wise men realize that the thing was a grain of rye?
When oneday the thing was lying on a window-sill, a hen flew in and pecked at it till she made a hole in it, and
then everyone realised that it was a grain of rye.

c) What did thw wise men advice the king to do to find out more about the grain?
After pondering in their books, the wise men failed to get any information. So they suggested the king to ask
the peasants about the grain.

 Sow-to plant seeds in the ground

 Reap-to cut and collect a crop
 Meanings
 1. a long, narrow cut or depression: groove
2. without any teeth: toothless
3. bite something with a beak: peck
4. a small sum of money: penny
5. a device for supporting the weight of a lame person: crutches
6. an unusual thing: rarity
 7. a farmer: peasant
8. thought deeply: pondered
9. a narrow steeped valley: ravine move in an unsteady manner: totter

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