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Survey Answers

Nicolas Gomez

Sergio Rivera

Juan Manuel Restrepo

Burundi, Sudán del Sur and Gambia are the poorest

countries in the world, what do you think is the
Violence and countries underdevelopment (2)
Bad manage of the economy
They have a corrupt government and their violence is increasing
Because of education
They don't have any economic resources

What is the average amount of money a poor person

can live with?
800.000 (4)
Four hundred thousand pesos
Here in Colombia more or less 1 million pesos
I don't know

What do you think is the most important

characteristic of a poor country?
Lack of education (2)
No idea
Injustice and corruption
Lack of education and the corruption
Lack of education
Drugs and guns
Don't have a good economic base

why do you think a person comes to poverty?

From birth, or waste of money unlimitedly (2)
Because they were born in it or they did not managed well the money
They don’t know how to manage their money, and they don’t make the effort to
success in their life
Because of the family
Because of the resources or because the education
Because of the bad administration of the money
Because they don't work in off for going out of puberty

Do you think that poverty affects everyone or only

those who are directly affected?
Everyone (3)
Everyone (3)
Everyone is affected
Only the ones that are directly affected

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