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1) Introduction
2) Main topic
3) Conclusion
4) Personal thoughts

the social inequality in Colombia created the phrase, “you are the place you live”
in Colombia, the society are classified in 6 groups, the 1,2 and 3 first groups are the “poor” people,
most of the people in these 3 groups receives government subsidies, these subsidies cover the
basic services, the 4 group is the middle class, this group doesn’t receive any help from the
government, and the 2 last groups are the rich people, this people “pay” the subsidies of the poor
To decide to what level a citizen belongs, the State limits itself to evaluating the facade of their
house, the materials with which the roof is built and the conditions of the road in front of the
house. With these characteristics linked to the land, the subsidies are distributed. The model does
not take into account income, the number of people that make up a family, age, if any of these
people have some kind of disability or if they have a job.
This contributed to the social inequality.
The social inequality in Colombia has been present since the independence and even before, this
topic has been a really hard obstacle in the way to become a developed country, but not only that,
Colombia is a very unstable country, and it is very easy to fall in a social crisis or a economic crisis,
and this instability is also a very important factor of this topic.
But how does the economic and the social crisis affect the population?
Well, job loss and hardship growing to rejoin, natural catastrophes, armed conflicts, which
originate marginalization and displacement, or particular family and personal situations loss
of employment, accidents, catastrophic illnesses. In such circumstances, productive assets,
housing, income, and work experience are lost or reduced, children drop out of school, and
nutrition and health conditions are degraded
Colombia currently has most of the negative characteristics to become an underdevelopment
country, a severe economic crisis, the highest levels of unemployment in its history, natural
disasters, armed conflict, violence, forced displacement, etc.; elements that together they
configure the framework in which poverty conditions are expected to worsen in the
Nowadays the 42,5% of the Colombian population live in monetary poverty, the concentration of
money in a few hands indicates that progress economic benefits only a few, a situation that
generates cracks in the social fabric and affects peaceful coexistence and progress. Although no
data are available on the degree of inequality in the distribution of wealth, it is assumed that
income inequality results, in large part, from even greater inequality in property.
The Income in Colombia is concentrated in the hands of a minimal proportion of the population;
while the poorest 20% barely receive 2.3% of total income, in the
At the other extreme, the richest 20% get about two-thirds of this income. But it is even more
serious that income distribution has been deteriorating; the country has not reduced
the prevailing levels of inequality for about a decade and on the contrary, today it is higher.
And we should be worried, Colombia is one of the most dangerous and unequal countries in the
continent, the ranking that analyzes variables from 8 Latin American countries, including
Colombia, revealed that only 7%, that is, 13 regions, of the 182 studied, are located at the high
level of development. Thus, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil have the largest number of
regions with a medium-high level of development and the best positions.

“In terms of gaps, it is observed that Chile is the country with the most balanced regional
development in Latin America, that is, its regions register similar levels of development. Uruguay
and Argentina follow. In contrast, Colombia has the largest development gaps, followed by
Paraguay, Brazil and Mexico”
This study was made by 8 of the most important universities in the region
And the people are not aware of this topic because of the censorship that we are suffering in
Colombia, we are one of the most corrupt countries in the world, the corrupt government steal
from the people almost 17 thousand million dollars annually, and nobody say anything, and that is
because the government and the corrupt politicians don’t want that this information take fly,
because they know that this is illegal.

In Colombia, the rulers always come from the same family or the same party, most of the money
of the oligarchy comes from corruption
And this is mi final thought, I’m not a communist or a socialist, and this phrase “eat the rich” is
ridiculous, but the elite here in Colombia, is a parasite to the Colombian people, they don’t care
about anyone themselves, and their decision are destroying the country, we need a change, and
we need it now








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