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The other side of the quarantine

Recently there is no other subject around the world beyond the COVID-19. The media is
focused on guide the people to stay at home and in safe, the ministry of health is predicting a
collapse of healthy resources, the employeers using the collective vacation as a resource to
stop the activities and keep the employees protected, and the politicians discussing more
about the money than the life. In fact, a delicated moment to get decisions.

The craziest is living at year 2020 and learning again how wash the hands, how survive without
the gym and the common routine. In the other hand, the parents are spending more time with
the family, in special, the children; the couples are knowing better one each other (it’s growing
up the divorce number around the world); the neighbors are reinventing the way of
communication and interactive; and the antifragile, the elderly people, wishing walking on the
street and running away from home.

As I’ve read in a text, “there is a virus outside bringing us back inside”, and I believe that is the
moment to everybody get back into ourselves, to think about our life, our habits and our
priorities. In this case, is also important pay attention in priorities and the decisions of bosses
and the people that we choose to represent us, it will get clear the personality and the next
steps to soften/ease the situation regarding the economy, healthy resources, jobs, employeers
and others.

We can’t close the eyes to people that don’t have a monthly salary paid by an employer, there
are so many informal workers who need to be out of the home to provide food and provide
financial commitments in general, but they also need to be in safe. Furthermore, to take care
of them, there are many healthy professionals away from the family, in insolation, to avoid the
contamination, and we don’t know when they can hug their relatives again.

Currently is necessary we have patience, wait for the enough time to decrease the
contamination’s number and avoid the healthy collapse. Stay at home and pray is just way to

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