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How amazing is April

I usually get vacation during the April month, as this year it was scheduled by me fourteen
days. It’s the month that autumn season begins but we have some sun highlighting’s days and
great temperature.

For me, it’s a special month because a half of my family celebrates the birthday…….. ? (from
who?/ several birthdays, including my grandfather, that nowadays is eighty-nine years old. So,
every week we usually have cake, barbecue and lunch out. Furthermore, this time is very nice
to enjoy a walk around of my state, Bahia, where the natural landscape is wonderful in all the

Last year I couldn’t have vacation in April because I was involved with some important projects
on my job that I couldn’t stop, but I remember that two years ago I got a perfect time. I
planned some days at Chapada Diamantina and some days at Morro de São Paulo. The first
one, I went by myself but I met some colleagues during the travel, nowadays we are good
friends. The second one, I went with my mother and two aunts, good time to relax with the
family. In general, it was the best vacation of my life.

This year we had a surprise with the health situation around the world with the coronavirus,
then April has been a month to stay at home and enjoy all the birthdays in isolation. Some
birthdays parties were celebrated by video call, where we used the Zoom app to talk with the
family in the same time. There, we sang old songs, talked news about the life, we laughed and
enjoyed. If we have a great and strong family, stay together is great and it helps us with the

We will complete almost a half of month in isolation, many things were done at home, I could
enjoy some free courses by online platforms, but now I’m looking to the sun on my window
and remembering my last vacations and writing this text. How long will take this isolation to
enjoy another free time outside, in a beach or stone? again?

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