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Good morning teacher and classmates, today I will talk about my timeline, which marks events that I

consider important throughout my life.

1 My first word which was understood as "anmita" but I think I really meant "mommy", for that age I
knew the numbers but not the letters, besides being a memorable day it was a nostalgic moment.

2 The first time I dressed up in "Halloween" it was a clown because I liked them a lot and because
they livened up a place with their jokes, that day I slept in the costume because I didn't want to take it
off, although without the wig, I looked like a clown.

3 My birthday was celebrated for the first time at my old school "Ausubel" with my friends, I admit that
that day was very special since everything was a surprise and I was waiting for the weekend to
celebrate it, but my mom managed to do a great and beautiful act.

4 my first communion, which was my second approach to God, I really felt blessed that day, despite
all the bad things, the ceremony could be carried out with great pleasure and it is an event that I
should not forget for my religion.

5 My first tour to the Sierra and Amazon and one of the best that left me with good memories of what
one can enjoy within reach. I could not be more excited because a good coexistence was achieved
and it was possible to enjoy the beauty that Ecuador offers.

6 By that date I hope to graduate with honors in Medicine, since in most universities the curricula for
the medical career have a duration of 5 years, in addition to a year of internship or undergraduate and
one more year of service. social.

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