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Life in the Past

I was born on the fifth day in the month of August on the year of the sheep, 2003. I'm the
first child in the family of 3 children that consist of a male and 2 females. I don't remember much
during the early years of my infant life as I never heard nor asked about it from my parents, and I
also doesn't have proven of it because I don't have any pieces of proof that I will be proud of, as
a history of my infancy life.
The first and foremost important picture of my early childhood that still exist till now in
my sub-conscious mind is that my father brought me to the muddy field on his broad and strong
shoulder, as I'm a young princess of him. Some few more pictures that are still live quite strong
in my mind is the day where I already reached my puberty stage.

In the month of June, 2007, it is the year when I had the best memories of my life. It is
the year when I started my schooling days at a small pre-k school. The school’s name was "
Pasngal Day Care Center", which still exist until today.

I started my learning in our mother tongue language and our national language. I started
to pronounce alphabet, words and numbers in English and finally I can write my entire name. In
primary school, I somehow create a bit of history, that is since primary one until grade 6, I
behold to be one of the best whenever we had our exam. The greatest thing is, as far as I
remember, my parents always cheer me with all my achievements. Personally, those
achievements mean more than enough for my parents’ happiness.

I may have a hard time during my pre-k to grade 6 years, there are still good things that
happened. Everyday I have to walk to school, as early as 6:30 in the morning, and return home
around two or three in the afternoon. The funny things are, I have my lunch box to school and
share it with my other friends and whenever I see the shoes of my classmates, I always dream to
have one of them someday because I always manifest for good things.

That’s the reality of my primary school life. I have nothing to regret about it because I
know that I am always grateful for what I have and I treasure it the most. I will never blame my
parents for what I have experienced, because I know that is the best, they can give me, my
education. I am grateful for having them because they are the one who gave me the chance to
live in this beautiful world, the creation of our Almighty God.

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