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Comunicación Integral II – Profesorado de Inglés IES II 2023

Córdoba, Joaquín Horacio
1) Describing Yourself
Hello, I’m Joaquín Córdoba. People can call me “Joa” or by my surname. I’m 20
years old. I´m Argentinian and I live in Humahuaca, Jujuy.
About myself, I’m a student from IES N°2 from Humahuaca. I study to become
an English teacher. It’s my second year in this career and it’s difficult. I live with
my parents and my dog Sasha in a small house. I have a sister too, but she’s
studying in S. S. De Jujuy in the Theatre career. Her name is Lihuén.
Describing myself, I’m a slim person, my skin is white colour. My body has a
particularity by the reason my face and my chest have red acne. I have long
brown hair and dark eyes. I usually wear glasses to see better.
I’m used to be a shy person, even I’m depressive or pessimist in certain
occasions. I rarely feel gorgeous or have confidence about myself. My father
said I have to make some changes because my behaviour is the cause I neither
socialize with people nor go outside home. I just do it when I have to go to
school and do homework in pairs or groups. In fact, I don’t have much self-
esteem. However, I like to stay with my family and help them if they have a
difficult day.
While I’m in classes, I don’t have much time to myself due to projects and
homework I have to complete. Although, I use my free time practicing writing
short stories or fanfics of my favourite characters, painting, watching some
parodies, listening or searching for music that calls me attention or playing with
my dog Sasha. To the fact I’m in home almost all the time, I don’t have friends
and don’t go to parties either.
Some spots I need to work, but I just have to give a try.

2) Describing a Photo

This is one of my favourite photos. It’s my dog, which is called Sasha. I took this
photo with my phone in the summer of 2021 when I was in holidays with my
family in home.
It was a rainy night and we stayed inside. There I saw her trying to sleep on the
chair. So, I approached picking my phone and making she pays me attention to
took the photo. After that, I felt so happy to get the perfect picture that I showed
to my mom and sister and they really loved it. We can see her on a red blanket
with those small cute eyes seeing to us.
I like this picture by the reason Sasha was still a puppy and wanted to
remember this moment due to there had been a month since she came to my
life. I keep this photo in my phone and computer as backgrounds. Apart from
this one, I like to take photos to another animals and backgrounds, such as
bunnies, cats, mountains, clouds, etc.

3) An Informal Email
Hi Sally!
I want to thank you for answer my email. At first, I wasn’t sure if you
would accept me again to go to your home. Now I’m relaxed because
we can see us again after a long time!
If you can meet me in the airport, that would be fantastic. My flight
number is the Arrival FR8722 at 12:40 on 28 August. Oh, my number
phone is 388-457-1156. It’s a good idea in case we’re lost and you
can call me.
About your questions, I must say I’m not annoyed to share the same
room with another student. I prefer have a big bedroom than a small
one. Also, I’m thinking to come back to my home during Winter
holidays to pass New Year with my family. Besides, after a long travel,
the first think I would like to do is take a rest for a while.
However, I hope to talk with you about how these last months were to
me as you tell me yours too. Your family look good, so I’m pleased to
talk with them too.

Best wishes for you.


4) Describing where you Live

The place where I live
I live in Humahuaca, which is an important city around Jujuy in Argentina. Its
population is over 40.000 people approximately. It was named by the UNESCO
as a Cultural heritage of Humanity, so there are a lot of international tourists
during holidays and festival days.
Humahuaca is famous by its culture and traditions. There are some museums
where tell the story of the ascendants’ past. In the centre, a monument can be
seen, which is the figure of a man with the hand up on the top. Churches are
around too and some shops selling souvenirs and blankets with a cultural
design. Also, you can find many storages, restaurants and hotels around the
By the reason Humahuaca’s weather is windy is because the localization. The
area is mountainous and arid, which makes extremely cold during winter and
stormy and hot in summer. Those weather can change in short time, so it’s
recommended to bring light clothes and jackets.
Humahuaca is famous by the story, sceneries and traditions. About festivities,
there are the Carnival in February, Santos Week in March or April, Pachamama
in August, Day of the Dead in November and the commemoration of the
goddesses such as Santa Barbara It has characteristic food too, in particular
locro, empanadas and tamales.
What I most like about Humahuaca are the backgrounds, which make you close
to the nature. With the weather combination, they can create some wonderful
sceneries to take photos.

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