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Lawrence Greghill R.


Lasallian Formation 3

Christian Perspective in Social Institutions

What are the 2 insights you earned from the course LD Form 3?

First Insight

My first deep insight is about Solidary. Pope Benedict once saide, “Solidarity

refers to the virtue enabling the human family to share fully the treasure of material and

spiritual goods”.

We human beings are just starting to comprehend this teaching. We have come a

long way, but the word ‘solidarity’ challenges us to our core. Today word solidarity is

experiencing a crisis. It is too hard to even think about defining the idea of solidarity, in

light of the fact that any delivered definition would be fragmented, would just

communicates one's perspective. We are altogether different gatherings. We are not really

quick partners nor are we each other's most noteworthy foe. We accept we share a few

things for all intents and purpose. We put stock in essential human rights and the need to

live with deference and respect. We accept we should ensure this planet, our air, water,

earth and nourishment or we will all pass on. We accept these worldwide corporate and

political organizations are serving just the premiums of the rich. We as a whole concur

it's the ideal opportunity for central and radical change. Solidarity is the manner by which

our assorted variety turns into our quality, we assemble our developments and we ensure
each other's lives and rights. Leave the give and take alone shared and equivalent. There

is a deep disconnection with the Earth, with our bodies, and with the very essence of life.

And as a result, for many people, life has lost its deeper sense of soul purpose or

meaning. When we are starved of this connection, we quite literally wither and dry up

inside. We can feel isolated and alone. As a result, there is a deep healing needed for our

collective planetary soul.

In the Philippines, different bodies, may it be juridical or personal, always in

conflict each other because of different goals in life and different approaches to achieve

those goals. Most often than not even at the expense of other. This would run contrary to

what the bible teaches us about solidarity. The bible teaches us to be Abel in the world

full of Cains. We are our brothers keeper whether we like it or not because we share this

mother earth together, as a gift from our God the Father.

Second Insight

The care for environment is as important as anything else in the world.

“There is a need to protect those common areas, visual landmarks and urban

landscapes which increase our sense of belonging, of rootedness, of ‘feeling at home’

within a city which includes us and brings us together.” – Pope Francis We should begin

settling on decisions that will enable the network, to save our characteristic assets and

take care of the earth. It's anything but a simple activity to do considering the worldwide

issues today yet helping each other and giving some an opportunity to deal with the

condition can have any kind of effect. We are stewards of nature and all of God’s
creation. On the off chance that we don't act now, the group of people yet to come will

never again encounter the excellence found in timberlands, mountains, islands and

experience various types of creatures en route. There are numerous handy approaches to

secure creation.

Every year observes the vanishing of thousands of plant and creature species

which we will never know, which our youngsters will never observe, in light of the fact

that they have been lost for ever. The incredible larger part become wiped out for reasons

identified with human movement. As a result of us, a great many species will never again

offer wonder to God by their very presence, nor pass on their message to us. We have no

such right. This is a fact stated in the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si.

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