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ENr l$orrcr No. 106 or 2OO7f


' 4
*-----t-- rr'-,= ' %
Nortcp No. 106published
GovsnNN{eNr on 181512007


oF RuIes


Rule Title

L Citation.
2. Interpretation.


3. Courtof Record,law,equityandrnediation.
4. Languageof theCourt.
5. Zonalcentresof theCourt.
6. Initiatingproceedings, referrals,responseandreply.
7. Issuance of documents andthe Reeistrar's duties.
8. Modeof filing of documents.
9. .Serviceof documents.
10. Pre-trialconferenceby the RegistrarandMediators.
I l. Judge'sdirectionandpowerson pre-trialmatters.
, 12. Non-compliance.
13. Enrolmentfor hearing.
14. Discoveryof documents.
15. Expertwitnesses.
16. Witnesssummons.
17. Evidenceandregulationof proceedings.
18. Nominationof assessors andtheiropinions.
19. Oathor affirmationof office by interpretersandtranslators.
20. Hearingof suit.
' 21. Judgment anddecree.
22. Of;Fences.
23. DispuJes originatingfrom theCourt.

Labour Courts
G N. No.106(contd.)

24. Applicationbeforethe Court.

25. lJ rgentrelief undercertificateof urgency'


26. Applicationof review of judgment.

21. Review in chambers.
28. Revision.
29. Appeals.
30. Notice of apPealand records.
31. Memorandumof aPPeal'
32. Hearing of apPeal.
33. Constitutionof the Court on appeals.
34. Withdrawalsand postponementof matters'
35. Re-enrollmentof postponedmatters
36. Matters struck offthe file.
37. Defaultjudgments.
38. Rescindingdefaultjudgment'
39. Consentorders.
40. Grounds of argument.
41. Submissionsby an amicuscuriae.
42. Partnerships,firms and associations'
43. Representationof Parties.
44. Joinderofparties and representative suit'
45. Extensionof decrees.
46. Pagination.
47. Consolidationof proceedings.
48. Enforcement of Court orders.
49. Enforcementof decisionsand awardsof the commission and
other responsiblePersonor bodY.
50. ieview or revisionon interlocutoryor incidentaldecsions
or orders.

G N. No. 106 (contd)

. 5l ' cost, feesandinterestin frivolousandvexatiousproceedings.

,. CoURToF Appeal

52. Labour Commissioner,s referenceto the Court.

53. certificate issued by the court on Labour commissioner,s
referenceto the Court of Appeal:
54. Appealsto the Court ofAppeal of Tanzania.


55. Proceduresspecificallynot provided for.

56. Extensionof time limits and condonation.
57. Reportsubmittedto the Chief Justice.

G. N. No.106(cpntd.)


(Made under section 55 (l))


PRpttvruanY PRovtstoNs

Citation l. TheseRulesmay be citedas the LabourCourt Rules,2007.

Interpre- 2.-(1) Unless the context otherwiserequires,any expressionin

tation theseRules that is defined in the Labour InstitutionsAct, 2004 and the
Employmentand Labour RelationsAct,2004, has the samemeaning
Acts Nos
as ln tnose Acts.
6 of 2004
"' (2) withoutprejudice (1)-
to subrule
i',iir' "Act"meanstheLabour Act,2004;
and Labour Relations Ac1,2004;
"application" includes an interlocutoryapplicationor any applicaticn
directedby the Court;
"association"meansan unincorporatedbody of persons;
"Commission" meansthe Commissionfor Mediation and Arbitration
establishedunder section 12 of the Act;
'lCouncil" means the Labour, Economic and Social Council
establishedunder section3 of the Act;
"Court" meansthe Labour Court;
"day" meansany day as definedunder the Interpretationof Laws Act;
"docufiient" includes any publication, and any matter written,
expressedor describedupon any substanceby means of letters,
figures, or marks, or by more than one of those means which is
Labour Courts
G. l,'1.No. 106 (t'otttd.)
intcndcclto bc uscd for thc puryosc of recording that r-nattcr,
docuurcntor rccordin clcctroniclorrn;
utcansanythingrclatingto tcchnologyhavingclcctrical,
digital, magnctic,wirclcss,optica[,clcctromagnetic, or similar
"fllc" mcansfiling
o1'doculncnts lvith thc Rcgist"ar;
lncansa busincsscarricdon by a solc owncr or body corporatc
rundera scparatcnalxc;
urcans thc Govcrnmcnt Guzette as clcfincd in thc
Intcrprctation of [-awsandGcncralClauscsAct, Cap. I R.E.2002;
"Judgc Chainnan"
utcausthc JuclgcChainr-ran of tlic t-abourCor-rrt
4ppointcdundcrscction50 of thc Act;
"Jr"rdgc in-chargc"lncansthc judgc in-chargcof thc zonalccntrcof'thc
CourtappointcdundcrScction50 of thc Act;
urcansa JLrdgc of thc Court,and incl'-rdcs an acting.ludgc;
Coufi" mcansthc l-abor"rr Divisionof thc IIigh Court:
lncansto notify in writing;
lncans a party to Cor,rrtprocccdinusancl inclLrdcsa pcrson A c t s N o s
rcprcscntinga partyin tcrn-rs t-l'scction56 of thc Act and scction88 6 of 2004
o1'tlrcIinrploymcnlanclI-abourllclationsLcI2004; ancl7 of
"pLrblic 2001
holiday"urcilnsa day rvhichis cicclarcc'l to bc or proclairncd
as C a p . 3 5
r pLrblicholidayunclcrthc PublicIlolidaysAct;
a rccor:cl
in rvritlcnorclcctroniclbrrn anclincluclcstaoc
u'cansthc Rcgisrraranclthc Dcputy Rcgistrarol'thc CoLrrt
appointcdin tcrmsof scction54 of thc Act and inclLrdcs any othcr
personauthorizcdto act in thc placc of thc l{cgistrar o;' Dcputy
mcansany pcrsouauthorizcduncicrscction56 of thc
Act to reprcscnta party;
l.ncatsscrviccon othcr partics;
hasthc rncaningas ascribccl in rulc 9;
rccording"includcsa soundtrack,f ilnr, rnagnctictapc,r'ccordor
any othcr matcrialson rvhichvisual imagcs,soundor othcr infor-
mationcanbc rccorclccl.


Lubour C-ottrts
G. N. Mr. 106 (contd.)
Anu INlsrnllloN ANDPltoctiDt-rRES

C ourt t)l 3'-(l)'I'lrc[-abor'rrC],law,cclL

I { c co r t l , mcdiationanc'lshall kccP-
llnv, (a) its judgmcnts,iulings, orclcrs,dccrccsor clccdsof scttlcmcnt
c q ui t y
r r tc t l i a - (b) cviclcttccgivcn;
tiorr (c) tlbjcctiorls..adc to any cviclc-ncc or tctrclcrccl'
(cl) on_thc_spot rccorclccl
irispcctiorianclarry.rtrattcr as a rcsult of'
that inspcctionanclrcports;ttncl
(c) procccclings gcncrallY'

(2) 'l'hcrccorclrcf-crrcd lbrtr]s

to in sttbrulc(l), shallbckcpt itr sr.tch
as thc (lor.rrtmaYclcctr lit.

(3) A transcrrpt a portionof thc transcript

of clcctronicrccorclings'
rcqtlcstby any of thc
or rccordingmay bc tlaclc to thc flourt tlpon
particsfrotrl titnc 1otttlc.
(4) Any transcriptof clcclronicrccordingsshall bq ccrtificd
lilcclwith thc I{cgislrar.

shallbc clccuccl
(5) A ccrtificcltranscriptof clcctronicrccorclings
rtl ltc corrcctttnlcssprovcllolhcrwlsc'

fl.omtrn-rcto lllnc, nna ln thc prcscnccof thc l{cgistrar,
otherwiscbY thc 'ludgc'

[-anguagc 4'-(l).|hclangtragcofthcCotrrtslrallbcbi-lirrgr-ralin
of the L.nglishor Kiswal-riliol both, i:s thc citsctnav bc'

procccclings, judgmcnt'mlingndccision'orclcrot' clccrcc
translatcdto thc othcr
. 1 5 1o l - shall bc rvrittcn rn cith-criungi,ug.anclrnay bc
rulc l9 of thc thcsc
Iq85 languagcby translatorrr*uin or affirmcclunclcr
Rulcsas maYbc ncccssary'
Lubour Courts
G. lV.No. 106 (r,orrttl.)
5 Chicl'Justiccmay cstablishzonal ccnlrcsupclapnorrrt11 z.nal
Juclgcin-chargcof any suchzonal ccntrcas hc rrraytlctcr-r1inc, ancl ccntfcs
cach zonal ccntrcshall dischargcthc lirnctionsol. thc coLrrlus nrav ol'tlrc
lio' ti'rc to tiurc,bc dctcmrincdby thc Jr-rdgc

6 -(l) Aparty initiatingrcl-crralprocccclings to thc coLrrtsh.ll lllc I ni t i l t i n g

a statcrncnt o1-cornplaintas prcscribccl in IiornrNo.I of thc Schcclulc proccctl-
to thcscRulcsand shall- lllqs.
r c l c rl t r l s .
(a) havca hcacling contai'ingthc fblrolvi's inrirrr,uri.'- | e s p ()i l s c
( i ) t h c t i t l co f t h c n r a t t c r ; l u r r rl c p l l '
(ii) thc cascnurnbcr. assignccl by lhc I{cgistrar;
(iii)an aclclrcss ol'thc party firing thc clocurrc'tar rvhiclrthat
parryrvill acccpt'.ticcs anclsc^,iccof'all clocu'c'ts irr
thc procccclings; and
(rv)a noticc aclvisingthc othcr p.rty tha{ if' hc intcrcrs
orrposcthc'rattcr, a bc rilccrin or'
subnrlc(3), within tiftccrrclaysol'scrviccr ol'thc sl.tcrrcrt
o f c o m p l a i n tr,a i l i r r co f w h i c hs h a l lc a L r s1ch cr n a t t crr. b c
sct clownfor clcljrult.luclgrncnt;
(b) havca substanlivc partcontainingthc lilllorvirg inlirrrrutron
(i) thc 'a'rcs, clcscription andaclclrcssers oI thc lr.rtics:
(ii) a clcaranclconciscstatcnrcnt ol tlrcrnutc.r'iul lirctsunclany
lcgal issucsthat rnay arisc,an.angccl in a chro'ological
orclcr,which lhc partyrclics,whcrcasthc statc'rcrrtshall
contains'lllcicnt particurars 1ocnabrc.rv upposinupurly
1orcply to thc clocurncnt; ancl
( i i i )t h c r c l i c l . s o u g h r ;
(c) bc signcclby thc partyto tltc procccclings;
(cl) cxprcssall datcs,st-tltts ancltrLrurbcrs containcrl in tlrcclocurlcrrt
in l'igLrrcs; ancl
(c) bc accotl'tllatliccl by a Schedulclislingantllrilachilgtlrc tloi:Lr-
lncltlsthiltarc matcrialanc.l rclcvanttti lhc cllrint.

(2) Subjcctto thc provisionsof subscction (6) rl. Scctio' I g .f'thc

Act, whcrcthc rnattcris a rcfcnalby thc Dircctor-ol'1hc
(a) thc palty rcf'crringthc clisputcto thc Dircctor
shall ljlc a
statc'rcntof complaintwithin filiccnclayslr.orrthc clatcrvhich
thc Dircctornotiflcclthc partyof thc rcll'rr-al
ol'thc rlispLrrc
lhc C'orrrt,
Labour Courts
G. N. 1/o. 106 (c'ontcl.)
a coplrof
(b) a statcrnentof cornplaintshallbe accompanicdwith
thc aPPlicationfor the refenzil:

(3) A rcsponclcnt of complaintis servedmay

on whotn a statement
filc a rcsponscto that statemcnt' l
the rnodification
(4) Subjectto subrule(l), thc rcsponseshall'with
rcquired infonnation'
as lnay bc icquircd by the contcxt,containthe
'fhe parties
(5) rcsponscshallbc filed and scrvedon all necessary
statement cornplaint
within fifteen days frorn the dateon which thc
was filed.

the response
(6) Thc complainantmay rcply to the statementof
was filed'
wittrln scvcndays frorn the datc on which the responsc
'fhc to all
I ssuance 7.-(l) Registrarshall assignconsecutivecascnumbers
of cloctt- documcntsthat initiateproceedings'
shall be
(2) Procecdingsinitiated at any of the zonal centres
and the
Registrar office'
dultcs assigncdthc consecutivecasenumbersof that
(3) Thc Rcgistrarshall cnsurethat cvery document
is markedwith the samecase
filcd in rcspcctof thc sameproceedings

fro-many party
(4) Thc Registrarmay refuscto.accepta document
cascnumber assigned
if thc clocurnentis not p.op"rly markedwith the
by thc Regtstrar.

any apparcnt
(5) Thc Registrarmay rcquesta party to correct
clcfcctor crror in any documentthat is filed'

thc document
(6) Sub;ectto subrule(5), thc Registrarshallforward
party has refusedto cor-
to a Judge in chamberfor directionswhere a
rcct any documentafter such a requestby thc
'Ihc them
(7) l{cgistrarshallkeepthe Court'srecordsand disallow
prior authorizationby the
i. bc takcn liom the .lourt buiiding without
Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (conrd.)
8.-( I ) All documentsmay Qefilcd with the Rcgistrarin a sufficient N4odcof
nurnbcrof copicsby- t r l i n go f
(a) handingthe documentsto thc Registrar,or clocu-
(b) sendingthc copiesof thc documents by a rcgistcrcdmail; or
(c) f-axingor c-mailingthc documents.

(2) The documentshallbe deemedto havcbcenduly filcd with the

Registraron the datewhich thatdocumenthasbcen-
(a) handedto thc Registrar;
(b) sentby a registercdmail to the Rcgistrar;or
(c) transmittedby fax or e-mail.

(3) All documentsfiled with the Registrarshallbc in originalfonn,

but in the case of documentsfiled by fax or ernail, thc original
documentshallbe filed within flfteendaysfollowingthe datcon which
the documentsfaxcdor emailedwere filcd.

9.-(l) A documcntrequiredto be scrvedon any otherpcrson,rnay Servicc

bc scrvcdby- of
(a) handinga copy ofthc documcntto thc person(s) conccrncd; clocu-
(b) leaving a copy of thc documcnt at the pcrson's placc of ments

residenceor business with any othcr personwho is apparently

l8 yearsold or aboveand in chargeof the prcmiscsat thc tirne;
(c) leaving a copy of the documcnt at thc pcrson's place of
employmentwith any personwho is apparentlyl'8 ycarsold or
above and in authority;
(d) faxing or c-rnailinga copy of thc documcntto thc pcrson,if thc
personhas a fax nurnberor an intcrnetfacility;
(e) handing a copy of the document to any rcprcscntativc
authorizedin writing to acceptserviceon behalfof thc pcrson;
(0 leavinga copy of the docurnentat that addrcssor by faxing it
or e-mailingit to that fax numberor internetfacility whcrethc
personhas.chosen an addressor fax numberor c-mail addrcss
for service;
(g) sendinga registeredrnail to the lastknown addressof thc party
and it will be presumedthat service was effected on thc
scvcnthday following thc day on which the documentwas
(h) a substitutedserviceas may be authorizedby thc Court.
G. l,'1.lxlo 106 (c'ontd.)
(2) Whcrc tltc pcrsonto bc scrvcclis a-
(a) body corporatc,by scrving a copy of thc on a
rcsponsiblcctnploycc of thc body corpolatc at its rcgistcrccl
olflcc ot' its principalplacc of btrsincsswithin thc Unitccl
I{cpLrblic or its train placcol'busincss within thc gcographical
alca in rvhich thc llrst
clispr,rtc arosc or, if thcrc is no ctr-rploycc
willing to ucccptscrvicc,by affixinga copy of thc docut-ncnt
to thc rliriu cloolof thc olllcc or placcof busincss;
( b ) traclcunion ot' ctlploycrs'olgattizaticln, by scrvitlga copy tll'
thc clocunrcnt on it rcsponsiblc ctlploycc wlto at tltc tittrco1'
scrviccis apllalcntlyin chatgcof thc main ollicc ol'thc union
or cmploycls' organizationor thc ltt,ion's or ctrploycrs'
organizatiort's oflicc within thc gcogrrpltical arcain r,vhich thc
clisputcfirst that offlcc or thc union or ctnploycrs'
organization or. if'thcrcis l-topcrsonwilling to acccptscrvicc,
by alTixing copy of thc documcntott thc uain cloorof that
( c ) partncrship,lirm or association, by scrving a copy of thc
clocunrcnt ou a pcrsolt who at tltc timc of scn'iccis apllalcntly
in chargcof thc prcmiscsand l8 ycarsof llqc ()r llbovc.ltt tltc
placcof busincss of suchpartncrship, llnn or association or, if
suclrpartncrship, limr or association hasno placcof busincss,
by scrvinga copy of thc c'locumcnt on a partncr,thc owncr of
lI thc firur or tltc cltairman or sccl'ctaryof 1hc rlanagitrg
partncr'/clircctor ot othcrcontrollingboclyof suchassociation,
1 as thc cascrnaybc;
(cl) I-ocal Authority, by scrving a copy of thc clocutnclrton thc
Dircctor,or any pcrsonactingon his bchall;
( c ) statutorybody,by scrvinga copy uponthe sccrctaryor an off-t-
ccr or mcmbcr of thc boardor committecof that body,or any
pcrsonactingon its bchalf;
(1) Govcrnmcntor llcgionalAdrninistration, by scrvinga copy oll
a rcsponsiblc cmploycc of that olficc and any othcr
rcsponsiblcof flccr of thc AttorncyGcncral'sChambcrs;and

( 3 ) Proof of scrviccshallbe provcltin Courl by*

(a) an affidavrt of thc processscrvcr or any othcr pcrson who


G. N. No l)qri,,ttrtl
( b ) an alllclavitol'thc pcrsoltrvho cffcctcdscrvicc,which shall
providc proof of thc corrcctthx numbcror c-mail acldrcss and
confirnrationthat thc wholc of thc transmissionwas cornnlct-
cclwhcrc scrviccwas cll'cctcclby tax or c-mail;
( c ) a signcclacknowlcdgcrncnt of rccciptby thc party on whornthc
clocurncntis scrvcclr,vhcrcthc pcrsonon whom thc documcnt
has bccn scrvcclis alrcadyon rccordas a party; or
( d ) proclucingthc rccciptissucclby thc post offico lbr thc posting
of thc rcgistcrcclrnail anclan afficlavitthat trrc lcttcr.nostccl
containcclthc clocurncnt conccrncd.

(4) whcrc thc co'rt is clissatisficd

that scrvicclrastakcnplaccrn
accordanccwith this rLrlc,it uray makc any orclcras to scrvitc that it

I0.-( l) Whcrca rcsponscaltclattylirrthcrrcply thcrctoarc fllcclthc [)r'c-trial

particsto thc procccdingsshall hold a prc-trialconl-crcncc bclbrc tlrc conftr-
Itcgistraror thc Mccliatorattachccl to thc court in tcrms of subrr.rlc ot
within llliccrr claysof thc clalcol'liling of thc rcsponscanclany firrthcr ;',t;t
(2) During a prc-trialcorrf'crcncc,thc particsshallllrst attcmptt.
rcachan arrricablc scttlcrncntby any nrcansavailablcto thc partics,
(a) lirctsthat arc conllton causc;
(b) fhctsthat arc in clisputc;
(c) thc issucsthatthc CoLrrtis rccluircclto clcciclcuporr;
(d) thc prcciscrclicl'clainrccland if cornpcnsation is clairncclthc
amountof thc courpcnsation anclits calculation;
(c) cliscovcry,cxchangcof clocumcntsand thc prcparationof a
pagi'atcclb'ncllc of clocumcntation in a chronologic.lordcr;
(f) thc rnannerin which clocur.ncntary cvicrcnccis to bc clcaltwith,
including any elgrccmcnton thc status of documcntsancl
whcthcr thcsc docurncntsor parts of clocurncnts,wiil bc
admissiblcas cvidcnccof whatthcy pLuportto bc;
(g) whcthcr cviclcnccin rcspcctof an affidavit wiil bc adrnittccl
with or without thc right of any party to lllc coLrntcralilclavit,
rcply to it or 1ocross-cxa'ri'cthc dcponcnt,with lcavcof thc

Labour Cotu"ts
C ru.ruo.t06 (c'otttd.)
(h) which PartYshall cornmence;
(i) the necessityfor any on-the-spotlnspectlon;
of any witncssat Courl:
at securingthe presence
points that are intendcdto bc
f"il ,t-,.reso-lutionof any preliminary
(l) the exchangeof witnessstatemcnts;
(rr) exPertevidence;
be shortcned;
(n) any othermeansby which the procccdingsmay
for thc hcaring; and
(o) an cstimatcof thc tirne requirccl
and if so' for which
(p) whcther an interpreteris requiredor not'
languagcsand thc filannerof sccr"rringhis presenccat Court;

if any,and the
respectivelyiobe signedby parlicsand thcir advocatcs

(2) to this Rule'
a non settlementorder as sct out in subrr-rlc

prcscribe,from timc to
cconomic and other relevantcircumstanccs,
this rulc'
sittingin any proceedingsof thc Courrtundcr

scttlcmenthas been
11.-(l) Slbject to this subrulc'whcre no
Judec,s shall forward the
,tirec- reachedduring the pre-trial confcrcncc'thc Rcgistrar
of thc Court for
tionsand filc to the Jidge Chainnan or Judge-in-chargc
powers assignmentund til" presidingJudgc,on reccivingsuchfilc may direct-
is satisfied
onpfe- (a) the Registrarto enioll thc matterlor hcaringif hc
l:if that the matter is rcady for hcaring;or
. ln chamberto deal with any of thc prc-trialmattcrs;
at a datc'
(c) the parties to convenea forrnal pre-trial conf-erence
presidingJudgcshall' dcal with any of the
(l)' thc presiding
(2) Subjectto paragraphs(a) and (b) of subrule
any approprilte ordcrs
Judgemay, at a pre+rial conferenceheld' make
[,abour Courls
G. l\'1.No. 106 (t.ortti.)
12. whcrc a party fails to attcndany prc-trialconfcrcnccconvcnccl Non-
i n t c r t l s o f r u l c s l 0 ( l ) , l l ( l ) ( a ) o r ( b ) o r l l i l s t o c o m p l yr v i t ht h c c o n r P l i -
dircctionsrnadcby thc prcsicling.luclgcin tcrrnsof rLrlcI l, thc mattcr a'cc
rnay bc cnrollcd for an cx-parlchcaringor dismissccl, as thc cascuray
bc, on thc dircctionof thc prcsicling Judgcand thc clclaLrlting parly
shallnot bc penriittcdto appcarat thc hcaringunlcssthc court, on suf-
ficicnt causcshown,makcsappropriatcordcrs.

13.-(l) Wlicrc thc prcsiding.lLrclgc that any clircctions llttrolrnc

givcn in tcnns of rulcs6, 7, 8, 10, ll ancl12 havcbccn sa{isllccr. lrll()l
shall dircct thc Rcgistrarto cnroll thc mattcr1orhcaring.

(2) Whcrc thl l{cgistlll rcccivcsa dir.cctron

unclcrsubnrlc( l), hc
shallcnrollthc mattcrandnotifythc particsof thc tiurc,datcandplacc
fixcd for hcaring.

14. A docutncntwhich ltasnot bccndisclosccl durins thc prc-trial [)iscovcr

conf-crcnccmay not, cxccptli'itlrthc lcavco1'thcCourl.bc grantcc|6n r o1'tloc-
whatcrcr tcnns thc court clccnrsllt, bc usccllbr anv purposcat thc r-rr'clrts
hcaringby thc personwho rvasobligcdto discloscit. cxccptlhat thc
documcntor tapc rcccrdingmay bc Lrsccl by a pcrsonothcr than thc
pcrsonwho was obligcdto discloscit.

15.-(l) Any partyintcndingto call an cxpcrtwitncssshallscrvc o l:xpcrt

noticc to that cffcct, togcthcrwith a sul-rlmary \\'rlncss-
of thc cvidcncc and
opinionof thc cxpcrtwitncss,not lcssthan flftecndaysbclbrc thc datc
appointcdfor hcaringunlcssthc Courtdircctsothcrwisc:

Providcdthat thc coufi may allorva shortcro' longcrpcriod wrrich

is lcssor morc than fillccn days.

(2) Wherc c party lails to coniplywith thc provisionsof subnrlc

( l ) , t h cc o u r t r n a yn o t a d u r i t h cc v i t l c n c oc r l d u r i t . t o n l v o n s u f f i c i c n t

16.-(1) Any party rvho rccluircsa witncss lo attcud any wrr'css

procccdingsto givc cvidcncc on his bchall'may havc it sllullous srinr-
issuedby the Registrarfor that purposc. Inorrs

[,ubotu' Courts
(]. ll. No. 106 (c'ortrd.)
12. whcrc a party fails to attcndany prc-trialconfercnccconvcnccl No'r-
i n t c n n s o f r u l c s l 0 ( l ) , l l ( l ) ( a ) o r ( b ) o r l l i l s t o c o n i p l yw i t h t l r c c o n r P l i -
dircctionsrnadcby thc prcsicling.luclgcin tcrrnsof rulc I l, thc urattcr a'cc
rnay be cnrollcd lor an cx-partchcaringor dismissccl, as thc cascu]ay
bc, on thc dircction of thc prcsic'ling JLrdgcand thc clclaultingparty
shallnot bc penriittcdto appcarat the hcaringunlcssthc Court,on suf-
ficicnt causeshown,makcsappropriatcordcrs.

13.-(l) Whcrc thc prcsiding.ludgcclcciclcs that any clircctions llrtrolrnc

givcn in tcnns of rulcs6, 7, 8, 10, ll ancl12 har.,c nrror'
bccn salisllcc'I.
shall dircct thc Rcgistrarto cnroll thc mattcr1orhcaring.

(2) Whcrc th; I{cgistlarrcccivcsa dir.cctron ( l). hc

shallcnrollthc mattcrandnotifythc particsof thc tiurc,datcanciplacc
fixcd for hcaring.

14. A docutncntrvhichltasnot bccndisclosccl durins thc prc-trial i)iscovcl

conf'crcnccmay not, cxccptli'ith thc lcavco1'thcCour1.bc grantccl6u 1'o1'tloc-
whatc"cr tc'ns thc c'oLrrtdccursllt, bc usccllbr anv purposcat lrrc r-rr.c!.rs
hcaringby thc personwho rvasobligcdto discloscit. cxccptthat thc
documcntor tapc rcccrilingmay bc r,rsccl by a pcrsonothcr than thc
pcrsonwho was obligeclto discloscit.

15.-(l) Anypart'7intcndingfe g3[ an cxpertwitncs:;shallscrvc ., l:xpcrt

noticc to that cffcct, togcthcrwith a sunlmaryof thc cvidcncc ancl \\'rrncss-
opinionof thc cxpcrtwitncss,not lcssthan llftccn daysbcrbrcthc datc
appointcdfor hcaringunlcssthc Courtdircctsothcrwisc:

Providcdthat thc Coufi may allorva shortcror.longcrpcriodwhich

is lcssor morc lhan fillccn days.

(2) Wherc c party Iails to coniplywith thc provisionsof subnrlc

( I), thc court rnaynot aduritthc cvitlcnccor ldurit .t orrlvon sulficicnt

16.-(I ) Any party rvho rccluircsa witncss lo attcncl any wit.css

procccdingsto givc cvidcncc on his bchall'maryhavc it sllult-lous strnr-
issuedby the Rcgistrarfor that pLlrposc. rtrorrs

Labour Courts
G. rV..Vo. 106 (contd.)
Schcclulcto thcscRulcs and shallbc signedby the Registrar'

(3) Whcrc a witncss is rcquircclto produccany doctturcntas

thc sutntnonssl-rall
cviclcnccor any thing in thc witncss'sposscssion,
spccifythc documcntor thing to bc prodr-rcccl'

scrvcrin any lllanncras prcscribcdin rulc 9'

praciicablcaftcr ser.riccof thc summonshas bccn cffccted,

(6) Aftcr thc witncsshashandcdovcr any clocumcntor thing to thc

inspcctcclby any party to thc procccdings'

thing to thc
subrulc (6), the Registrarshall rcturn thc documcntor
wltncssaltcr obtaininga copy thcrcoffor rccordpLlrposcs'

anclrcg- rcfcrrcd to it, shall bc cntitlcd to clicit all sucl-rinfbnlation as in thc
ulation withoLrt bcing
or pro-
.ir.utr'trtun.., may bc considcrcd ncccssary
rules of in or criminal
cceclings unrcasonablybouni by thc ^cvidcncc ^civil
or dcfeating
proccedings,which wotrld havc the cffcct of interfcring
ordcr' rcquire any person to-
ihc good endsof justicc and may by
any mattcras may bc rcquired;or
( b ) attendbcforc thc Court and givc cvidenccon oath;or
( c ) Providcclthat, if any witncssrcfuscsto furnishany
or to answcrany qttcstionor to produccany documcntor
him or any othcr lawful
on thc groundsthat it rnayincriminatc
groundlhc shall not bc rcquircdto l'umishsuchparticulars
io unr*., suchqucstionsor to produccany documcntor
nor shall hc bc liablc to any pcnalty lbr rclusing to do so'

Labour Cotrr'l.s
No. 106 (c'orttd.)
G. 1,,/.
(2) Exccptas is providcdfor in thc Acts or Rulcsmaclchcrcunclcr.
1hc Court as thc casc ,lltay bc, rnay rcgulatc thc proccdr-rrc
in any
as it shall clccrnfit.

l B . - (l ) S u b j c c t o t h c p r o v i s i o n os f s u b s c c t i o(nl ) ( a ) a n d ( b ) o l ' N o r r i n a -
scction53 of thc Act, thc two panclsof asscssors shallbc norninatccl tionof
by thc Council, onc pancl of asscssors rcprcscntingthc intcrcstol- ,l:':::'lt.
Associationof ll'rploycrs anclthc othcr onc rcprcscnri'grhc :ll;l,l,.l.,]'.
intcrcstof thc'fradcUnion Congrcssof 'lirnzarria.

(2) Aftcr asscssors havc bccn nominatcclthc Chainnanol- thc

Councilshall forwarclthc narncsof lhc two panclsol'asscssors
to tlrc

(3) fhc pancl of asscssors nominatcclby thc rncmbcrsof thc

Councilshall bc nominatccl in rcspcctof thc Court and cvcry zonal
ccntrcof thc court which shall bc rcvicwcclbv thc mcurbcrsol' thc
Council aftcr an cxpiry of cvcry two ycars.

(4) At thc conclusionof proccedingsbcforc thc CoLrrt,thc

prcsidingJ u d g cs h a l l -
(a) scckand rccordthc opinionof thc asscssors prcscnt,bLrtshall
not bc boundby suchopinion;and
(b) whcrc hc disagrccs with thc opinionol'any asscssor,hc shall
glvc rcasons.
(5) Chicf Justiccmay, aftcr consiclcration of thc prcvailing
cconomicand othcr rclcvantcircumstanccs arrdin consultation with
thc Ministcr rcsponsiblcfor labour mattcrs,prcscribcfi-orr tirnc to
timc, sr,rchamoLlntof sittingallowanccto bc paid to asscssorssittingin
any procccdings of thc Court.

19. Bcforc any intcrprctcror translatorintcrprctsor translatcsin oathor

Couft or clscwhcrcin rclationto colrrtwork, hc shall takc an oath or llli|nra-
an affinnationas prcscribedin Fomr No.2 in thc Schcdulcto thcsc ":]: u',
Rulcsbcforca Judgcof thc Cour1,
Providcd that any pcrson aclrnittccland cnrollcd as a sworn lll:i""
intcrprctcror translator 'lanzania
of any divisionol'thc lligh Courtof transla-
shall bc dccmcdto bc a sworn or afflnncclintcrprctcror translatorfor tors
thc Cor.rrt.

Luhottt' Cottt't,t
G. ,N.Aro.106 (contd.)
llcaring 20.-(I ) Thc cor-nplainant has thc right to begin unlcss thc
or'strit respondcnt admitsthc l'actsallcgcdby thc cotnplainant and contcnds
cither on a point of law or on somc additionaltacts allcgcdby thc
thc complainantis not cntitlcd to any part of thc
6c{'clclantand whcrc--
rclicf rvhichhc sccks,in which cascthc rcsponclcnt has thc right to

(2) lixccpt r,r,hcrcboth particsagrecothcrwisc,thc trial of a sLrit

r.vhoarc gcncrallyknowlcdgcablc
sliallbc r,viththc aiclof trvo asscssots
of thc flcld conccrninsthc trial suii.

(3) WhcLc,in thc courscof thc trial,onc of thc asscssorsis abscnt,

thc Clourt llay procccclancl conclttclcthc trial with thc rcmaining
asscssOr LnaYbc.
as thc case-

(4) On thc day l.ixccllbr thc hcaringof thc sr"rit or on any othcr day
lo rrhicltlltc lrclrrilrgis il(lj()ufnctl
(a) thc party having thc right to bcgin shall statchis casc ancl
proclucchis ct,iclcnccin supportof thc issucswhich hc is
bo'-tnci to provc;
(b) thc othcrparty sl-rall statchis cascand producchis cvidcnccif
any, anclnay thcn adcircssthc Court gcncrallyon thc wholc
case:ancl '' t
(c) the partyhavingthc right1obcginmay thcnrcply gcncrallyon
thc lvholccasc.

(5) Whcrc thcrc arc scYcl'al issncsthc burdcnof proof lics on thc
thc right to bcgin may, cithcr producc
othcr party anclthc party l-ra.'ing
I his ci,iclcnccon thosc issttcsor rcscrvcit by way of rcsponscto thc
cvidcnccpr()ducccl by thc othcr parly,and in thc lattcr case,thc pafty
i havrngthc right to bcgin rnayprocluccthc cvidcnccand thc othcr pafty
may lhcn rcply spccifi^allyon thc cvidcnccso produccdby thc party
having thc right to begin,cntci'savcthat thc party liaving thc right to
bcginn'ill thcn bc cntitlcdto rcply gcncrallyon the w.holccasc'

1 6 ) l h c c v i r l c n c co l , , r ' i t n c s si en sa t t c t l i l l t n csch a l lb c t a k c no r a l l y
in an opcn Court in thc prcscncc,pct'sonal dircctionand supervisionof
thc prcsidingJr-rdgc.

G. N. lVo.106 k'otrtd.)
(7) The evidenceof each 'uvitncssshall be takcn down in thc
languageof the Court, by br in the prcscncc,pcrsonaldircction and
supervisionof the presiding Judge, not ordinarily in thc fonn ol'
qucstionand answcr,but in that of a narrativcand thc prcsidingJr"rdgc
shallsign and datethe samc.

(8) The Court may, on its own motion or on thc applicationol'any

partyor his advocate,takc down any particr"rlar
qucstionand answcror
any objectionto any question,iftherc appcarsto bc any specialrcason
for so doing.

(9) Where any questionaskcdto a witncssis objectcdto by any

parly or his advocatcand thc Court allows thc samcto bc askcd,thc
prcsiding Judge may writc down thc qucstion, thc 2ifrswcr.thc
objection and the name of thc pcrson asking it, tog.:thcrwith thc
dccisionof the Court thereon.

(10) The presidingJudgcshall rccord such rcmarksas it dccnrs

neccssaryin rcspectto thc dcme:rnourof any witncss whilc undcr
examinationand may directa couft recordcrto makc a rccorclof thc
whole, or any part of, or the substancc
of thc cvidenccof any witncss
or other proceedings.

(l l) A recordmadein accordancc with submlcl0 shall,as soonas

practicable,be procqssed by the salncor any clthercourt rccordcrwho
shallcertify thc sciipt to be corcct and cornplctcanrJit siralllomr part
of thc rccord.

(12) For thc pluposc of this rulc "conrt rccoidcr" lncans any
pcrsonappointedby thc JudgcChairmanto bc a court rccordcr.

(13) Whcre a presidingJudgc is prcclr"rdcd by dcath, transfcror

othcr causcfrom concludingthe trial of a suit, his sncccssclrmay clcal
with any cvidcnceor filcmorandur-n written down or madc uncicrthc
foregoingrulei;as if such cvidcnccor mcmorandumhas bcen writtcu
down or rnadeby hirn or under his directionunderthc said ruics and
rnayprocccdwith thc-suitfronr thc stagcrt was lcft by his prcdcccssor.

( l4) Whcrca witncssis aboutto lcavcthcjurisdicticnof thc Court

or other sufficicntcauscis shownto thc satisfactionof thc Court why
his cvidenccshouldbc takcn irnmecliatclythc Cor.rfirnay--

Labour Courts
G. l\i. No. 106 (contd.)
(a) r-rpon thc applicationol'any pafty or of tl-rcwitncss,at any tture
aftcr thc institution of tl-resuit, takc thc evidcncc of sucl-t
(b) if sr-rch cvidcnccis not takcn fbrthwith and in thc prcsenccof
thc partics,givc suclrnuticc as it thinks sufficicnt,on thc day
fixctl for thc cxamination,to thc partics'

(15) Court may' at anv stageof a suit-
suchqucstionsas thc Court deer-ns fit;
(b) inspcctany propeftyor thing arisingfrorn thc qucstion'

Juttgnrcrrt 21.-( l) Aftcr thc hcaringof,thc casc.thc Court shall pronotlncc

and judgrncntin an open Court,citherat onccor at a futurc datc of which,
clucnoticc shall bc given to thc particsor their advocatcs.

(2) prcsidingJudgemay pronouncea judgmcntwritten by his
prcdeccssor but not Pronounccd.

'l'hcjudgrncntshallbc writtcnby, or rcduccdinto writing undcr

thc pcrsonetlclircctionarnclsupcrvisionof thc prcsidingJudgc in thc
languagcof thc Court and shallbc datedand signcdby suchprcsiding
judgc .ts of thc datc on which it is pronounccdin an opcn Cor-rrtand
tnJc signedit, shall not aftcrwardsbc altcredor addedsavcas provid-
cd by thcscRules.

(4) Thc judgmentshallcontaina conciscstatcmcntof the casc,thc

thc dccisionthcrconand thc rcasonsfor such
pointsfor cletcrrnination,
(5) dccrccshall bcar thc datc on which thc judgrncutwas
pronounccdand, whcn thc Jr.rclgc is satisficdthat the dccrcehas bccn
.lro*n up in accorclancc with thc judgmcnt hc shall thcn sign thc

(6) Whcrc a Judgchas vacatcdofficc after pronouncingjudgmcnt

without signing thc dccrcc,a decrccclrawnup :nay be signcdby his

Labour Courts
G N. N;. t1n 1t:,,ttt,l.1
22.-(l) Whcrc membcrsof thc prcssarc allowccl to bc prcscnt at Offbnccs
any proccedingsunder thc Act, a fair and accuratc rcport or slllnlxary
of proccedings inch-rdingthe evidencc adduccd thcrcat may bc

Provrdcdthat, until thc judgmcnt,rr,rling,ordcr,dccrccor awarciof

thc court is dclivcrcdor pronounccdby thc court, no colr.llncntsshall
bc publishcdofthc procccdingson any cvidcnccaciducccl thcreat.

(2) A pcrsonwho-
(a) bcforc a judgrncnt,ordcr, ruling or dccrccof thc co'r-r has
bccndclivcrcd,discloscor publishcs-
(i) the rclicfs or outcorncof thc judgrncnt,orcicr; fr.rli'g or
(ii) any cornrncnton thc procccdingsor any cviclcncc
addLrccd thcrcat;
( b ) d i s c l o s c so r p u b l i s h c st h c p r o c c c d i n g so r p a r t o f t h c
procccdings,cvidcncctakcnor dclibcrationsof thc coLrrthclcl
in carncra or dircctcd to bc withhclcl rio'r disclosurc or
(c) spcaksin a 'ranncr likcly to thrcatcnany witncssor clisr'pt thc
procccdings of thc Court or to intimidatc any pcrson
surnmoncd fbr giving cvidcncc or proclucinga dclcurncnt,
cxhibitor anythingrcquircdin Court,

conrrnitsan off-cnccanclupon convictionshall bc liablc to a finc not

Icssthan llvc hundrcclthousandshillingsbr.rtnot cxcccclingfivc rnillion
shillingsor to irnprisonrncnt
lor a tcnn ol'thrccmonthsclrto both.

(3) It shallbc in thc discrction

of thc court to achritor cxcluclcthc
public or rnernbersof the prcss, as thc casc may bc, li-onr any
procccdings and from thc prcmiscswhcrc procccdingsarc taking

23'--(l) Whcre any party dcsircsto institutca disputcrclatirrgto I)isputcs

any contravcntion ol'thisAct or any othcrLabourlaws or brcacho1-a .rigin,t-
co'tract, cornrrun law, rort or vicarious liability arisi'g ou1 ol. a'
cmploymcntwithin thc pccuniaryjurisclictionof thc tligh court, hc
shallprcscnta statcr.ncntof complaintto thc Court.

(i. ,rv'.Atr. 106 (c'rttttd.)
thc Govcrnmentit
(2) Whcrc thc disptttcor complaintis against
coniplainlshallbc served
shall bc institutcclin thc coLrrtand a copy of

to thcscRules'
in accordanccwith Fomr No l in thc Schcdulc

thc Court' it shall

(4) Wherc any disputcot tnattcroriginatcsin
dciay r,vithinthc rncaningof rr'ric20'

(5) Without prcjucliccto subrulc(3)' the Coutl

(a) shallrcccivl, hcarand considcrany sr'rbpissions'
on behalf of the-
c",iclcncc macle, prcscntcdor tendcrcdby or
(i) crnPloYccs conccrncdl
(ii) tradcinion of which such ctnplovccsrrc mcmbcrs;
(iii) crlPloYct'coucctnccl'
of thc Coutl'
(rv) groLrpof pcrsonswhich in thc opinion 'fanzania
and of"s.nt, ihc intcrcstof thc cmploycrsin
thc cmploycrconcellcd is
nui.ri.l-, a mcrnbcr;
institution or
from any Govcrntnent cieparttncnt'person'
on any aspcctof
orgonizationbascd in thc l.lnitcd Rcpublic
policies' rcscarch
flnancial, cconotnic and ctnployl-ncnt
finclingsor any matterrelevantto the disptttc;
and pronouncc
(c) shall rirakca judgmcnt' ruling'ilccrec or ordcr
it to thc particsin contbnnitywith rulc 2l'
(l) sucha dccisionmay bc inadcto hdvca rctrospcctivc
on which thc
to any'clatelvhicl-ris not carlicrthanthc date
undcr this
(ii) bcfbrc thc CoLrrtconsidcrs any of thc nccds


i :ln*,.lH:[:jil';'J'11::lilTl"of

Applica- 24.-(l) Any application shallbcuadc on noticcto all pcrsonswho

tiotrs havc an intcrcstin thc application'
b c i o tc
thcCorrrt 20
Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 1t,orrtrl.1
(2) noticc of applicationshall substantially
comply with Fo'n
No.4 in thc Schcdulcto thcscRures,signcdby thc party tringing
applicationanclfilcd and shall containthc followinginfbnnatLn-
(a) thc titlc of thc mattcr;
(b) thc casenumberassignedto thc mattcrby the Rcgistrar;
(c) thc rclicf sought;
(d) an addrcssat which that party will acceptnoticcsand
of all docr"rmcntsin thc proccedings;
(c) a noticcadvisingthc othcrpartythat if hc intenrlsto
. mattcr,that party shalldelivcra countcraffidavitwithin fiftccn
daysaltcr thc applicationhasbcenservcd,failurc of whicrrthc
r.nattcrlnay procecdcx_partc;and
(f) a list anclattachmcntof thc'iiocurncntsthat arcqnatcrial
rclcvantto thc application.

(3) applicationshall bc supportccl by an affidavit,whicrrshall
clcarly and concisclysct out--
(a) thc narncs,dcscnptionand addrcsscs of thc partics:
(b) a statcmentof thc rnatcriallbcts in a chronologicalorcler,
which thc application is bascd;
(c) ir sratcrrcntof thc lcgal issncsthatariscfi.omthc matcrial
(d) thc rclicfssought.

(4) A noticc of opposition,a countcralTiclavit-qr

both shail-
(a) bc filcd within fiftccn days fi-o'r rhc clay
on wrrich tlic
applicationis servcdon the party conccmcd.
(b) substaniiallybc in confbrmity with the ncccssary
rcquircdby thc contcxtof submles(l) and (2).

(5) 'l'hc party initiating thc procccdingsmay filc

a rcplying
atllda'it withi' scven clays lrom the day on which a noticc
opposition,c_ountcraffidavit or both arc filcd.
(6) rcplvingaffrdavitshailonly addrcssthc iss'-rcs
raiscdin thc
countcraflidavit and shall not introduccnew issuesof fact or of
cxceptwith thc lcavc of thc Cor-rrt.

(7) Rcgistrarshall-

G. .V.1/o. 106 (corttd.)
(a) llx a datc fbr thc licaring of thc applicationaftcr a rcplying
affidavit is filccl or aftcr thc tirnc limit for filing a cottntcr
affidavit or a rcplying affidavit has lapscd,whichcvcr occurs
llrst: and
(b) notify thc particsof thc datc,timc and placc for thc hcaringof
thc aPPlication.

(8) An applicationto makc a scttlcurcnt agrccmcntor arbitration

awarclor orclcrof thc Court which is unopposcdshall bc cnrollcd by
tlic Rcgistraron noticc to both particsand thc court may t-nakcany
rclcvantorclcrin thc abscnccol'thc partics.

(9) Notwithstanding thc provisionsof this rr,rlc,thc cottrt tray,

whcrc it clcctnsllt, cntcrtainan oral applicationor whcrc thc particsto
thc clisputcconscntsto thc orclcrbcing r-nadc.

(10) 'l'hc CoLl'tshall clcalwith an applicatiolin any ll-lannclrt

dccmsfit, wliich may includc-
(a) making an ordcr lbr holding thc purposcs of a prc-trial
(b) rcf-crringa disputcfor thc hcaringof oral cvidcncc,ancl
any othcr rclcvantordcrs.
'Ihc by way of a chatlbcr
(I I) applications which shallbc broLrght
sunlmonssupportcci by an afficlavitarc as follows*
(a) intcrloctttory applications;
(b) othcr applicationsincidcntal to or pcncling procccclings
rcf'crrcclto in thcsc I{ulcs and not spccificallyprovidccltbr in
(c) any othcrapplications lbl dircctions.

'Ihc (a) of subrulcl2 thataffidavits

( l2) rcquircmcntin paragraph
shall bc filcd, shall not apply to applicationsthat dcal only with

[.lrgcnt 25.-(l) A party that applics for trrgcnt rclicf shall filc an
rclicf application undcr a ccrtificatc of urgcncy that conrplics with thc
rcquircmcntsof rulc 24 andif applicablc,r'ulc25.
ccrti ll-
c a t co t ' -l'hc
u[gcllcy (2) aftlclavitin supportof thc applicationshallcontain-

I.ubour Courl.s
G. N. No. 106 lcotrttl.l
(a) thc rcasonsfbr urgcncyand 1hcncccssityol'tlic
rclicf souehtl
(b) thc rcasons why thc rcquircmcntsof thc Rulcs
wcrc nor
complicdwith, as thc cascmay bc.

(3) party bringi'g thc appricatio'shail sign trrcar.fidavit.

(a) Rcgistrarshall fix a datc,limc anclplacc fbr thc hcaringof

(5) As soor as thc Rcgistrarhasrlxccla clalc,tirrc ancl

placc lbr thc
hcaring,tlrc party bringingtrrcappliqationshail scrvca copy
of thc
application.togctlrcrwith inlbr'ratidil obtaincclfrom t[e-Rcgistrar,
thc rcsponclcnt.

(6) parry bringingthc appricationsrra[ satisfytrrccourt whcn
thc applicationis hcardthat a copy of thc applicationhas bccn
on thc rcspondcntor that noticc of thc contcntof thc application
scrvcdon thc rcspondcntfbr his attcntionby othcr nl.uni.

(7) Any partywho intcncls to opposc1hcapplicatio'or to 'rakc .ny

rcprcscntationsrclatingto thc application,
shallfilc a countcrallldavit
i'rmcdiatclyaltcr thc application hascorncto thatparty'snoticc,savc
that a prcsiding .luclgcmay merkcsucrr intcrirn ordcrs as
may bc

(8) S*bjcctto thc provisionsof sub*rrc(7), any otrrcr pcrson

has not notificcl thc Rcgistrarlray appcar bcforc trrc court
and bc
hcardat thc hcaring:

Proviclcdthat,at any stagcof thc procccdings,

on good causcbcing
shown, thc Court rnay allow any pcrson who is not a party
but is
intcrcstcdto appcar to bc hcard on wrratcvcrtc.ns thc
court rnay

(9) court shall dcal with an urgcntapplicationin any ,ranncr
it thinksjLrst,and may rnakcany ncccssaryorclcrs.

Labour Courts
G. 'V. 'Vo. 106 (c'ontd.)

of a
Applica- 26.-(l) A parly scckingto rcvicw a dccisionor procccdings
tio'tto' rcsponsiblc p".ron or body pcrfbrrning a rcvicwablc
rcvioi' applicationof rcvicw to
iusiifiablcby thc Court, shall f ilc a chambcr
li".,o. in. Uodyor pcrsonand to all othcr affcctcdpartics'

(2) Thc chambcrapplicationshall-

supportcdby an affidavit
i^i bc rnadc by a charnbcrsummons
sctting out the factual and lcgal grounds upon which
applicantrclics to havc thc decisionor proccedings corrccted
or sct asidc,
(b) call upon thc rcsponsiblcpcrsonor body to show causcwhy
thc dccision or procccclingsshould not bc rcvicwcd or
(c) rcquirc thc rcsponsiblcpersonor body to dispatch'within ten
claysaftcr rccciptof thc chambcrapplication,to thc Rcgistrar
tlic rccord of thc procccdingssought to be conected or
by law or
asidc, togcthcr with such rcasonsas arc requircd
bccn donc.

(3) Subjcctto thc provisionof subrule(2), the responsiblcperson

or boclyupon whom a chamberApplicationis scrvcdshall
comply with thc dircctionin thc ChamberSummons'

(4) Wherc thc rcsponsiblepcrsonor body fails to comply with thc

do so' any
dircction or fails to apply for an cxtcnsionof tirnc to
intcrcstcclparty rnay apply, on noticc, for an ordcr cornpclling
cornplianccwitl-rthc dircction.

tenns as
whichis rcccivcd liour a rcsponsiblcpersonor body on such
thc Rcgistrardccmsappropriatcto cnsttrc fbr its safety'

'fhc shall-
(6) aPPlicant
(a) makc copicsof suchpartof thc rccordasmay bc ncccssary
thc purposcsof t'.c rcvicw and ccrtify cach copy as truc ancl
concct; and
Labour Courts
G. N. IVo, 106 (c'ontd.)
(b) subrnitto thc Rcgistrarand cachof thc othcr particsa copy of
thc rccordor part ofthc rccorcl,as thc cascntay bc, and a copy
of thc rcasonsfilcd by thc responsiblcpcrsonor body.

(7) costsof transcriptionof thc rccord,copyingand serviccof
thc rccord,shall be met by the applicant.

(8) The applicantshall within fiftecn days aftcr the Rcgistrarhas

rnadethe rccord availablearncnd,add to or vary thc contcntsof thc
chamberapplicationsupportedby an afTidavit,by-
(a) a notice accompanicdby an affidavit;or
(b) filing of a notice that the applicantstandsby his chambcr
Applicationand serviccto thc oppositcparty.

(9) Any personwishing to opposethc grantingof the ordcr praycd

in thc charnberapplicationshall,within fiflccn daysafterrcceiptof thc
noticc of amendmentor noticc that thc applicant stands by his
ChambcrApplication,filc a countcraffidavit to thc allcgationsmadc
by thc applicant.

(10) The applicantmay filc a rcply to an affida'it within scvcn

daysaftc:'rcceipt of a countcraffidavit.

(ll) Notwithstanding the provisionsof this rulc, thc court may,

whcre it deemsit fit to do so,entcrtainan oral applioationor whcrc thc
particsto thc disputeconscntto the orderbcing so madc.

27.-\l) Any review shall bc institurcdby filing a writtcn noticc or. lLcviovs
review to the Registrarwithin fiftcen days from thc datc thc dccision of .iudg-
to be reviewedwas delivercd. l n c n t sl n
(2) Any person consideringhirnsclf aggricvcd by a juclgnrcnt,
decreeor order from which-
(a) an appeal is allowcd, but from which no appeal has bccn
preferrcd; or
(b) no appealis allowcd,and who, fiorn thc discovcryof any ncw
and irnportantmattcr or cvidcnccwhich, aftcr thc cxcrciscof
due diligence,was not within his knowlcdgcor coulclnot bc
producedby him at tlie ti're whcn thc judgrncnt or dccrcc was

G. M No. 106 (contd')
rcason,dcsircsto obtain a rcvicw of thc judgrrrcnt,clccrccor
(c) rnay apply fbr a rcvicw ol'thc jr'rdgmcnt'dccrccor ordcr to thc

(3) A party who is not appcalingfrou a dccrceot' ordcr n-rayappll'

thc pcndcncyof an appcal
fbr a rcvicw if i.,dgn-,.ntnotwithstanrling
\ mon to 'thc appiicantand thc appcllant,or whcn' bcing rcsponclcnt'


15) noticc to rcvicw shall substantiallybc as prcscribcdin
Fonn No.6 in thc Schcdulcto thcscRulcs'

possiblcsupplya ccrtificclcopy of thc dccisionsor:ght'

(7) On rccciptof a copy of thc dccisionof thc rcview'thc applicant

shuil *ithin fiftccn days filc a conciscmctnorandumof rcvicw
thc gror,rndsfbr thc rcvicw soughtwithout narrativcsor argtllllcnts.

(8) Any party on whom a noticc to rcvicw has bccn scrvcd rnay'
within fiftccn days aftcr the filing of thc applicant'stnctr]orandrtur
of rcsponse in
rcvicw subjcctto subnrlc(7), filc a conciscstatclncnt
rcspcctof thc rncmorandutT} of rcvicw withoLttnarrativcsor at'gttt]lcnts'

of subrulc(8) or the tirnc limit for filing of thc statcrncntof
to thc
lapscs, whichcvcr occLlrs first, thc rcvicw shall' subjcct
(3) of scction50 of thc Act, bc placcclbctbrc
provisionsof subscction
who pitsscdthc dccisionfor hcaring
ihc prcsidingJ*c1gcand asscssors
and dccision.

i l

Labour Courts
28.-(1) courtrnay,
party or intcrcstcdpcrson,calr for thc rccordof any piocccctings o fjudg-
havc bccn dccidcd by any rcsponsibrcpcrsonor body irnprcmcntr'g l.ncnts
theprovisionsof thc Acts and in which no appcarlies or has
thcrcto,and if suchrcsponsiblcpersonor boclyappears_
(a) to hervccxcrciscdjurisdictionnot vcstcclin it bv law:
(b) to havcfailcdto cxcrciscjurisdictionso vcstcd;
(c) to havcactcdin thc cxcrciscof its jurisdictioniilcgaily
or with
(d) that thcrc hasbccnan cmorrnatcrialto thc mcrits
of thc subject
mattcr bcforc such rcsponsiblcpcrson or body involvins
(c) thc Court rnayrcviscthc procccclings and rnakcsuehordcras
it dccrnsf it:

Providcdthat,any partyto thc proceedings

or othcrwiserikely,tobc
advcrsclyaffcctcdby suchrcvisionshailbc givcn an opportunity
to bc

(2) Any ordcr or directiongiven by thc court to thc

pcrsonor body liom which the proccedingsbcing rcvised
shall bc cornplicclwitli fbrthwith.

29. Any appcalto thc Court undcr the Acts, shall bc institutcd Appcals
liling a noticc of appcalwitrr thc rcsponsiblcpcrson or body
dccision is under appcarancra copy thcreof shail bc fired
with thc

30.-(l) unless any of thc Acts othcrwiscprovides,the notice Noticc ol'

appcal shall be sr.rbstantially
as prcscribedin Fonn No.5 in thc appcal
Schcduleto theseRulcs to be filcd within fiftccn days of the datc atrcl
on rccorcls
which thc personfiling suchnoticcis notificd of thc dccisionwhich
the subjectofthe appeal.

(2) Acopy of the noticcof appcalshail bc scrvcclonail


(3) on receiptof noticc of appcar,thc rcsponsibrcpcrson

or body
whoscdccisionis undcr appcalshall-

Labour Courts
G. I{. No. 106 (conrd.)
(a) providea writtcn rccorclof tl-rcprocecdingsand thc rcasonstbr
thc decision;
(b) prcparc and submit ccrtiflcd rccorclsof procccdings and
rcasonsfor thc decisionwithin fiftccn claysof thc filing of thc
noticc of appealto thc Rcgistrar.

(4) Whcrc thc rcsponsiblcpcrsonor bociyfzrilsto comply with thc

dircction or lails to apply for an cxtensionof timc to do so. any
intcrcstcd party rnay apply, on notice, {br an ordcr" compclling
complianccwith thc dircction.
(5) Rcgistrarshallrnakcavailablcto thc appcllantthc rccorcl
ils ltc dcctnsappropriatc.
which is rcccivcdotr sltclt1L'nlls

(6) Thc appellantshall rnakccopicsof suchpart of thc rccorclas

may bc ncccssaryfbr the purposcsof thc appcal.
(7) costsof transcriptionof thc rccorti,copyingand scrviccof
thc rccordshallbc rnctby thc appcllant.
Merrora- 3 I .-( I ) appcllantshall filc a concisctnctnorandumof thc
ot' appcal ancl scrvc copics thcrcol'to thc othcr partics and rcspondcnt
appcal within filtccn clavsaftcr rccciptof thc writtcn rccord
bv a ccrtificd
(2) A tncmorandumof appcalshallbe
copy ofthc dccisionappcalcdagainst.

(3) Thc tnctnorandrlrrof appcalshallsct forth concisclyand ttnder

clistincthcads,without argumcntor nan'ative,thc groundsof appcalto
thc dccisionappcalcdagainst.spccifyingthe pointswhich are alleged
to hervcbccn wrongly dccidcd,anclsuch groundsshall bc numbcrcd

(4) Thc rcspondcntin an appcalmay file a conciscstatemcntof

rcsllonscagainstthc appcalwithin flftcendaysaflcr being servcdrvith
of appcal.
thc appcllant'stttctnorandum

(5) Subjcct to thc provisionsof subrulc(4), whcn thc Rcgistrar

reccivcsthc statctncntof rcsponscor afterthc tirnc lirnit for filing the
statcmentof rcsponsclapscs,rvhichcvcroccursfirst, hc shall fix a datc
1brthc hcaringof thc appcal.

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (c'otttd.)
(6) appellantshallnot, exceptby the leaveof the Court,argue
or bc hcard in supportof any groundof objectionnot set forlh in thc
mcr"noranclum of appcal,savc that the Court in deciding thc appeal
shall not bc confincd to the groundsof objection set forth in the
rnernorandurn of appcalor takcnby lcaveof thc Court undcr this rule:

Provicledthat" thc Court shall not rcach its decisionon any other
ground unlcss thc party who rnay be aflectcd thereby has had a
sLrflicicntopportunityof contcstingthe cascon that ground.

32.-(l) Exccpt as to limitation of timc, no appeal shall bc Hearing.

rvith any provisionof thesc
dcf'catcdby rcasononly of non-compliancc

(2) Unlcssthe Courtdismisscs thc appealnndcrsubrulc(3) it shall

lix a clay tbr hcaring thc appcal and such day shall bc fixed witli
rclcrcnccto thc cuncntbusincss of-thcCourt,thc placcof rcsidcnccof
thc rcspondcntand thc tirnc nccessaryfor thc scrviceof thc noticc of
appcal, so as to allow thc respondentsufllcicnt timc to appearand
answcrthe appealon sucha fixcd date.

(3) On the day fixcd, or on any othcrday to which thc hcaringrnay

be adjourned,the appellantshallbe heardin supportofthc appeal.

(a) The Court shall then,if it docsnot dismissthc appealat oncc,

hear the rcspondentagainstthe appcal,and'in suchcascthc appcllant
shall bc cntitledto reply.

(5) Where on the day fixcd or on any other day to which thc
hcaring may be adjourncd,the_appellantdoes not appearwhcn thc
appcalis callcd on for hcaring,thc Court may make an order for .hc
a p p c . rbl c d i s r n i s s c d .

(6) Whcrc thc appcllantappearsand thc icspondcntdocs not

appear,thc appcalshall be hcardcxparte.

(7) Whcrc an appcalis disrnissed undcrsubrulc4 or submlc5, thc

appcllantmay apply to the Courl for thc rc-admissionof thc appcal
and, wherc it is provcd that hc u'aspreventedby any sufficientcausc
liom appcaringwhen thc appealwas calledon lbr hcaring,thc Cor.rrt
shall rc-admit;hc appealon suchtennsas it thinks fit.

G. lV.No. 106 (c'ortrd.)
(8) Whcrc it appcarsto thc Court at thc hcaringthat any pcrson
who was a party to thc suit in thc court fiom rvhoscdccrccthc appcal
is prcl-crrcd,but who has not bccn maclca party to thc appeal,is
intcrcstcclin thc outcolnc thc appcal, tlrc C'ourt rnay adjourn thc
hcaringto a futurc datc to bc fixcd by thc Cotrrtand dircct that sr.rch
pcrsonbc rnadca rcspondcnt.

(9) Where an appcalis hcardcx-partcandjudgrncntis pronouncccl

againstthc rcspondent,hc may apply to thc Court to re-hcarthc appcal
and,if hc satisficsthc Court that thc noticcwas not duly scrvcdor that
hc was prcvcntcdby suflicicnl causcl}om appcar-ins rvhcnthc appcal
rvascalledon lbr hcaring,thc Courtshallrc-hcarthc appcalas it thinks

constitu- 'fhc
33. Clourtshallbc coustitutccl
by a lrrcsiding
:i::'.:1... rrot lcss than trvo asscssorsnonrinatcd by thc prcsidingJuclgcl'rom
lllC L r)tll't
(). c r . r c ho f t h c p a n c l s a p p o i n t c c u
l n d c r s u b s c c t i o n( 2 ) o l ' s c c t i o n 5 0 o f t h c
Appcals Act.

\Vithtlra 34.-( l) A party rvho lurs initiatcclplocccclingsancl wants to

r ^ . a l s a t r c lw i t h d r a r v t h c r n a t t c r s h a l l l l l c i r n o t i c c o l ' w i t h c l r a w a l a s s o o n a s
p::t. possible and thc Court shall procccclto mark thc urattcr accordingly, on
irr.",,"r suchtenns as to costsor othcrwiscin accorclanccrvith thcscrulcs.
(2) Whcrc thc particsrcacha scttlcmcnt,thc party who initiatcdthc
proccedingsshall notify thc Rcgistrarof thc scttlcmcntas soon as

(3) particsmay,with lcavcof'thcCourt,agrccto postponcthc
hcaring,to suchdatc as thc Cor-rrtnrayclircct.

D^ 35.-(l) Whcrc a mattcr is postponccl sinc dic, any party to thc

cnroll- rurattcrrnay apply to thc Rcgistrarfbr it to bc rc-cnlollcd, but no
n r c n to 1 - prcfcrcnccrnay bc givcn to that rnattcron thc roll, unlcssthc Court
llost- orclcrsothcrwisc.
(2) Thc Rcgistrarshall fix a tinrc, rlatc anclplacc lbr thc hcaring
and shall scnda noticc as prescribcdin l:orm No.3 in thc Schcdulcto


G. N. No. 106 (contd.)
(3) Whcre a rnirtteris postponcdin Court to a specificdatc, thc
Rcgistrarnced not Scndany noticeto thc partics.

36.-(l) Whcrc a tlattcr is slruckoff thc fllc due to the abscnceof Matcrs
a pafty who initiatcdthc procccdings,the mattermay be re-cnrolledif struck
that party proviclcsthc Cor.rrtwith a satisfactory
cxplanationby an affi-
davit. fbr his failLrrcto attcnclthc Couft.

(2) fhc alTidavitshall bc filcd in Court and thc Rcgistrarshall

L placc it to be hearclby a Judgcin chambersto decidcwhetherthe rnht-
tcr may be re-cnrollcdor not.

(3) The presidingJudgcbctbre whom thc affid.av,itis placedrnay

order that an applicationfor rc-cnrolmentbe made and in that cvcnt,
the applicationshallbc in accordanccwith rule 24

37.-(1) Whcrc no rcsponschas bccn filcd within the prescribed Dctirult

periodor any cxtcndedpcriodgrantcdby thc Courtwithin which to filc judgrrent
a rcsponsc,thc prcsiding.ludgcin Charnbcrmay cntcr judgment by
defaultprovidcdtliat thc rcspondertmay rcqucston good ciluseshown
thc prcsidingJudgcto raisctrp thc deftrultjudgmcnl.

(2) Where a clcfaultlr.rdgmcnt hasbccn entcreclor arncxtcnsionof

timc has bcen grantcd,thc courplainantor thc rcspondcntas thc casc
rnay bc rnay apply to thc prcsidingJudgcfor{eccssaryorders.

38.-(l)'fhc CoLrrtmay, in adclitionto auy othcr powcrs it may Rcscind-

havc, on its own motion, sct asidc, rcscind or vary any ordcr or
judgment if suchordcr or dcl'aultjr-rdgmcnt- ,jlt*r,,
(a) was erroncouslysoLrght or grantcdin thc abscnceof any party
affcctcd by it Lrponshowing gooclcauscin accordanccwith
(b) is ambiguousor hasa patcntcrror or omissibn,but only to thc
cxtcntof suclranrbigrrity.cltor or ornission;
(c) was grantcclas a rcsult of a mistakccot'ulnonto thc particsor
fraud comrnittcdby any party.

(2) Subjectt: thc provisionsol'submlc(l), any affectcdparty or

pcrsonrnay,within fiftccn daysaltcr acqLriring
knowledgeof an ordcr
or dcf'aultjudgrncnt grantcclin thc abscnccof that party, apply on

Labour Courts
G. l/. No. 106 (conrd.)
noticeto all interestedpartiesto setaside,vary or rescindthe ordcr
such orders as it deernsfit.

Consent 39.-(l) A party who opposesany proceedingsmay, at any tirnc

orders beforea dccisionis madc,consentto the whole or any part of thc relicf
soughtin thc procccdings.

(2) Subjectto thc provisionsof subrule( I ), thc consentmay be oral

or in writing, and if in writing, it shall be signed and datcd by
partiesconsentingto the relicf.

(3) Wherc the parties have consentedunder subrulc (2)' thc

p."riilng Judgein chambcrwith or without assessors-shall

Grounds 40.-(l) The Court tnay,at any time call on the partiesto specify
of argu- concise grounds of argumentin writing on the main points that
ment intendto argue.

(2) The groundsof argumentshall-

(a) includea chronologyof the materialfacts;
(b) contain,in its first refcrenceto a factualallcgation,a page and
paragraph or line refcrence to thc record or bundlc of
( c ) includc a list of the authoritiesreferredto;
(e) spccify,in its first referenceto a text book,journal or articlc'
the auihor, title, edition and page nutnber,as the casc rnay be;
full citation of the casc that is, the ycat, volume'
commencementpage, court, page and marginal rcferenceto
which specific reference is made, save that the unreporled

beforcthc Court
Submis- ) Any personinterestedin any proccedings
4l .-( I .uppti"ation
nray, on to the presiding Judge' be admittcd to thc
Atntcus proceedingsas an anticuscuriaeon the termsand conditionsand with
Curiae ihc rights and privilegcsdeterminedby the presiding Judge'

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (c'ontd.)
(2) The Court on its own motion or on applicationfrom any parly
to tlrc disputemay appointan amicuscurioe who shall abidc by the
provisionsof this Rule.

(3) Subjcctto the provisionsof subrulc(l), the terms,conditions,

rights and privilegesrnay be amendcdin accordanccwith thc direc-
tions of the presidingJudge.

(4) An applicationas requircdby subrulc(l), shall be madc not

latcr than fiftcen daysprior to the hearingdate.

(5) An applicationrelatingto the admissionof an anticttsc'triae

(a) dcscribethe interestof the amicttscuriae in the procccdings;
(b) idcntify the positionto be adoptcdby the amicuscurioe inthe
(c) clcarly,succinctlyand withoutunncccssary claborationsct out
the subrnissionsto bc advanccdby the amicus curiae, their
rclcvanceto the proceedingsand that person'sreasonsfor
belicvingthat the submissions c't:riaewill bc useful
of urnic'tts
to the Court and different from those advancedbv thc other

((r) An amictrscuriae has the right to lodgc a written argunrent,

providcdthat thc written argument-
(a) is clcar,succinctand without unnecessary claboration;
(b) is nrrt a rcpetitionof any matterdescribedin thc argurnentof
the other partics;and
(c) raiscsncw contentionsthat rnaybe uscfulto thc Court or good

(7) In the eventof ncw mattersor argumentsbcing raisedby the

anticttscuriee, any party will have thc right to file a writtcn argument
within scvcndays frorn thc datcon which the argumcntof thc ontic'tts
cttriaewas servedon thc partics.

(8) An ^rdcr of thc Court may bc rnadeprovidingfor honorariutn

paymcnt from the parlicsor any of thcm or any personor thc Couft,
whoevercalls for thc interventionof lhe antic'tts

G . M , V O 106 (contd.)
Partncr- 42.-(l) A partncrship, lnay be a party to any
fimr or association
ships. propccdingsin its or,vnnamc and thc proccccliqgsrlay bc initiatcd
and asso-
againstit by any othcr party.
cr a t r o n s
(2) A parly in thc procccdingszrgainsta partnership,fimr or
shall not allcgcthc naurcsof thc paflncrs,owncr,urcr.nbcrs
or officc bcarcrs.

(3) Any party to thc procccdingsagainsta partncrship,linn or

associatiqnrnay,by a writtcn uoticcrccluircthc othcr party to providc
it within fiftccp claysof thc scrviccof thc noticcwith thc namcsand
acldrcsscs of thc
of thc partucrs,o\\'l'lcl'.tnctrtbcrsor oll-icc-bcarcrs
partncrship,firpr or association,atrcl tr colty o1-its tnctnorandutnor
constitution as at thc datcon u,hichtltc caLtscol'thc-procccdingsarosc.

(4) A partncrship, lhat hasbccn scrvcdwith a

fiun or associatiot'r
noticcin accordancc rvith subrulc(3) shallcourplywith it within thc
prcscribcclperiod and in thc cvcnt of uou-coltrpliancc or a clisptttcin
respcctof thc idcntity o1'partncrs,owncr, r.ncmbcrs or olTicc-bcarcrs,
ttn thc issrtc.
thc Court lnay, on application,cicciclc

(5) Oncc thc ncccssaryinlbrn-ration has bccn lurnishcd,tlic

partncrs,owncr, rlcrnbcrsor olllcc bcarcrsshallbccourcparticsto thc

(6) Whcrc procccdings againsta partncrship,

arc instittrtccl lirtl or
associationanclit appcarsthat thc parlncrshlp,lirnt or associationhas
bccn dissolvcd,thc procccclings ttray colrtinttcagainstthc pcrsons
allcgcclto bc or statcclby thc partrrcrship. to bc part-
ncrsol ttrcrttbct's.

(7) cxcctttiorr in rgspcctol'a luclgtllcntagainsta partncrship,
lirnr or associationshali llrst bc lcr,icclagaiustits assctsand if
Lrnsatisllcd, thc cxccLttion sltallbc li:vicclagainstthc privatcassctso1'
any pclsonhcld to bc a partttcror tttcttttcr. u'ho shallbc cstoppctlliotu
h ta c lb c c n
d c n y i n gb c i n g s r r c hi l l l l l r t n c lo. r r r r c n t i ' ci Ir s i l ' i l . i t r t l g r t t c n
cntcrcd against that pcrson.

Rcprc- 4 3 . - ( l ) A r c p r c s c n t a t i v cr v h o a c t s o n b c h a l l -o l - a n y p a r t y i n a n y
s c r t a t r o n p r o c c c c l i n g ss h a l l , b y i t w r i t t c n n o t i c c . a f l r , i s ct h c I { c g i s t r l t r a n c l l t l l
o I P a r t r c s o t h c r p a r t i c so f t h c l b l l o u ' i n g p a r t i c u l a r s -

G. ll. No. 106 k'ontd.)
(a) thc narncof thc rcprcscntativc,
(b) thc postalacldrcssand placcof cmploymcntor br:sincss;
any availablcthx nurlbcr, c-rnailand tclcphoncnumbcr.

(2) Any party who tcnninatosa rcprescntative 's authorityto acl

and thcn acts in pcrsonor appointsanothcrrcprcscntativcshall givc a
noticcto thc I{cgistrarand all othcl particsconccrncdof thc changcs.

(3) Subjcctto thc provrsions of subnrlcs(l) and (2), on rccciptof

a noticc thc addrcssof thc rcprcscntativc
or thc party,as tlic cnscmay
bc, will bccorncthc addrcsslbr noticcsto and lbr scrviccon thatparty
of all documcntsin 1hcprocccdings, savcthat any noticcduly sentor
any scrviccclulyclfcctcd clsewhcrcbcfbrc rcccipt of that noticc will,
fbr all pLlrposcs
bc valid, nnlcssthc Court orc'lcrs

(4) A rcprcscnlalivcwho ccascsto act for a party in any procced-

ings shall-
(a) scrvca noticcto thal cffcctto that party and all othcr partics
(b) alicr rccciptof a noticc,sr.rbjcct
to thc provisionsof paragraph
(a), thc adclrcssof thc party lomrcrly rcprcscntcdshall bccornc
thc addlcssfor noticcsto and for scrviccon that party of all
docuurcntsin thc procecdings,unlcss a ncw addrcss is
fbr that pLlrposc.

44.-(l) f,'ourl rtrty join any numbcr of pcrsons,whether JoindeL
jointly, jointly anclscvcrally,scparatcly, or in thc altemativc,as partics of Pn[11c5
in thc procccdings,if thc right to rclief clcpendson thc determination ffi;ij
of substantialll'thc samcqucstionof law or facts. rrvcsrrr

(2) Whcrc thcrc arc numcrouspcrsonshaving thc samcintcrcstin

a suit, onc or urorc of such pcrsonsmay, with thc pcn-nissionof thc
Cour"tappcarand bc hcardor dcfcnd in suchdisputc,on bchall of or
lbr thc bcncfit of all pcrsonsso intcrcstcd,cxccptthat thc Court shall
in such casc givc at tlic complainant'scxpenscs,rroticc of thc
of thc suit to all suchpcrsonscithcr by pcrsonalscrviccor
whcrc it is from thc numbcrof pcrsonsor any othcr scrviccrcasonably
practicablc,by public advcrtiscrnent or othcrwisc,as thc Court in cach
casclnily dircct.

G. N. l,lo. 106 (contd.)
(3) 'Ihc Court lnay on its own tnotion or on applicationanclon
noticc to cvcry othcr pafiy-
(a) makc an ordcrjoining any pcrsonas a party lnr thc
thc Procccdings: and
(b) when rnaking an orclcrttnclcrparagraph(a)' givc such llrthcr
dircctionsin thc procccdingsas it dccus l-tt'

(4) Any pcrsoncntitlcc'lto bc ioincd as a party in nny
procccdings'apply ibr
lray, on noticc to all partics,at any stagcoi'thc
suchfr'rrthcrdircctionsin thc procccdtngsas it dccms
(5) Whcre a party to any procccdingshas..bccnincorrcctly
aucl uottcc
dcfectively cited oi joinccl,the Courttnay'on application
ncccssarY ordcr'

(6) Wlicrc in any proci:cdingsit appcarsncccssaryto
pcrsonlbr an cxistingparty,any party to suchprocccdings
makc suchordcr or
that party for an cxistingparty anclthc Court may

to join any pelSonot o-p1:tlto thc procccclines

(7) An application
copicsof all docurncntspreviottslyissucdand

actuallYbcfore tt'
a c l c t : r cocr r t r v a r t l
..-.:... 4 5 . - ( l ) W h c r c a n y i n t c r c s t cpda r t yo t l t c rt l t a n
othcr particsi. a sirnilarsitr"ratior-r as his own, hc rnaywithin sixty day-s
passcdor cxccutcdthc dccrcclilr sttchcxtcnsion'

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (c'onrd.)
(2) Where an applicationis madeto the Court under subrulc(l),
thc Court shallprocccdto hearthe applicationandpartiesto the decrce
or awardwhich is the subjectmatterof thc intendedcxtensionshallbe
scrvcd and may be hcard if thcy wish, and thc Court may, if it is
satisficd that the proposedextensionis desirablc,make an ordcr
cxtcndingthc dccrccor awardin suchlnanncras it may dircct.

46.-(l) In all contestedproceedings,including applicationsfor Pagina-

urgentrclief, thc documcntsthat arc filed with the Rcgistrarshall bc
paginatcdby the party initiatingthe procecdings.
(2) The party initiatingthe proceedings shallcompileand scrvcan
index on the othcr party bcforc the rnattcris heard.

(3) Thc partiesshall cnsurcthat the copiesof the docurncntsfiled

with thc Rcgistrarare paginatedin accordancc with thc index.
41.-(l) Court may make an ordcr consolidatingany separate Consoli-
procccdingspendingbcforc it if it deernscxpedicntandjust to do so.
(2) Subjcctto thc provisionsof subrulc( I ), thc Court may makc an
ordcr on its own motion or upon an applicationby any intcrcstedparly

48.-(l) Evcry dccision of the Courl shall be binding on thc Errtbrcc

crnploycrand ernployecsto whotn it relatcsfrom the datcwhen it takcs
cffect. :il|:
(2) It shall bc an irnplicdterm of thc contractbetwecnctnployers Cap.33
and employeesto whom thc decisionrelatesthat,the ratc of the wagcs
to be paid and the conditionsof ernployrnent to bc observcdunderthc
contractshall bc in accordance with that decisionuntil it is varicd by
subsequent decision,agreement, or any written law.

(3) For thc avoidanceof any doubt, every decisionof the Court
notwithstandingthat it has not yet been publishedin the Gazettc,or
tliat any party has a right of appcalor revicw or intcndsto filc an
action in any court on groundsreferredto in subrule(l), or that any
party has a right of appealor revision or referenceor intendsto file an
actionin any courtto challcngethe samedecision,shallbe enforcedby
thc Court itself cxercisingthe powersconferredby the provisionsof
Order XXI of the Civil ProcedureCodeAct, or in any othercivil court
of competentjurisdictionas if it was a decreeof the Court.

Labour Cow'ts
G. M 1/o. 106 (c'ontd.)
"dccision" mcausany dccision,
(4) For thc pulposeof this rule,
judgment,award,decree,mling, settlementagrecmentor Ordcr rnade
by the Court, the Labour Commissioner,Comtnissionor othcr body
authorizedby law to havc its decisionor ordcrscnforccdby this Court.

(5) Every decisionof the court shallbc publishcdinthc Gazette.

(6) Every decision shall take effect on the datc on r'vhichit is

specifieclin the decision except that if thc datc of dccision is not
specified therein, the decision shall take cffect on thc datc of its

(7) Any decisionof thc court rnaybc rnadcto havc rctrospcctivc

cffect which is not carlier than thc datc covcrcd by thc facts li-otn
which thc disputearosc.

(8) Wherc any qucstion ariscs as to the interprctationof any

clccision of the court, or thc Labour commissioncr, or thc
C'ornmission, any party to thc dccisiontray apply to thc f-'ourtlbr a
clccisionon sucha qttcstion,anclthc Cotrrtshalldcciclcthc trattcr aftcr
hcaringthe partiesand thc dccisionof thc Court shallbc notificdto thc
parliesand shall be deemedto form part of and shall havc thc satnc
effcct in all respectas the main dccision.

Ilnforce- 49.-(l) Subjectto the provisionsof subscction (4) ol'sectionB7

rrrcntof anclsubsection (2) of section89 of the Act, whcrc a ciccisionol'thc
t l c ct st o ns
Mecliatoror an awardof an Arbitratorliom thc Coutnissiottis rcclttit'ctl
lrrt'arc1s to bc cnforccd by thc Cogrt or whcrc a clccisitlttol' any otlicr
of thc rcsponsiblc pcrsonor boclyunclcrauy othcrprovisionsol-thcActs,thc
Comrlis- Commission or such other rcsponsiblc pcl soll or bociy lllay
s i o na n d transmlt-
(a) a copy of decisionor award;
rcsponsi -
blc pcr- (b) a certificatesctting fbrth the cxtcnt to rvhich tltc clccistonor
s o no r award has bccn cxccutcdby thc commissionor such othcr
bodv responsiblcpcrson or body ancl thc wholc or part o1' thc
decisionor awarclwhich rctnaiusunSatisficdfbr thc Cottrt to
cxccuteto the full satisfhctionof thc dccisionor awarcl'

Labour Courts
G. N No. 106 (c,ontd.)
(2) dccrcc holclcr,intcrcstcdparty,bcncficiaryor othcrwisc
rnay apply lbrrnally to the Court for thc cxccutionof the decisionor
awardof thc Cornrnissionor suchothcr responsible pcrsonor body as
a decrceof the Court.

50. No appeal,revier,',,or rcvision shall lic on intcrlocutoryor Appcal.

incidcntaldccisionsor ordcrs,unlesssuch decisionhas thc effect of rcviL'\\,
or rcvi-
finally dcterminingthe dispute.
s i o no n
or inci-
r'lec isions
Cosr, FrIs nNo INTEREST or ordcrs

-5l . -( l ) No costs,lccs or intcrcstswhcthcrcommcrcialor court f-ccs Closts,

or intcrcstsr'vhatson,cr of it:-j t'l..'
shall bc payablcbclorc thc court in rcspc-ct
any procccclings Lrndcrthc provisionsof thc Acts.
ious lncl
(2) Notwithstancling subrulc(l), whercany proceedings appcarto vcxa-
thc Courtto bc fiivolousor vexatious. thc Courtmay,in its discrctiorr, tiuus
order the party initiatingsuchprocccclings proccc(l-
to pay gcneralor spccific
costsincumccl,or to pay t'ecsor intcrcst,as thc Court dccrnsflt anclin
casc dcfault of paymentin a spccilic t,mc sct by rhc Court, thc said
party shall be liable to distresson his assctsand propertics,failLrrcin
satisfactionof which, hc shall be liablc to imprisonmcntfor a pcriod
not exceedingsix months:

Provicledthat,suchgencra!or s,rccificcosts,feesor intcrcstrnaybc

imposcd upon thc occasionof thc trial without any action or
procccdingsfor recovery.

By rHE LrrsouR ANDAppEnLSro T.HE
CouRr oF AppEAL r

52.-(l) Subjectto the provisionsof subscctions (l) and (3) of Labour

scction 58 of the Act, thc Labour Comrnissionerin rnaking any c'ommis
rel-crcnccto thc Labour court shall draw a statcmentsctting thc facts
of thc casc and the points of law arisingthere from upon which hc ;;;;;
dcsircsto havc the judicial opinion or dccisionto the Labour Court, !'oLrrr
Labour Cau'ts
G. 1/. ,Vo.106 (conrd.)
u,hich statementshall bc scrvcdupon the council pnd filed with thc
Rcgistrarin accordanccwith rulc [3'
(2) Registrarshall rccord thc rcferencein accordancewith
to the
subrule(1),(4),(5)ancl(5) ofmle 7 and shallsendthe reference
in-chargc,as the casetnay be'
Chairlnanor Jr-rdgc

dircctir:n;is he dccrnsfit'

(4) Where suchrcf'ercncc rrraybe of intercstto any party or person'

Commissronershall be servedwith a copy of the referenceand
havea right of auiliencein the Court'

(5) Wherc any registereiltradc or employcr'sunion' organization'

intcncisto bejoined as a partyto the refercncc
or feclcration
may c1oso anclcomplv rvith paragraph(a) of subrule(3) of mle

Ccrtilicatc 53.-(1) Subjcctto thc provisionsof subsection(2) of section58 of

issucd by thc Act. the Labour Commissioncrin r-naking referenccto thc Courtof
thccoLrIt 'fanzania. of pointsof law from thc
Appcalof shalldraw up a statement
i,,o"ul. .or.s und their fuil citationattachingccrtifiedcopies of all such
corllrllis- hc considersare in conflict and refer the"samcto the Judgc chairman
sicncr's or any Judgein-chargeor any presidingJudge assignedby the Judge
c'airinan or Juclgc in-charge who shall certify thc cxistence
i:'i,i:".. comments found
Cor,u.rof non-cxlstenceof such points of law or makc any
n;;.ri dcsirablcfor consideration by the court of Appeal of Tanzania:

that.the courl beforeissuinga certificateunderthis rule

may invitc thc Attorncy General,Labour Commissione.r' an untic'tts
,'r,iion,andany intercstedparty, incl'ding ihe partiesin the conflicting
riccisionsrvhich is the subj:ct of the rcferenceto addressthe Court'

Llnnecessary to bc adclresscd by anybody' shall proceedto issuc a
cci-tificateas it tleetrs fit.

Labour Cour'ls
G. l,l. No. 106 (Conrd.)
54. Subjcctto thc provisionsof scction57 of thc Act, any appeal A p p e al s
to the
to thc Court of Appcal of Tanzaniashall bc in confonlity or as nearly Coui'tof
as possiblewith thc provisionsof the C-trurtof Appeal of Tanzania Appcal
R u l c s ,1 9 7 9 . of

55.-(l) Where a situationarisesin procccdings or contcmplated Proccd-

proceedingswhich theserulesdo not providc thc Cotrrttnay adoptany ufcs
procedurethat it deemsappropriatein thc circrtrllstancL's. c a l l yn o t
(2) ln the cxcrciseand,.Berfonnancc of its porvcrsand llnctions, fbr
that it con-
or in any incidentalmatter,the Court tnay ac:t,ina'tnar:ncr
sidcrscxpcdientin the circurnstanccs,to achicvcthc objcctsof thc Act
and, or thc good cnds of jr.rsticc.

56.-( I ) The Court may cxtendor abridgcany pcriod prcscribcdby Ilxtcnsion

of tinrc
thcscRulcson applicationand on good causcshorvrt,rtnlcssthc Court limits
is prccludcdfiorn doing so by any u'rittcn law. and con-
(2) Where a party fails to cornply with any noticc or dircctron
given subjectto thc provisionsof thcscltLrlcs.any intcrcstcdparty rna-v
apply on notice for an order that the noticc or dircctir,'cbc complicd
with within a periodthat rnay be specified,and that failurc to comply
with the order,the party in dcfaultwill..notbc cntitlcd to any rclicf in
the proceedings.
(3) The Court may, on good causc shown, condone
with the periodprcscribcdby thc Coutl
57. Thc Judgechairmanof the Courtshallcauscto be prcparcdanrl
submit to thc Chief' Justicethc report of thc Couri's opcratiottand icd to thc
activitiesat suchintervalsas thc Chief Jrtsticctnay dircct Chicf
. Tsuti c c


Labottr Courts
C. ru.rur.106(contd.) LCF I


(Rule 6)




No,...... "of2o'
tr ; :_'

(Complainant) I
(Rcspondent) I

2. Particularsofthe party instituting proccedings

2 . 1 F i r s ta P P l i c a n t
- 1

P o s t aal d d r e s s. .: . . .. . . . . '


Fax Nurnbcr:


Reprcsentative(if anY):

N a f n e :. .


P o s t aal d d r e s s, ,: . . . ' .

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (contd.)
T c l c p h o nN
eu r n b e r : . . . . . .. ; . . . . . . .

F a x N u m b e r :. . .


(Or ou rccorclwith LabourCoLrrtCoclc):...


2 . 2 O t h c rA p p l i c a n t si,f a n y

N a r n c :.



Fax Nunrbcr:


(i I any):

Name: .

P o s t aul d d l c s s. .: . . . . . .


Fax Nuurbcr:


LabourCourt Coclc):


/ tennirration,breachof contract,tofl etc)

of which the proceedingsare instituted

q'ilr -

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (contd.)
Name and Sectionof otherActs' " " " " " '

3. Particularsofthe First and SecondResponderrt

3.1 First resPondent:


P o s t aal d d r e s s : . . "


Fax Number:


(if anY):



l d d r e s s .: . . .
P o s t aA


Fax Number:

(or on recordwith Labour Court Code):

ReferenceNumber: ..


4. OtherRcsPondcnt(s)'

Name: .


P o s t aAl d d r e s s.:. . . . . . . . .


F a x N u m b e r :. . . . . . .

Labaui, Courts
G. N. No. 106 (c'ontd.)
(or on recordrvith LabourCourt Code):

R e f e r e n cN
e u m b e r :. . . . . .


L T h e a p p l i c a n.t. . . . . . . . w i l l a c c e pnt o t i c e s
and (specify first, second,third, etc)
serviceof all documentsin this matterat the ibllowing addresg:


2. If a respondentintendsto opposethe matter,the responserlffi b. fil.d *i,hin
fifteen days of serviceof the statementof complaint containedherein below in terms
of Rule 6 sub-rule (3) of the Labour Court Rules, failure of which the matter may be
set down for defaultjudgment or be heardin that party's absence.

3. Statementof the facts that will be relied upon to establislrthe applicant'sclaim

. . . . .J .


.' ,

45 I
Labour Courts

Cj. N. Nr.,.106 (contd')
,4.Thc legal issucsthat arisetiorn the abovc


5. Relict(s)sought:


6. Schedulcof docutnents:
"Anuexure which arc nraterial
Attached is a schecluleof documetrtsmarked

and relevantto the issue.

" """"this """ d a yo f " " "' 20" '

S i g n e da n dd a t e da t ' . . . . . . .

(The signatureof the APPlicantor

(The surname and initials of
duly authorized representative)
the Applicartt or duly
authorized RePresentative)

c l a yo f """"""""20
P r e s e r r t feodr f i l i n gt h i s . . ' . . ." " "

Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (contd.)


Oath/Affirmation of Office of Interpretersand Trarrslators

I.......... . .........(Fullnames)

do hereby swear/affirm that wheneverI rnay be called on td perfornr the functions of

an interpreteror translatorin any proceedingsin the Court, I will truly and correctly
and to the best ofrny ability interpretor translatefrorn the languageI arn called on to
interpretor translateinto one or other ofthe official languagesand vice versa.
a n dd a t e da t ...........,..this.....

The Surnameand Initials of The Signatqreof the

the lnterpreter/ Translator Interpreter
/ Translator
Sworn / Affirmed before me: OfficialStamp


J u d g eo f t h e C o u r t : . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .


Labour Courts
C N.No. 106 (contd.)
Fomu Na. 3
(Form No. 3)



Kanuni 16
(Rule l6)
S a m a n s i

Na .' " " "' ya mwaka




t ; (And)

:. Mlalarnikiwa/Mjibu Maombi


lri 48
Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 (contd.)
Taja majina, kazi, mahali pa biasharaau makazi

or residence)
(Statenames,occupalion and place ol'btrs:ne,r.s

Unatakiwa kufika binafsi mbele ya Mahakamahii


(You are required to appear in person be/bre this Court at)

M n a m ot a r e h e. . . . . . . . M w e 2 i . . . . . . . . . ..2. .0. . . . . .s a a n a k u b a k i aM a h a k a m a n i

in attendance)
(On the) ......(dal'o./).'..'.....2ffi,l....(at(time) .......t(and,r,9.remain

hadi uruhusiwena Mahakamakuondoka.kwa aiili ya

( until excusedby the Court, in order lo) .,.,.,........

juu ya tukio lililopo Mahakamanikama ......

kuhusianana mamboyoyoteunayoyafahamu




3 . . .. . . . . . . . .( n k )

( in regard to any matters vvilhin\:our knov'ledgerelatirtg lo (tn (tctiottpending in

the Court in whiclt (clsints thut):



3....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.e. .t .c.).

toka kwa (mdau/wadau)


(/)'om I he (porhy'partics)

ffi Labour Courts

i r

Pia unatakiwakuvilcta na kuviwasilishavizibiti Mahakamani

(E,lcza kwa usahihi

nyaraka, vitabu au

qrc.fitrtherrcquiredto bring andprcduc'eexhibils ttthe'Court)

ttccttrulel)' each tlocttment, book or other


to be


Na unatahadharishwakuwa ffiuuzc asilani kutii sgqransi hii vingincvyo

kwa kutozwafaini au kufungwajcla

iililli utaadabishwa

(littr ura.litrthcrt,(rutionadlhut Iotr shallon ttottc('outtlneglec'tto complt'\'ith lhis

iill stttnnnn,\ lest.t'tturcnder t'otrrsa!.|liahle to u.fine or Imprisonnent)'

v a p a . . . . . . . . l. c o t a r c h e . . . . " trrwczi t n w a k a" " "'

( S i g n e tat t ). . . . . . . . ( t o d u l ' t h i s ) . " ". " " " ( d u . t ' o l ) " " " " " " 2 0 " '


ti, 50
Labour Courts
G. N. No. 106 ('onrd.)
( R u l c2 4 ( 2 ) )

H e l da t

A p p l i c a t i o nN u r n b e r '


rt" ' " (APPlicant)


......-#i'. ... .1+.,*'..... (Respondenr)

Taru Norrce Trrnr thc Applicantintendsto apply to the Court at a dateancl

fixed by the Registrarfbr-anorder in thc followins terms:

n N r ) T A K t j N o r r ( ' nT t r a r t h e a p p l i c a nat p p o l n t s

Applicant's rcpresentativc in thismatter.

Arn T,,rxLNorrc'r: Trrrr thcApplicant will ac:epts!l.vice

of all theproceedings
i1 the
abovcnrattcrat thc adclrcss of theoftlcesof theApplicant's replcselltative,
s c to u tb c l o w :

ANo FunrrrnnTarc NorrcnTHe,rtheaffidavitof ..........will be usedi' support


a n dd a t e da t . . . . . . . . . . . . t h.i .s. . . . . . . . . d a
o yf . . . , . . . . . . . 2 0 . . . . . . .
Appl icant'srepresentative
Signatureof the

Fax Numbcr;

51 I
Labour Courts
G. N. No, 106 (contd.)


Fax Number:
ReferenceNumber: . .S .
E-rnail: ..................


P o s t aAl d d r e s s.:. . . . . . .

Fax Number:

Receivedcopy herebyon this... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. df .a. .Y.

For the Rcspondent

iI 52


T , c r pN o r r c et h a t . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . a . , . . , . . , . , . , . . b e i n g
d i s s a t i s f iw
edi t ht h ed e c i s i oonf

G i v e na t . . , . . . .
. . , . . o nt h e . . . . . .
dayof .:...,......,..,..,...*Fi,:'..,....,...,.,.....,.,.2g*,..,...rntends
t o a p p e atlo t h e
Labourcourt againstthe whoreof the
said decisionor part of the said decision:

for serviceof theappellant

It is intendedto servecopiesofthis notice



Signatureof theAppellant/Advocate/Representative
for theAppellant
Filedin theHigh Courtof Tanzania


G. N. No. 106 (contd.)

(Rule27 (5))


Tme Nortcethat......'.....' . . . ' . " " " " " ' b e i n g d i s s a t i s f i ewdi t h t h e

d e c i s i o ni.n c o m p l a i n tn u m b e r . . . . . ' , . . . . . . . . " " " " " : " " of 20""""

between"""' " ' a n d" " " " '

g i v e nb y . . . . . . ' . . ' d f f : . ' . . ' . . " . . . ' a t "" "" '"_" . . . " " " " " " " " " " " " " o n

the..... ..'iI-.'.....""
d a yo f . . . . . . . . . " " 2 0 " " " " i n t e n dtso s e e kf o r r e v i e wt o

theLabourCourtagainstthewholeor partofthe saiddecision:

for serviceof theapplicantis:

The address

It is intendedto seryecopiesof this noticeon:

Dated this daY of. " " 20.........

for theApplicant
Signatureof the ApplicanVAdvocate/Representative

To: The Registrarat:

Labour Courts

Filed in the High Courtof Ta G. N. No. IOAlconral

nzania(Labour Division)at
this... . . . d a yo f . . . . .


Dar es Salaam,
BaRNaeasA. Senaerra,
. . . . . . .2
, 007


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