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Week 5 Assignment Solutions

1) What is the capacity of a typical trailer?

a) 25 to 65 cubic yards
b) 65 to 125 cubic yards
c) 125 to 185 cubic yards
d) 185 to 225 cubic yards
2) Curbside pick‐up facility is provided for
a) Single residences
b) Medium‐rise apartments
c) High‐rise apartments
d) Institutional
3) Determine the number 7.5m3 containers required per week before compaction,
for a colony with 300 units, 4 people per unit. The generation rate is 0.6
kg/person/day. The un-compacted specific weight is 100kg/m3?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 7
4) Determine the number 7.5m3 containers required per week after compaction, for
a colony with 300 units, 4 people per unit. The generation rate is 0.6
kg/person/day. The compacted specific weight is 250kg/m3?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9
5) Backyard composting will impact collection rate
a) True
b) False
6) In curb side pick collection system for bin to curb collection crew is responsible
a) True
b) False
7) A materials mass balance is the only way to determine the generation and
movement of solid waste with any degree of reliability
a) True
b) False
8) Transfer Stations are used to minimize costs when waste is hauled long
a) True
b) False
9) U-turns are preferred in designing pick-up routes?
a) True
b) False
10) Knowledge of the quantities of solid waste generated, separated and collected for
further processing is fundamental to the design of a solid waste management
a) True
b) False

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