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Sumatran Elephant

Sumatran elephants are the relatives of Asian elephants which can be

found just in the region of Sumatera island. Generally, they have a
tinier body size than the Indian elephant. They are one of the creature
bunches that are extraordinarily secured in Indonesia. The security is
done in light of the fact that the Sumatran elephant masses began to
abatement, unprecedented, and imperiled species which will be
wiped out. As showed by the eventual outcomes of the review drove
in 2000 there were around 2000 to 2700 species. In any case, now,
65% of the people kicked the basin on account of butchered by
individuals by weapon and hurt. Instantly, the living spaces that were
controlled by Sumatran elephants have been changed into bequests.
The Sumatran elephants are the greatest vertebrates that exist in
Indonesia. They are around 6 tons and their stature is about of 3.5 m.
Elephants have an adequately long time of pregnancy. Their
pregnancy period is around 22 months and they can live until 70
years old. Elephants are a kind of sharp herbivores in light of the fact
that they have more prominent brains than interchange warm
blooded creatures. Elephant has ears adequately enormous, and it
understands hearing is incredible. Moreover, the significant ears also
act as a controller of body warmth. While their trunk endeavors to
find or get sustenance and water.
Sumatran elephant has an astoundingly composed in their social
solicitation life. The social life amidst male and female elephants is
really unmistakable. The female is spending her life in a social event
involving mother, young lady, sister, and some more. This family
assembling is driven by the most settled female elephant. Not in any
manner like the female elephant, male elephant oftentimes
contribute their vitality alone to live with their get-togethers. Despite
the way that elephants have a wonderful body they are
extraordinarily strong when they have to swim. They even can swim
for around 6 hours and can go in a partition of 50km. Elephant tusks
are on the front of the upper jaw, which will continue growwing the
length of their life. They have a significant skull and strong, where it
contains an outstandingly savvy mind. No huge amazement that the
elephants have a greatly strong memory, and they never forget the
summons that have been taught by the pioneer. In typical, an
elephant has the limit recall for around 25 requests.
Elephants are herbivores sorts. They will at any rate spend around 16
hours in a day only for social occasion the sustenance. Their foods are
includes grass, leaves, twigs, roots, sprout seeds and minimal normal
items. They will simply prepare 40% of what they eat, appropriately
they should eat up the support in considerable numbers. The
Sumatran elephants are the uniqueness of Indonesia and we are the
people who have a commitment to secure them.
Gajah Sumatera
Gajah Sumatera ialah Anak keturunan dari gajah Asia yang hanya
dapat ditemui di wilayah pulau Sumatera. Pada umumnya, mereka
memiliki ukuran tubuh lebih kecil dari gajah India. Mereka adalah
salah satu spesies yang sangat dilindungi di Indonesia.
Perlindungan ini dilakukan karena populasi gajah Sumatera mulai
menurun, langka, dan terancam punah spesies yang akan punah.
Menurut hasil survei yang dilakukan pada tahun 2000 ada sekitar
2.000-2.700 spesies. Tapi sekarang, 65% dari populasi meninggal
karena dibunuh oleh manusia dengan senjata dan beracun.
Sekarang, habitat yang dihuni oleh gajah Sumatera telah berubah
menjadi perkebunan.
Gajah Sumatera adalah mamalia terbesar yang ada di Indonesia.
Mereka adalah sekitar 6 ton dan tinggi mereka adalah sekitar 3,5
m. Gajah memiliki masa cukup lama kehamilan. Periode kehamilan
adalah sekitar 22 bulan dan mereka bisa hidup sampai 70 tahun.
Gajah adalah jenis herbivora pintar karena mereka memiliki otak
yang lebih besar daripada mamalia lainnya. Gajah memiliki
telinga cukup besar, dan itu membuat rasa pendengaran sangat
baik. Selain itu, telinga yang besar juga berfungsi sebagai pengatur
panas tubuh. Sementara batang mereka bekerja untuk menemukan
atau mendapatkan makanan dan air.
Gajah Sumatera telah sangat terstruktur dalam kehidupan tatanan
sosial mereka. Kehidupan sosial antara gajah jantan dan betina
sangat berbeda. Perempuan yang menghabiskan hidupnya dalam
kelompok yang terdiri dari ibu, anak perempuan, saudara
perempuan, dan banyak lagi. Kelompok keluarga ini dipimpin oleh
gajah betina tertua. Berbeda dengan gajah betina, gajah jantan
sering menghabiskan waktu mereka sendiri untuk hidup dengan
kelompok-kelompok mereka. Meskipun gajah memiliki tubuh yang
besar mereka sangat handal ketika mereka harus berenang.
Mereka bahkan dapat berenang selama sekitar 6 jam dan dapat
melakukan perjalanan dalam jarak 50km. Gading gajah berada di
depan rahang atas, yang akan terus tumbuh selama hidup mereka.
Mereka memiliki tengkorak besar dan kuat, di mana mengandung
otak yang sangat cerdas. Tidak heran bahwa gajah memiliki
memori yang sangat kuat, dan mereka tidak pernah melupakan
perintah yang telah diajarkan oleh pemimpin. Rata-rata, gajah
mampu menghafal sekitar 25 perintah.
Gajah adalah jenis herbivora. Mereka akan setidaknya
menghabiskan sekitar 16 jam dalam sehari hanya untuk
mengumpulkan makanan. Makanan mereka terdiri dari rumput,
daun, ranting, akar, biji bunga dan buah-buahan kecil. Mereka
hanya akan mencerna 40% dari apa yang mereka makan, karena
itu mereka harus mengkonsumsi makanan dalam jumlah besar.
Gajah Sumatera adalah keunikan Indonesia dan kami adalah
orang-orang yang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melindungi

Sumatran elephants are the relatives of Asian elephants which can be

found just in the region of Sumatera island. They are one of the
creature bunches that are extraordinarily secured in Indonesia. The
Sumatran elephants are the greatest vertebrates that exist in
Indonesia. Elephants are a kind of sharp herbivores in light of the fact
that they have more prominent brains than interchange warm
blooded creatures. While their trunk endeavors to find or get
sustenance and water. Sumatran elephant has an astoundingly
composed in their social solicitation life. They have a significant skull
and strong, where it contains an outstandingly savvy mind. No huge
amazement that the elephants have a greatly strong memory, and
they never forget the summons that have been taught by the pioneer.
In typical, an elephant has the limit recall for around 25 requests.
Elephants are herbivores sorts. The Sumatran elephants are the
uniqueness of Indonesia and we are the people who have a
commitment to secure them.

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