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Salvaging the Unavoidable: A Review of

Complications in Pediatric Tissue Expansion
Arun K. Gosain, M.D.
Background: Tissue expansion, while a mainstay of reconstruction for pe-
Sergey Y. Turin, M.D.
diatric cutaneous lesions, has significant complication rates. The authors
Harvey Chim, M.D.
review the complications in a single-surgeon series of tissue expansion to
John A. LoGiudice, M.D. identify risk factors for complications and guide subsequent therapy so
Chicago, Ill.; Gainesville, Fla.; and that reconstructive goals in patients can be met irrespective of intervening
Milwaukee, Wis. complications.
Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted of all pediatric patients
cpt who underwent tissue expansion performed by the senior author (A.K.G.) over
a 12-year period. In total, 282 expanders were placed in 94 patients.
Results: A total of 65 complications occurred in 39 of 94 patients (41.5 per-
cent), involving 65 of the 282 expanders (23.0 percent) placed. Major compli-
cations that required expander removal included exposure (n = 11), rupture
(n = 15), and migration (n = 11). The most frequent minor complications,
which did not require immediate expander removal, included migration
(n = 13) and port malfunction (n = 9). The majority of expanders were placed
in the scalp (n = 114), followed by the torso (n = 100), face and neck (n = 52),
and the extremities (n = 16). Serial expansion beyond the second round re-
sulted in a marked increase in complications. Despite complications, tissue
expansion in the majority of patients could be salvaged, and a satisfactory
outcome was achieved.
Conclusions: Families must be made aware that approximately one-third of
patients may have a complication requiring additional surgery or modifica-
tion of the initial reconstructive plan. However, these complications need not
preclude attainment of reconstructive goals.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 142: 759,

issue expansion is a powerful technique that aplasia cutis congenita, microtia, meningomyelo-
allows reconstruction of defects with tissue of cele, hemangioma, midfacial cleft, Romberg dis-
similar tone, color, and texture, and results ease, Poland syndrome, scrotal reconstruction,
in minimal donor-site morbidity.1,2 Although it was and vaginal agenesis, among others.4–8
initially described as a modality for ear reconstruc- Soft-tissue expansion may be used to increase
tion in the pediatric population, tissue expansion the surface area of full-thickness skin grafts, local
has evolved toward a wide variety of applications, and regional flaps, or free flaps before transfer. Evi-
allowing achievement of aesthetic and functional dence has shown that expanded tissue has similar
endpoints that were not previously obtainable durability and contracture compared to nonex-
with other methods of reconstruction.3 Current panded tissue when harvested for a full-thickness
indications for the use of tissue expansion include skin graft or flap.9 Expansion should ideally be
treatment of burn scars, giant congenital nevi, started early (before school age) to avoid peer pres-
sure that may develop later in childhood because
From the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, of the changes in the patient’s appearance with
Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern Fein- expander filling. Scalp expansion should be delayed
berg School of Medicine; the Division of Plastic and Recon- until at least 9 months of age to minimize molding
structive Surgery, University of Florida; and the Department of the pliable cranium by the tissue expander.
of Plastic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin.
Received for publication September 24, 2017; accepted
March 1, 2018. Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
Copyright © 2018 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to declare in relation to the content of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004650 759
Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2018

Despite the increasing use of tissue expansion flaps located over bony prominences such as the
in a variety of clinical applications, complications calvaria or rib cage. Rigid expanders were placed
are common, with rates as high as 40 percent in in areas where control of expansion vector was
children and infants quoted in earlier reports.4 more difficult, such as the abdominal wall. Inte-
However, these reports did not deter the accep- grated internal ports were used in a limited fash-
tance of tissue expansion as a major reconstruc- ion in this series. Double-stage expanders (i.e.,
tive modality. In our experience, we have found expanders in which the base unit expands first
that although complications are inherent in the and then the upper unit expands) were used ear-
process of tissue expansion, they do not preclude lier in the series, but placement ceased when an
meeting the goals of reconstruction. We pres- inordinate number of exposures and infections
ent the 12-year experience of the senior author resulted.
(A.K.G.) in the use of tissue expansion in the The considerations used in flap design
pediatric population. We describe the major and included, among other factors, the region of the
minor complications encountered, and iden- body expanded, the likelihood of serial expan-
tify risk factors and make recommendations on sion, and the stage of the reconstruction. Inci-
means of avoiding complications. We also pro- sions were placed radially (perpendicular) relative
pose treatment and salvage strategies in the event to the direction of expansion. If an incision was
that complications should arise in the process of placed near the potential defect, the pocket was
tissue expansion. dissected as far from the lesion as possible. The
expander pocket was dissected wider than the
base of the expander in a blunt fashion to pre-
PATIENTS AND METHODS serve the longitudinal blood supply. In antici-
Institutional review board approval was pation of contraction following expansion, the
obtained to conduct a retrospective chart review expander was planned to create a flap 30 to 50
of the senior author’s (A.K.G.) patients over a percent longer than necessary when maximally
12-year period. All patients who underwent tis- filled. Rather than choosing an expander size
sue expansion performed by the author during arbitrarily, we chose the expander with the largest
the study period were included in the analysis. All surface area possible to expand the tissue avail-
patients were operated on and followed at a single able for transposition.
institution. Patient charts were reviewed to deter- The expander was placed on top of the deep
mine patient age at the time of initial expander fascia unless underlying muscle was integrated
placement, diagnosis, number of expanders into the flap. Scalp expanders were placed in a
placed, expander location, expander type, capac- subgaleal pocket. Because of the propensity for
ity of the expander, and volume instilled relative complications in the lower extremities previously
to capacity. Indications for expansion included described in the literature,10,11 few expanders
giant congenital nevi (most common present- were placed inferior to the buttocks. Back-cuts
ing complaint in this series), burn reconstruc- were used in a very limited number of patients in
tion, hemangioma, cutis aplasia, keloids, dog bite the lower extremities. The expanded flaps were
injuries, Pfeiffer syndrome, nevus sebaceous, and secured in a layered fashion with interrupted 3-0
bladder exstrophy. Complications encountered in Monocryl (Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, N.J.) sutures
the process of tissue expansion were categorized in the deep fascia and interrupted 4-0 or 5-0 nylon
as major or minor. Major complications were skin sutures. No drains were placed.
defined as loss of expander before completion of If expander placement was performed for
the reconstruction caused by expander rupture reconstruction of a giant congenital nevus, the
or exposure. Minor complications were defined incision was placed least 2 cm inside the nevus
as those in which the expander was not explanted border to remain remote from the expander. The
and the reconstructive goals were achieved. The incisions were made parallel to the edge of the
results were analyzed using binomial and multi- nevus for better access to dissect the expander
factorial logistic regressions in IBM SPSS (IBM pocket and to avoid tension. The length of the
Corp., Armonk, N.Y.). incision was made shorter than the length of
Expanders were placed under general anes- the expander to leave undissected tissues that
thesia, with perioperative antibiotic admin- would prevent subsequent transposition of the
istration to cover skin flora. Both rigid and expander. The authors feel that it is more difficult
flexible-backed expanders were placed. Seamless to control the expander pocket and subsequent
(flexible-backed) expanders were placed under expander transposition if the incision is placed

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 3 • Pediatric Tissue Expansion Complications

Table 1.  Types of Major and Minor Complications hospital, expansion was performed routinely by a
Encountered patient’s family member, primary care physician,
No. of Expanders
or a physician extender after adequate education,
Suffering with regular review by the senior author. The t test
Type of Complication Complication (%) was used for all statistical analyses.
Major (necessitating expander removal) 37 (13.1)
 Exposure 11
 Rupture 15 RESULTS
 Infection 11 The retrospective chart review showed that 94
Minor (did not require expander
removal) 28 (9.9) pediatric patients underwent expansion with a total
 Migration 13 of 282 expanders placed during the 12-year study
 Port malfunction or access difficulty 11* period. The mean age of patients at the time of
 Skin compromise without expander
exposure 2 initial expander placement was 39 months (range,
 Wound dehiscence or separation 1 7 to 163 months). A total of 65 complications were
 Facial nerve palsy 1 encountered, of which 37 were major and 28 were
*Three required surgery to replace a port. minor. Major complications were defined as those
requiring expander removal, such as infection,
radially within the nevus. The expander pocket rupture, and exposure. Minor complications were
was dissected beneath normal skin, extending to, defined as those that did not necessitate expander
but not beyond, the junction of normal skin and removal, but did delay or affect the course of the
nevus except in the situation of serial expansion reconstruction in some way. The complication rate
for giant congenital nevus. per patient was 41.5 percent (39 complications
In the case of serial expansion, placement per 94 patients), which was higher than the 23.0
of subsequent expanders occurred 3 months percent complication rate per expander (65 com-
after flap advancement. Earlier in the series, we plications per 282 expanders), because of many
did attempt immediate expander re-placement patients undergoing serial expansion.
after flap advancement, but we found that the The types of complications encountered are
expander pocket could not be reliably controlled listed in Table 1. Rupture was most commonly
in this situation and had a high risk of implant encountered in the scalp, accounting for nine of 20
migration. Tissue expansion commenced 3 to 4 complications (45 percent) in this region. Other
weeks after expander placement, with expanders complication data are shown by anatomical site
filled up to two times the recommended capacity. of expansion in Table 2 and by expander fill and
Because many patients resided far away from the chronicity in Table 3. According to our protocol,

Table 2.  Complication Rate by Site of Expansion

No. of No. of Expanders No. of Major No. of Minor
Expanders Placed Suffering Complication (%) Complications Complications
Anatomical site 282 65 37 28
Scalp 114 20 (17.5) 14 6
Torso 100 30 (30.0) 15 15
Face and neck 52 12 (23.1) 6 6
Extremities 16 3 (18.8) 2 1

Table 3.  Expander Complication Rates by Fill and Chronicity

No. of Expanders No. of Expanders
Placed Suffering Complication (%)
Expander fill
 Underfilled (<90% of recommended volume) 56 34 (60.7)
 Filled to goal (90–110% of recommended volume) 41 4 (9.8)
 Overfilled (>110% of recommended volume) 185 27 (14.6)
Type of expansion
 Primary expansion 195 37 (19.0)
 Serial expansion 87 28 (32.2)
Serial expansion stages
 Immediate subsequent placement 51 17 (33.3)
 Delayed subsequent placement 36 11 (30.6)

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2018

expander fill never exceeded twice the recom- significant difference (p = 0.178) between the
mended volume. As shown in Table 3, underfilled 33.3 percent complication rate encountered with
expanders had the highest (60.7 percent) com- immediate placement of expanders after advance-
plication rate. Contrary to intuition, overfilling of ment of a prior expanded flap or the 30.6 percent
expanders was instead associated with only a 14.6 complication rate encountered when subsequent
percent complication rate, not much higher than expander placement was delayed until after the
the 9.8 percent rate encountered when expand- flap had healed. The complication rates during
ers were filled to the recommended volume. To successive rounds of serial expansion are illus-
illustrate this, exposure occurred in eight of 56 trated in Figure 1. Five of the 94 patients required
underfilled expanders (14 percent) compared five or more rounds of expansion. Importantly,
to one of 185 overfilled expanders (0.5 percent). there was a marked rise in the complication rate
We believe, however, that the higher complication after the second round of serial expansion, with
rate in underfilled expanders is not necessarily expanders placed in the sixth round or later suf-
inherent in the fill of the expander, but perhaps is fering a 100 percent complication rate. Based on
caused by the natural course of complications such this experience, it is our recommendation that
as infection, which declare themselves before the serial expansion should be limited to four rounds
surgeon has had the chance to fill the expander to if possible, and should not proceed to or beyond
or beyond capacity. a sixth round of expansion.
Double-stage expanders were used early in the Statistical analysis of the results using a bino-
series but were subsequently abandoned, as they mial regression showed a strong correlation
were associated with a higher complication rate between the presence of any complication and the
compared with single-stage expanders. Of six dou- expander location (p < 0.005) or the stage of serial
ble-stage units placed, four had either migrated expansion (p < 0.005). Multivariate regression
or become exposed. This complication rate of 67 analysis showed no statistical significance between
percent was much higher than the 21 percent com- the type of complication and the expander loca-
plication rate for single-stage expanders (58 com- tion (p = 0.410) or the stage of serial expansion
plications in 276 single-stage expanders placed). (p = 0.298).
Patients underwent either primary (n = 195) Despite the complications encountered in
or serial (n = 87) tissue expansion. There was a sta- the process of tissue expansion, the vast majority
tistically significant difference (p = 0.012) between of patients went on to achieve their reconstruc-
the complication rate encountered per expander tive goals. Figure 2 illustrates a patient undergo-
for primary (19.0 percent) and serial expansion ing scalp expansion in preparation for excision of
(32.2 percent). However, there was no statistically a congenital nevus. Her course was complicated

Fig. 1. Complication rate by round of expansion in patients undergoing serial

expansion. Round 1 includes data from patients undergoing primary tissue
expansion. Round 7 includes data for any subsequent rounds.

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 3 • Pediatric Tissue Expansion Complications

Fig. 2. A 3-year-old girl had undergone three rounds of serial expansion in the head and neck
for planned future excision of congenital nevi (above, left). She was an avid gymnast and devel-
oped a partial-thickness skin abrasion (below, left) while performing somersaults 5 months after
initiation of tissue expansion. She subsequently developed rupture at this site 1 month later,
and was operated on earlier than planned. Intraoperatively, the calvaria has an irregular con-
tour characteristic of expansion in the scalp (above, right). Because of a concern about future
adverse effects of expander durability, burr contouring was performed before flap advance-
ment. Nevertheless, a satisfactory cosmetic result was achieved (below, right), and the patient
met the reconstructive goals.

by expander rupture, but after removal of the Where expander exchange is not possible,
expander and flap advancement, the defect site the reconstructive goals may still be met using
could be closed and the reconstruction was suc- tissue available to resurface critical areas of
cessfully completed. Expander exchange with the defect and harvesting additional tissue as
subsequent resumption of tissue expansion can required. This principle is illustrated in Fig-
be used to manage cases of expander folding, ures 4 and 5. Figure 4 illustrates a patient who
as in Figure 3, which shows a 5-year-old boy who was undergoing an expanded full-thickness skin
underwent expander placement in the abdomen. graft from the abdomen to resurface the dor-
The expander had folded and created pressure sum of the hand. Because of exposure of the
points in the skin and could no longer be inflated. abdominal tissue expander, further expansion
Exchange of the expander allowed continuation was stopped and a full-thickness skin graft was
of the expansion protocol and provided adequate harvested from the expanded lower abdomi-
skin for both donor- and recipient-site closure in nal skin. An additional split-thickness skin graft
one stage. was sufficient to resurface the rest of the defect

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2018

Fig. 3. A 5-year-old boy with giant congenital pigmented nevus of the forearm and hand had expander placement
in the lower abdomen for an expanded full-thickness skin graft to resurface the palm of the hand. The green out-
line delineates the original expander pocket (above, left). The expander folded onto itself, limiting inflation of the
expander and creating pressure points in the overlying skin (above, left and above, right). The expander was replaced
and the expansion protocol was successfully completed; the full-thickness skin graft was harvested to close the
donor site and resurface the palm of the hand in one stage (below, left and right).

involving the wrist and forearm. Figure 5 illus- the pediatric population, and is unique in that
trates an alternative method of salvage following it reflects the experience of a single surgeon
expander exposure when the expander cannot (A.K.G.).
be exchanged. A 6-year-old girl who underwent Overall complications by anatomical region
tissue expansion in the scalp to reconstruct the in our series appeared to be greatest in the torso,
hairline following severe burns to the face and followed by the head and neck. Minimal compli-
scalp is shown. Expansion was complicated by cations were encountered in the lower extremi-
expander exposure. The expander was removed, ties, although this is also because placement was
and flap advancement and rearrangement were avoided in the lower extremities unless absolutely
used to compensate for the defect caused by necessary. Our experience, supported by other
exposure of the expander, with a satisfactory cos- series in the literature, indicates that expansion
metic result. below the waist is exceedingly problematic in the
pediatric population.5,13 We also found that tis-
sue expansion of the scalp was consistently asso-
DISCUSSION ciated with a high incidence of complications. It
Our experience with tissue expansion in the is reasonable to hypothesize that expanders in
pediatric population compares favorably with this location are prone to disruption because of
recent studies, which report complication rates vulnerability during falls or other trauma, and
ranging from 13 to 30 percent, with complication because of their location on the fixed calvarial
rates as high as 65 percent reported in the litera- surface. The gross irregularities that are pres-
ture.4–6,11–14 This study presents one of the largest ent on the calvaria as a result of remodeling may
series to date with regard to tissue expansion in also impinge on the expander, resulting in an

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 3 • Pediatric Tissue Expansion Complications

Fig. 4. A 1-year-old boy underwent serial expansion of the lower abdomen in preparation for har-
vest of a full-thickness skin graft to resurface a defect in the left dorsal forearm and hand following
excision of a congenital nevus. The expander migrated into the left groin 3 months after placement
(above, left). With the resultant redistribution of stress on the skin, the expander became exposed 3
weeks after expander migration (above, right). Expansion was stopped and the expanded full-thick-
ness skin graft was harvested. Although the full-thickness skin graft was adequate for resurfacing the
dorsal digits and webspaces, an additional split-thickness skin graft was required to resurface the
wrist and forearm. A satisfactory cosmetic result was achieved, as shown at 1-year follow-up (below).

Fig. 5. A 6-year-old girl with burns to the face and scalp underwent tissue expansion to facilitate reconstruction of the
hairline. The expander became exposed in the posterior scalp (left). The problem was addressed by expander removal, flap
advancement to reconstruct the hairline, and rearrangement of flap redundancy to compensate for the defect caused by
exposure of the expander (center). Postoperatively, the reconstructive goals are achieved, and the hairline is restored (right).

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2018

additional stress and increasing the likelihood of because of skin loss, flaps can be designed and
disruption and rupture. advanced to distribute redundancy into the
The type of expander placed appears to influ- region of exposure. Risk factors for exposure
ence the complication rate of the reconstruction. include rigid backed expanders in the scalp, and
Double-stage expanders were associated with a serial expansion. Thus, these should be avoided
significantly higher complication rate compared where possible.
with single-stage devices, with migration and In the event of expander rupture, if the
expander exposure being prevalent. One double- expander has been filled to less than the recom-
stage expander “flipped” while being filled, such mended fill volume, we have found that expander
that expansion had to be terminated. Placement exchange with immediate refill serves to achieve
of double-stage expanders in the present series the reconstructive goals. If the expander has been
was therefore limited based on the observed filled to greater than the recommended fill vol-
complications with these expanders. Likewise, ume, the expander should be removed and flaps
expanders with incorporated ports were seldom designed and advanced to compensate for loss
used because of excessive thinning of the flap of skin and subcutaneous tissue. A risk factor for
overlying the port site, particularly in areas when rupture appears to be placement of expanders
the skin was tight, such as in the scalp. In addition, in the scalp; in addition, some patients by nature
there were concerns that expander puncture may of their activities (e.g., sports, tumbling) have an
occur during port access, the risk of which would increased risk of expander damage. Thus, tissue
be increased in an uncooperative child. Interest- expansion should be used with caution in these
ingly, we found that overfilling an expander had patients.
no adverse effects on reconstruction, and thus this In the event of infection, the expander should
is an option for achieving sufficient tissue surface be removed with immediate advancement of
area for reconstruction. flaps so as not to lose gains made from expan-
We found that serial expansion is associ- sion to date. Where serial expansion is contem-
ated with an increased risk of expander-related plated, this should be delayed until the infection
complications. This is consistent with a previ- has completely resolved. We have found that risk
ous study by Friedman et al.,11 who reported factors for infection include prior infection and
that a history of two or more prior expansions use of serial expansion. To minimize risk of infec-
resulted in a major complication in 40 percent tion with serial tissue expansion, aseptic tech-
of patients. Vergnes et al.15 reported a decreased nique and use of perioperative antibiotics are of
net gain of 50 percent for each new expansion utmost importance. Although oral antibiosis may
in preparation for excision of congenital nevi be attempted if the surgeon feels that the infec-
in the trunk. In contrast, Hudson et al.16 advo- tious process is a cellulitis and is confined to the
cated the safety of serial tissue expansion, and skin, we believe that any infectious process involv-
reported major complication rates of 20, 18, ing the expander per se should be treated aggres-
and 0 percent for the second, third, and fourth sively, as described above.
expansions, respectively; however, the limited With expander migration, replacement of the
sample size of 11 expanders for the third expan- expander is indicated only if further expansion
sion and three expanders for the fourth expan- would be ineffective. However, migration of the
sion indicates that one must be cautious in expander may predispose to other complications
drawing conclusions from these data. Our expe- such as exposure, and therefore patients should
rience suggests that serial expansion should not be followed more closely. In the torso, where
proceed beyond the third round of expansion expander migration was more common, one
if possible, and should definitely not proceed option is to place bolsters around the periphery
beyond the fifth round of expansion. of the expander for 2 to 3 weeks to allow the cap-
Based on our experience in this study and sule to secure the expander location before initi-
from the published literature, we can make sev- ating expansion. Alternatively, expander inflation
eral recommendations in an effort to develop can be delayed up to 3 months to allow the cap-
guidelines in salvage of complications, which sule to mature. These techniques are particularly
thus far appear to be unavoidable in the process useful in cases of serial expansion in the torso
of tissue expansion. In the event of expander where expanders are being placed in previously
exposure, a logical treatment plan would involve expanded beds.
removal of the expander and replacement if pos- In the event of port malfunction, use of a
sible. Where expander exchange is not possible remote port precludes the need for expander

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 142, Number 3 • Pediatric Tissue Expansion Complications

removal and requires only port exchange. This

may be encountered in situations where the CODING PERSPECTIVE
port can flip, becoming inaccessible. Moreover, Coding perspective provided by Dr.
as mentioned above, a port access error is less
likely to damage the vulnerable expander when
cpt Raymond Janevicius is intended to
provide coding guidance.
a remote port is used. This is especially important
if non–plastic surgery–trained providers or family 11960 Insertion of tissue expander(s) for
members are administering the expansion fills at other than breast, including subse-
home when the patient is away from the primary quent expansion
surgeon’s practice. Therefore, we recommend the 11971 Removal of tissue expander(s) with-
use of expanders with remote ports for all pediat- out insertion of prosthesis
ric patients.
• The insertion of a tissue expander is re-
CONCLUSIONS ported with code 11960.
Tissue expansion in the pediatric population • Code 11960 is used for the placement of
is an effective reconstructive modality, despite tissue expanders in all non-breast anatom-
potential complications. Patients and, more ic sites. The code does not distinguish be-
importantly, their families must be made aware tween sizes of expanders.
that up to one-third of patients will have a com- • The use of the term “expander(s)” is
plication necessitating additional surgery or sometimes misinterpreted by payers to
modification of the initial reconstructive plan. include all expanders placed during one
Many families perform expansion at home, and operative session. If one pocket is created,
therefore they should be made familiar with com- and more than one expander is placed in
mon complications such as expander exposure, that pocket, then code 11960 is reported
rupture, and infection to eliminate delay in sub- once. This is the intent of the use of the
sequent treatment. Patients and families who are plural term “expander(s).”
cooperative and compliant are most likely to have • If, however, more than one pocket is cre-
a better outcome, and anticipatory guidance, psy- ated and separate expanders are placed in
chological support, and education are thus vital each pocket, then code 11960 is used for
components of the treatment process. Although each expander placed, as creation of addi-
the majority of reported complications of tissue tional pockets requires additional surgical
expansion serve to deter or delay the final recon- work.
struction, few complications prevent the achieve- • If four scalp tissue expanders are placed
ment of reconstructive goals. Proper patient in four separate pockets, the procedures
selection, thorough preoperative planning, are reported:
meticulous technique, and the capacity to modify
the reconstructive plan for each patient based on °  11960
their clinical response and complications are all °  11960-59
critical factors for achieving an optimal outcome. °  11960-59
°  11960-59
Arun K. Gosain, M.D.
Division of Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • All office visits for tissue expansion dur-
Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago ing the 90-day global period are included
225 East Chicago Avenue, Box 93 in code 11960. If tissue expansion is per-
Chicago, Ill. 60611 formed beyond the 90-day global period,
appropriate office visit codes (9921X) are
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • The removal of a tissue expander is re-
The authors thank Timothy Santoro, M.D., for ported with code 11971.
assistance in reviewing charts of the study patients. • If the tissue expander is removed with-
in the 90-day global period of code
11960, then modifier 58 is appended:
Parents or guardians provided written consent for
the use of patients’ images.

Copyright © 2018 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2018

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