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Cheyenne Herrmann

Professor Davis

Composition II

31 January 2020

The Power of Conversation

A conversation is always the way to start when trying to make friends or resolve conflict.

Conversation to me means talking between two or more people exchanging ideas or discussing a

topic. Starting a conversation could be hard for someone who does not like to talk, like me. I do

not mind saying hello to someone or asking for help, but I am not a good conversation starter. A

simple smile could impact someone’s day, even if one does not talk to them physically.

Conversation is important because it allows people to gain connections, express their feelings,

and influence the lives of others.

First, the main reason conversation is important is because it allows people to gain

connections with others around them. The most important part of making connections is having a

positive attitude. Having a positive attitude should be something one has all the time, not just

when trying to form connections while talking. There are many opportunities for people to gain

connections, it could be at the dinner table, or driving in the car with friends. Conversations do

not have to be hard; a simple smile or good morning could make someone’s day. As stated in

“On Being Neighborly”, Brotherton states “I gave him a head nod and said, ‘Good morning’, as

he passed… but the young man didn’t even look at me or respond in any way”. This is important

because it shows that some people do not always want to talk. But to others, saying hello or a

smile could make their day. That is the main reason conversation is important in forming

connections with others.

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Furthermore, a conversation is important because it allows someone to express how they

are feeling. Some people do not like to talk about their feelings, but sometimes talking about it

could be the better choice. A conversation could play an important role in a relationship by

expressing the feelings one has for another person. Without conversation, no one would know

how their significant other felt about them. One could be getting harmed and physically not feel

right to talk about it. But in that situation, talking about it to express their feelings could save

their life. Most importantly, talking is important in everyone’s day-to-day life. Whether you want

to or not, talking could sometimes end up being the better choice in the end.

Finally, without conversation, how would someone be able to influence the lives of

others? Influencing someone else’s life could be as simple as telling them their day will get

better. Just telling someone their life will get better could make life easier just as a support

system. Influencing someone in a positive way could build trust with that person, and make them

trust someone in times when they really need someone. As Brotherton states in “On Being

Neighborly”, Treating others as you want to be treated could really influence someone’s life too.

Someone does not know how others are treated without getting to know them first. That is why a

person should always think before they speak to someone because they do not know what that

person has been through or what they are hiding. Influencing others could be better for one’s

own self too. It could make one realize what an impact it made on someone else’s life.

To conclude, always having a positive attitude, a simple smile, or even a friendly hello

could easily be a conversation starter. One may have to find the right person and the right time

to try and start a conversation. A person should try and make it their goal at least once a day to

make someone’s life better or influence them. Without conversation, no one would know how to

talk to other individuals. Conversation is important because it allows people to gain connections,
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express their feelings, and influence the lives of others.

Works Cited

Brotherton, Marcus. “Being a Good Neighbor.” The Art of Manliness, 27 Nov. 2017,

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