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Leader and Leadership development

By Sudit Bhunia(09) & Komal Lanjewar(50)

Atharva Institute Of Management Studies

The development of effective leaders and leadership behaviour may be a prominent
concern in organizations of all kinds. We review the hypothetical and observed sources
of information on leader and leadership development that specialize in Leadership
Qualities. Compared to the relatively long history of leadership research and theory, the
systematic study of leadership development features a moderately short history as the
need for study on Systematic Leadership development was not considered important.
We study and observe interpersonal and intrapersonal issues associated with the
phenomena that develop during the quest of effective leadership, describe how
development emerges by giving importance to the collection of overall feedback
processes, review studies of leadership development and analytical issues in leader and
leadership development research.
Keywords: Leadership development, Interpersonal skills development,
Intrapersonal skills development.
Author for correspondence: ,

Leadership development is more about traits because it is directly related with
the experience and this is often where the role of the teacher appears. Existing
senior management leaders can help potential leaders perform better and
provides them tips and insights into how the business world operates in order
that they need a thought about how they have to respond to tricky and thorny
issues. The point about world experience is that a lot of potential leaders may
need the required traits and ambition but lack the insights for what makes a
successful leader in the real world situations. This is where the experience of
the senior leaders in organizations helps as they will provide valuable
guidance to the potential leaders on the way to solve tricky problems.
Interpersonal skills development
Leadership development is a dynamic process consisting of levels of analyses, the
content aspects of this process include a variety of interpersonal factors such as Self-
awareness, Empathy, Managing emotions and listening skills.

Self-awareness is an important soft skill that acts as a base to emotional intelligence. If
a leader is self-aware, then he knows his strengths, opportunities for growth, values,
drivers, and everything necessary in between. This knowledge enables people to utilize
this assets to their advantage, exert caution at the times when they may be triggered, and
develop in the areas that they need it most.

Empathy – the ability to understand others’ feelings. Having empathy helps a leader to
construct better relationships and to approach those who are in need around him. This
skill also enables people to recognize the impact they are making on others and how
their attitude changes towards you.

Managing emotions
Life of a leader can be very stressful. The best leaders are those who have
learned this hard task, how to manage these stress giving things and any
negative emotion. While, self-awareness empowers the leader to recognize
when he is irritable, nervous or feeling threatened, for example, their
capability to regulate these emotions helps him to maintain his composure and
prevent any behaviours he might later regret.
Listening skills
Listening can be a challenging task, we live in an age in which endless digital
distractions make it more difficult to stay present and pay attention with those
around us. Companies with leaders who have good interpersonal skills obtain
an advantage for themselves a competitive leg-up over their peers.

Intrapersonal skills
In terms of intrapersonal content, a relevant question is what helps to develop
as a function of leadership development? Researchers such as Lord and Hall
(2005) have noted the importance of individual identity in developing
leadership skills and expertise as part of the leader development process, these
include Analytical skills, Productivity, Strategic thinking and proper Vision.

Analytical skills
This skill can make the most complicated situations and problems easy by
collection of different data and organized order of the information received
from resources. This includes team working ability, individual efforts for
improvisation, growth in mind state. Analytical thinkers help the important
and crucial decisions to take for organisation. It is not about jumping to
conclusions without proper point-of-view or assumptions.

Productive leaders understand the impact of taking breaks during work.
Productivity is all about maintaining health and consistency in work without
getting panic and completing work and tasks on time. It just don’t conveys
completing tasks faster but also completing quality work done. For a quality
work, one must have patience, dedication and determination. A productive
employee or a leader also must look after their health. Overworking will not
lead to productive work because it may cause health issue as well.

Strategic thinking
Strategic thinkers believe on foresight to take decisions according to future
operations and present situation and do not make assumptions based on
irrelevant data. They also look after next opportunity to be achieved and make
plans accordingly without leaving present tasks as it is. They analyse, listen
and observe the current situation for correct decision making and always focus
on long term gains keeping in mind their customers, employees and business.
Planning and executing in a proper manner is essential for them.

Vision is the ability to see the infinite ways to secure the future and plan to
get there. The vision to analyse and predict the demand and market trends as
well as the competition product will keep the business run successfully.
Motivating your subordinates and employees to share their views and
contribute to improve business will ultimately lead to success. A common
vision for all in the business will bind the team strongly. A thorough research
on the topic with proper plan will make the right use of resources and time.
The team work and their views together bring out the expected actions.

As noted by the eminent leadership scholar John Gardner (1990), “In the mid-
21st century, people will look back on our present [leadership development]
practices as primitive”. This statement is consistent with our contention that
despite the significant advances in understanding leadership development
made over the past 25 years, many of which have been published in the pages
of The Leadership Quarterly, the field is still relatively immature. This also
means the field is replete with opportunities for researchers and theorists.
Looking ahead to the ensuing 25 years, it seems certain that if scholars answer
the call, the field will continue to progress to a less primitive state. This will
stimulate better leadership and, consequently, foster better organizations,
communities, and societies.


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