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Week Hours Word Count To

1/6–1/10 12 946
1/13–1/17 12 1,570
1/20–1/24 12 2,331
1/27–1/31 12 3,399
2/3–2/7 12 4,430
2/10–2/14 12 5,456
2/17–2/21 12 6,389
2/24–2/28 12 8,051
3/2–3/6 12 9,171
3/9–3/13 12 10,393
3/16–3/20 12 11,045
3/23–3/27 12 12,264
3/30–4/3 12 12,981
4/6–4/10 12 14,627
4/13–4/17 12 15,058
4/20–4/24 12 15,575
Create/schedule social media content, write/update newsletter, create/schedule Facebook events, promote Friday Happy Hour
Create/schedule social media content, write/update newsletter, create/schedule Facebook events, announce Tennibot event. 
Create/schedule social media content, write/update newsletter, create/schedule Facebook events, promote Real Talk ft Tennib
Create/Schedule social media content, write/schedule newsletter, compiling media outreach/analytics for the quarter, working o
Create/Schedule social media content, write/schedule newsletter, compiling media outreach/analytics for the quarter, working o
Create/Schedule social media content, write/schedule newsletter, working on Newsletter rebrand and Domi rebrand timeline
Create/Schedule social media content, write/schedule newsletter, working on Newsletter rebrand and Domi rebrand timeline, pr
Create/Schedule social media content, write/update/schedule newsletter, Member spotlight edits, updating logos, promo progra
Create/Schedule social media content, write/update/schedule newsletter, Member spotlight edits, updating logos, promo progra
Create/Schedule social media content, finish/schedule newsletter (first with the brand refresh, compile quarter 1 analytics, Team
Create/schedule social media content, work on newsletter, cancel public events, analytics 
Create/schedule social media content, pay attention to COVID19 updates, newsletter schedule + send with new updates 
Create/schedule social media content, pay attention to COVID19 updates, create newsletter, post twitter poll, post entrepreneu
Create/schedule social media content, pay attention to COVID19 updates, Community Highlights for website
Create/schedule social media content, COVID 19 updates, community positive highlights for website, draft newsletter
Create/schedule social media content, COVID 19 updates, community positive highlights for website, send newsletter
Got reaquainted to position. Would like to start drafting and scheduling content a week in advance. 
Have content drafting & scheduling down. Would like to give more attention to Domi's Instagram. 
Working on Domi Instagram Community 
Newsletter and social media rebrand timeline
Figuring out how to incorporate new branding into social media & working on Newsletter rebrand 
Editing Newsletter brand refresh mockup 
Wrapping up newsletter brand refresh – finishing touches 
Working on Newsletter finishing touches, updating website calendar for the month 
Finishing touches on Newsletter rebrand, first member IG spotlight goes up, first Twitter poll goes up
First newsletter with rebrand sent out on Tuesday!
Prepping for spring break and dealing with Coronavirus updates/changes to Domi policy 
Adjusting to working remotely, video staff meetings, and working on posting content that is valuable and relevant to what small
Still adjusting to remote work, have new communication strategy down 
Working on communication strategy, reaching out to community members who are helping others
Connecting with community members who are innovating during COVID19 and business as usual 
Finishing up final tasks for internship 

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