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Color Change Sapphire Value, Price, and Jewelry Informa on

Finished version of Emerald Cut Color Change Sapphire by Daniel Stair

Color Change Sapphire Value

The Interna onal Gem Society (IGS) has a list of businesses offering gemstone appraisal services.

Sapphire Value via Gem Price Guide

Kashmir Sapphire
Cer fied origin. Untreated material.

Average brilliancy of 40 to 60%. Add to 20% or deduct to 10% for other cu ng. Prices for ovals and cushions. Add 8% to 10% for rounds and pears. Add
to 20% for emeralds and marquis.

Top Grade: vB 5/6, 6/6. B 5/6, 6/6.

Top Grade 1 to 2 carats 2 to 3 carats 3 to 4 carats 4 carats plus

See the en re Gem Price Guide.

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Color Change Sapphire Informa on


Name Color Change Sapphire

Is a Variety of Sapphire

Crystallography  Hexagonal (trigonal). Crystals common, o en barrel-shaped, prisms with flat ends, some mes bipyramidal; also massive, granular, in rolled pebbles.

Refrac ve Index  1.757-1.779

Colors  Usually, blue, bluish purple, and violet-purple. More rarely, green, yellow, and pink.

Luster  Vitreous to adaman ne.

Polish Luster  Vitreous to subadaman ne.

Fracture Luster  Vitreous.

Fracture  Conchoidal; frequent par ng

Hardness  9

Specific Gravity  3.99-4.10; usually near 4.0.

Birefringence  0.008-0.009

Cleavage  None

Dispersion  0.018

Luminescence  Natural color change sapphires: inert to strong red in LW, inert to moderate red to orange in SW. Synthe c color change sapphires: moderate orange to red
and SW, may fluoresce red in LW and mo led blue in SW.

Wearability  Excellent

Transparency  Transparent to opaque.

Absorp on The ferric iron spectrum dominates these stones. In green and blue-green gems, rich in iron, there are lines at 4710, 4600, and 4500 in the blue-green regio
Spectrum  lines at 4500 and 4600 may seem to merge and become a broad band. The three bands described are generally known as the 4500 complex and are very
dis nc ve in sapphires. Some blue Sri Lanka sapphires also show a 6935 red fluorescent line, and the 4500 line is very weak in these gems. Synthe c color
sapphires show a line 4740. See main Sapphire gem lis ng for more informa on.

Phenomena  Asterism, color change, chatoyancy.

Birthstone  September

Pleochroism  Very pronounced. See main Sapphire gem lis ng.

Op cs  RI: o = 1.757-1.770; e = 1.765-1.779 (usually 1.760, 1.768); Uniaxial (-).

Color change sapphires are those that change color between light sources.

by Interna onal Gem Society

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