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ap psychology test notes

subjects in an experiment to whom the independent variable is administered

term that describes memories that can be consciously recalled

external locus of control

this term describes what you have if your behaviors are driven mainly by outside

in classical conditioning, the process of eliminating the previously acquired
association of the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response

one of the Big 5, a personality trait orients one's interests toward the outside
world and other people, rather than inward

term that describes motivations that drive behavior in order to gain rewards from
outside forces

false consensus
a belief that others share the same opinion about something, when actually most

feature detection
the ability of the brain to identify specific components of visual stimuli such as
corners or edges

fetal alcohol syndrome

sometimes the result in a child of the mother's excessive drinking while pregnant,
characterized by low birth weight, facial abnormalities, mental retardation

a stage in human development extending from about ten weeks after conception to

refers to our ability to distinguish foreground from background in visual images

fixed interval
describes the schedule of reinforcement wherein a worker receives a paycheck every

fixed ratio
describes a schedule of reinforcement wherein a worker is paid for a certain sum
for each product produced

term describes a vivid memory of a personally significant and emotional event

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