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1ST CASE = (Questions No. 7 – No. 13)

> If the field below represents ALL the Oil Immersion Fields in the smear, what do you expect on the
Leukocyte Differential Count of patient Mr. Xiu?
7) Neutrophils = _B
8) Lymphocytes = A_
9) Monocytes = _C
10) Eosinophils = C
11) Basophils = _B
Choices: A) 40% B) 20% C) 10% D)30% E) 50%

_ 12) If the WBC Count of Mr.

Xiu is 12,000/uL, compute for
the absolute value of his
A) 2,400 C)
B) 12,000 D)

13) Which condition could best explain the Neutrophil result of Mr. Xiu?
A) Acute bacterial infections B) Normal count
C) Heavy metal intoxication
D) Allergies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2ND CASE = (Questions No. 14 – No. 17)

 In which conditions would the following findings be seen?

Choices A) acute bacterial infection C) acute viral infection E) Polycythemia
B) acute leukemia D) parasitism
14) C

15) D
16) A

17) B

3RD CASE = (Questions No. 18– No. 19)

18) To the left is the present blood sample of

Ms. G who was diagnosed to have anemia 2
weeks prior to admission. All the ten (10) Oil
Immersion Fields you counted, which yielded
a total of 1000 RBC’s, look similar like the
one on the left. Compute for her present
Reticulocyte Count?

A) 5.0%
B) 4.0%


19) Evaluate her bone marrow response to

A) Hypoproliferative
B) Hyperproliferative
C) Normal

4TH CASE = (Questions No. 20– No. 23)

> Abnormal Erythrocytes


A) B)
C) D)


B 20) liver disease & hypothyroidism _

D 21) lipidosis & myelofibrosis
_ A 22) lead poisoning; decreased phosphatidylcholine
E 23) iron deficiency anemia

5TH CASE = (Questions No. 24– No. 25)

24) A mother brings her newborn baby for “gender confirmation”. Which of these Epithelial cells
below would confirm the baby as a girl?
A) B)

25) In an individual with a Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), how many barr bodies will be expressed in
each cell?
A) None B) one C) two D) three


6TH CASE = (Questions No. 26– No. 30)

26) You sent your 35y.o. patient, Mrs. Z, to the laboratory for Complete Blood Count (CBC). Her present
result is the same and has been stable for the past 2 months. Under the microscope, if this square (see
below) represents each of the 5 squares for RBC counting, how many red cells do you see in this small
square? (include RBC lying on the outer right and outer lower borders only; disregard the outer
upper & outer left borders)
A) 113 red cells B) 200 red cells C) 78 red cells D) 100 red cells
27) Based on the small square RBC content above, and a 200 dilution, if the above square represents each of the
5 squares for RBC counting, what is the RBC count of the patient today?
A) 5,650,000 cells/cumm
B) 10,000,000 cells/cumm
C) 3,900,000 cells/cumm
D) 5,000,000 cells/cumm
28) Interpret the result of Mrs Z.
A) Anemia B) Normal C) Polycythemia D) cannot be determined
29) After 1week Mrs. Z came back complaining of palor, occasional dizziness & fainting spells. Her
repeat CBC shows the following result on RBC= 4,500,080/cumm; Platelet count = 499x103/µL . What
is your clinical impression on her RBC Count?
A) The count has increased, and thus she is presently polycythemic.
B) Her result falls within the normal range, thus she has a normal RBC count.
C) The count has dropped from her baseline, and thus she is presently anemic.
D) A & B only
30) For the results of Mrs. Z, give a possible associated condition.
A) She could have defective regulation of erythropoietin production
B) She could be overdosing with “Ferrous Sulfate” tablets.
C) Cases like this are idiopathic in origin.
D) She may be presently menstruating or bleeding.
E, D, C, C, C, C, B

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