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Unit 1 is about the diferent roles or activities that public accountants Can do once
we had finished the all content of the unit. Also we can learn some diferent words
and meanings to express ourselves, the public accountants can perfom in diferent
activities is not necesary to work or perfom in the most common this career or
ocupation has a wide offer. The utility of this unit is that give us a baseline of our
future ocupation and the diferent activities where are about to do. Also, in the
developement of thsi unit we do diferent exercises like Reading, listening, writing
all of thsi enfocated in Jobs or activities related to accounting.
We learned words like book keeper, this people are the responsible of deliver the
books to the diferent companies and are the unseen part of accounting,
tax accountants are the responsible of taxes, this involve companies, workers and
natural clients. Some of theh roles that a public accountant can perform in a
company are internal auditor, financial advisor and management accountant. Some
basic concepts are employee, employer, Budget as accountants we can also hire,
fire employees. The CPA license is the document that certifies you as qualified
accountant with this document you can perfom in some other countries.
Unit 2 is about symbols and their interpretation, when we talk about this what we
really mean is that in our daily life we use operations like add, subtract, divide aand
one of the areas that uses this the most is accounting. In our work we also have to
learn how to say and pronounce numbers and low and high quantity figures. We do
vocabulary exercises in which we have to fill blnaks with the correct Word
according to the operation and the meaning of it. Is useful for accountants because
this are daily operations, we are gong to talk about this operations to our future
clients and is so important to have a wide vocabulary. It was nice because in class
and during the development of this unit we practice pronunciation and numbers
and one f the msot importan things is that numbers and operations have a diferent
meaning and names acording to the situation.
Knowing this accounting language allows us to explain more easily to people who
do not handle these terms in such a way that accounting becomes something easy
and understandable for everyone. Maybe we dont notice but in our daily life we use
accounting language for that simpel reason is so useful and important this words, if
you know of to use them or how to talk about thsi operations people may
misunderstand what you are saying. The same thing happens when it comes to
numbers when you have to work with money, bills or count is so important to know
about quantities, amounts, operations and figures.
Unit 3 is about teh varierity of materials that we can found in the office where
accountants work, the diferent things we use daily in our office, Similarly we saw
an example of a bill of sale where we can use the operations, quantities and
figures we had learned in the past units. once again we did writing, listening and
reading exercises. This exercise was great learning because the pronunciation of a
word will depend on the other person understanding what we are talking about.
The importance of this unit is that once we graduate as an accountant is necessary
to know the diferent materials and objects we can find in our offices or work area
and also know the utility of every single object.
i could say that one of the most important teachings of this unit is the vocabulary
sometimes you know the office materials but you dont know the name of it or
maybe dont know if you are pronouncing it correctly, this is so important for our
future professional life because vocabulary is the the guideline to communication,
we are going to talk to clients, company owners, employees and a fluent
vocabulary is mandatory.
La unidad 4 habla sobre las herramientas electrónicas que encontramos en la
mayoría de oficinas donde trabajan los contadores por ejemplo la impresora,
calculadora, computador, scanner, computador de mesa, teléfono celular entre
otro y saber que utilidad tiene cada uno en el área, pero saber que el principal
elemento que se necesita es el computador. Se hicieron ejercicios de escucha,
escritura, lecturas de las que se muestran en la unidad y llenar los campos con las


Unit 4 is about electronic tools that we can find in a majority of the accounting
offices, when we talk about this tools us like computer, key board, printer, etc is
related to the past unit. Also we learned the utility of this tools and the importance
of them in our work. when you talk about any job one of the most important tool is a
computer, so we can't have an office without one of these.
This last unit is about the steps you have to follow to do a bookkeping cycle.
Theres only 6 steps:
1. Gathe resource documents of all teh transactions, this includes: purchase
invoce, payroll master filles, time cards, credit card statements
2. Analyze the financial efect of every transaction, this include: payroll, sales,
3. 3. record financial effects in a journal, tehn post them in the accounting
4. Perfom end- of- period procedures, this includes: count inventory, check for
errors in clasification, adjust for errors.
5. Prepare an adjusted trial balance
6. Close the books at teh end of every fiscal year.

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