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Lecue 2 10 Sep 07 | Last time ovtame mattix outeames # payoffs payotts mater eee omy pair Payes iF only care about oun grade strictly dominates B Lesson Do nor play a strictly dominated Strategy Pat yourself in others 'Shees to Eeguee out what they will do ———} Lesson Prisoners Dilemna examples = jie project to Keollusion 77 inwentive te shirk incentive. fo underest peice = common incentive to “overfich" or mead pollute. Remedies tat joint Communication contracts treaties change payors reyvlations repeated ploy Tae pl Open Yale «< Today 7? Formal Stef + plegecs Ingeedients of a game Hgane a) you all >) « portiuter fetativa aSteateies 13 Phy oF player ¢ 12,3, the set of £13, 0 possible stateyies of player ¢. Oa pene play of pe gene the spedcheet * greatesy pole Lor vector, 06 ist >> GG, 8be) ucts) spayotts Assume known ‘one more notation Su, a choice Frall © “except person ¢ We (5, 5.5) ? | Deln player CS strategy 5;' ts weakly dominated | ~~ by her Sinetegy Sg iF 4; 65,5.) 2 4; C5 Sc) ral sj UG Sg) 7 a(S 5-5) fe some S-5 | | | | |e = | Game From last time 77 | weakly deminated ‘onal Aa) es oofoatty not weakly dominced —— tabonality , + in original game, Keouledse that but weakly dominated others ave once we delete 6g-t00 — F *fonal in shoes" 6175; 745 YS ZS 730 “insmoes,in shoes” R,KR, KER Bo 75/720 “inshoes,in shoes, ashes" R jKRKKR, . KKKR a Comoran Kaouledge Rationality ~takes ot 267 £6 Aurge (35 7

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