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Romee Johnson

IPE Reflective Journal

Before this seminar, I never considered how crucial of a role ethics played in the

healthcare setting. Obviously, I knew to always be honest, transparent, and genuine as a nurse,

but I never knew that an ethics board of several different healthcare professionals existed to deal

with difficult decisions regarding patients’ lives. The Interprofessional Education Event was an

incredible seminar that allowed me to understand and simulate the importance of ethic boards.

This seminar not only taught me about how crucial ethics are in all professions, but it showed me

how every profession has a different perspectives and different priorities on each situation.

During the seminar, and especially during the simulation, I noticed that other healthcare

professionals have different priorities than nurses do. As a nurse, I was focused on advocating

for the patient. Other professionals, however, were focused on the family, money, resources,

social burdens, lawsuits and legalities, and even the hospital’s well-being. I was astounded that a

lot of the concerns circulating the situation being dealt with were focused on money. I always

believed that every medical professional’s priority was to advocate for the patient, but now I

know that other professionals follow different codes of ethics. Learning this, however, helped me

understand why so many different professions participate on an ethics board; every professional

brings a unique perspective that can help to create the best solution for the problem at hand.

In conclusion, the Interprofessional Educational Event was a very beneficial seminar that

I believe all medical, social, and law professionals should attend to gain collaboration skills. The

presenters were professional, punctual, well-prepared, and shared important information to help

professionals and students gain new skills. This event was extremely educational, and I would

highly recommend making it a mandatory event for future healthcare students to attend.

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