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Is it a sin to be Obese?
Obesity is a disorder that occurs when a person
carries excess weight or body fat that might affect
their health. Obesity occurs when a person's body
mass index is 30 or greater.
So, now that we are clear of what obesity is, we can
answer the question “is it a sin to be obese?”. Well,
we can’t say obesity is a sin, because it depends a lot
on the cause. Example, if a person is obese because
of a disease or a medication the person is taking, we
cannot say is a sin ,because is not his or her fault.
But, if it is due to overeating and gluttony, it is a sin
because in the bible says that our body is the temple
of God so we shouldn’t damage it (1 Corinthians 6:19-
20) and, because gluttony is a sin, too (Proverbs
23:20-21) (Proverbs 23:2).
It will also be a sin if it is due to lack of self-control,
because God commands us to have self-control (Titus
So, in conclusion, obesity is a sin depending on its
cause and, because we don’t know other’s causes, we
must be careful not to judge anyone because of their
outward appearance (John 7:24).

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