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Name : ika uswatun hasanah

Nim : 165300103
Class : E 2019
Big Turtle
1. Summary

Many years ago the world had two parts. Animals lived in the lower part, which was
completely covered in water and had no land or soil. Above was the Sky World, where the sky
people lived. The Sky World had lots of soil, with beautiful mountains and valleys. One day a
girl from Sky World went for a long walk and became very tired. A little girl from the world of
Sky leaning on an apple tree, then the ground where she sat cracked and she fell into the water.
There are two geese that can catch the fall of a little girl into the water. After successfully
captured the confused girl to return to the sky world. finally, the swan called out to the big turtle,
then Big Turtle gathered all the animals together and discussed that we had to find a few grains
of land to make this girl home.

These animals are otters, muskrats, otters have tried to take it to the bottom of the water
but they cannot accept it because they cannot dive to the flow of water deeply and the depth of
the water base. Only one animal can take soil at the bottom of the water, it is a Toskwaye, a
small frog, who is always mocked and demeaned by his friends. After Toskwaye took the land at
the bottom of the water, he spilled all of his land behind the Big Turtle to be used as a residence
for the girl and then Toskwaye died. Sometimes the land grew into a large island that was
sufficient for a little girl to live in. The Turtle ordered the others to rub the soil grains and spread
them around on his shell. The grains grew and grew until a large island was formed - big enough
for the girl to live on. It grew into our world as we know it today. And the descendants of the
Sky girl became the Earth's people.

Until now some people say the whole world still rests on Big Turtles back. When he gets
tired and changes his position, we have earthquakes. Toad has not been forgotten either.
American native Indians call her "Mashutaha", which means 'Our Grandmother'. No one is
allowed to harm her.

2. Main Characters
a. a Little Girl : always be patient towards with her situation, Good girl
b. Two Swans : kind, they like to help others,
c. Big Turtle : have knowledgeable, always wise when making every decision
d. Toskwayse : has a hardworking characteristic even though is very
small, never give up when doing anything, and humble

e. Otter ,Muskrat, Beaver : have a same characteristic is that always arrogant of their
abilities, always demeaning with others.
3. Moral Value
According the story above, do not like to undermine the abilities of others and we
should have to respect the abilities of others. In the story above we can imitate the
attitude of a big turtle who likes to help people who are in trouble and also the
characteristic of Toskwaye, even though he was small, but he wanted to help people with
problems until he wanted to die. actually doing good deeds in any case will certainly
bring ultimate happiness to us. When other people feel happy with our kindness, then
happiness will return to us. True happiness will always be present in our life when
goodness has become a habit and will be firmly planted in the heart.

4. Asking and giving information

Asking Giving
What is the tittle of the story? The tittle is A Big Turtle

What is your opinion about big turtle The big turtle was very wise to help the
story? girl to live on the back of the big turtle
that had been overgrown with dirt.
Why is the Native American Indians Because big turtles are the largest and
called him "Mashutaha", and no one was oldest animals and some people say the
allowed to hurt him? whole world still rests on Big Turtles
How can any animals build islands on the Big Turtle commands aquatic animals to
backs of turtles where humans can live? take some soil in the water base. Then the
land is laid out on the back of a Big
Which character do you like? I like Big Turtle, he is the oldest animal
that is willing to turn her back into a big
island for the little girl who lives.
Toskwaye, even though his body is small
and often teased by her friends, he still
wants to try to help the little girl.
Who is the character you dislike? Muskrat, Beaver and Otter are a group of
animals have arrogant with their abilities
and always demeaning each other's
abilities and always mock the little
Who managed to take some of the land He is Toskwaye, a little toad.
under the water to bring to the back of a
Why is an earthquake occurs? Because of whole world rests on Big
Turtles back so when he gets tired and
changes his position, we have

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