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FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group

Weekly Coaching Guide

Instructions – How to Use This Guide

In this guide, you will find shareable Facebook posts, including tips, recipes, videos*, and more, that correspond to each
week of your FOCUS T25™ Challenge Group. These are suggested posts to help you manage your Group, but feel free
to mix them up to suit the needs of your Team.

Take these steps before your Group starts:

1) Set up Facebook group
2) Send out the Participant Guide to the Group
3) Post week 0 topics to your Facebook group


This Weekly Coaching Guide contains links to products, tools, and resources on To ensure you
receive credit for any sales made through these links, simply append the following text shown in bold (inserting your
OWN Coach repID) to the end of the URL, and paste the link into Facebook.


Example for coach with Rep ID of 2422 linking to FOCUS T25 page:

*All trainer videos are also available in the Video Library in the Coach Online Office.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 0 (Leading up to Week 1)

Day of Topic Facebook Posts (Copy and Paste)

Day 1 Get Started Tip Get Started Tip: Congratulations! You are on your way to achieving amazing
results in only 25 minutes a day. Start by opening your FOCUS T25™ program
and reviewing these materials:
* Quick Start Guide
* Get It Done Nutrition Guide
* 5 Day Fast Track
Day 2 Get Started Tip Get Started Tip: Let the people close to you know about your specific health and
nutrition goals – there is no one like friends and family to provide support and
accountability to help you achieve your goals. Also, comment on this post if you
want to share your goals with this group. We’re all here to support each other!
Day 3 Get Started Tip Get Started Tip: You gotta eat clean if you want to achieve your goals. Clear the
cupboards, pantry, and fridge of all unhealthy foods. If it's not aligned with your
goals - toss it or better yet, give it to your local food bank. Now is the time to go
shopping for those 25 “Keep it Real” foods in the Get It Done Nutrition Guide.
Day 4 Get Started Tip Put up your daily FOCUS T25™ Wall Calendar in a place where you’ll see it
every day.
Day 5 Beachbody Log on to and sign up to take the Challenge.
Challenge™ Contest Find out how to get your FREE FOCUS T25™ Nailed It! T-shirt at the end of the
program and have a chance to win cash and prizes!

Day 6 "Before" Pictures Be sure to take your "before" photos and measurements today—you can't go
and Measurements back and do it later. Write these down on the FOCUS T25™ Workout Journal
that you can find here or on your Wall Calendar.
Day 7 Get Started Tip Make sure you are ready to get started tomorrow. Prepare an area near your
TV/DVD player that accommodates about 6 feet of space. Have a towel handy –
it’s only 25 minutes, but trust me, you’ll be sweating. Have a water bottle handy
to keep hydrated. And finally, get some good cross-training shoes and
comfortable clothing.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 1 Schedule

Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Speed 1.0
Wednesday: Total Body Circuit
Thursday: Ab Intervals
Friday: Lower Focus & Cardio
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Posts (Copy and Paste) – Wk 1

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:  

Day 2 Nutrition Tip Hydration, hydration, hydration! Water helps curb hunger. Shaun T suggests
drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Not only will water
keep you hydrated and quench thirst, it will ease your hunger.

Day 3 Fitness Tip It’s not how fast you do the moves that counts, it’s about doing each move
correctly and not sacrificing your form. If you find yourself struggling, the best
thing you can do is modify. Stay with Tania. I think you’ll find that you still get quite
a workout. Also, it’s totally ok to take a few seconds to catch your breath and then
get right back in there!

Day 4 Weekly Motivation Have fun with your FOCUS T25™ calendar and check off each day as you go
along. It’ll be very motivating as you see those check marks stacking up every
day! Did you Nail It or Barely Make It?

Day 5 Check-in Your first Double Day Friday was intense wasn’t it? You should be so proud of
yourself for getting through this week, I know it wasn't easy. If you weren’t able to
do two workouts today, try to make time for the second workout tomorrow.

Day 6 Shakeology Check out for awesome shake recipes and even delicious
dessert ideas.
Recipe: PB & J
1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeology®
1 tsp peanut butter
½ cup raspberries
1 cup rice milk
Ice to blend
Day 7 Rest Day Today is your rest day, so don't workout. Get outside for some fresh air and get
ready for Week 2.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 2 Schedule

Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Total Body Circuit
Wednesday: Speed 1.0
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Lower Focus & Ab Intervals
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Posts (Copy and Paste) – Wk 2

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
You gotta watch what you eat!

Day 2 Nutrition Tip Eat less CRAP:

C – carbonated drinks
R – refined sugar
A – artificial sweeteners and colors
P – processed foods
Eat more FOOD:
F – fruits and veggies
O – organic lean proteins
O – omega-3 fatty acids
D – drink water
What junk foods have you stopped eating since starting FOCUS T25™?
Day 3 Fitness Tip I know it’s tempting to jump right out of your hardcore 25 minute workout and
go back to your busy life, but it’s important to cool down properly. Take the 2.5
minutes to cool down with Shaun T every time you workout.
Day 4 Weekly Shaun T says, “What happens if you don’t push play? Nothing. So let’s
Motivation GET IT DONE!”

Day 5 Shakeology Need more energy all day? Try drinking Shakeology® for breakfast. It sets the
tone for the rest of the day. Getting the right amount of protein and nutrients
first thing in the morning provides steady energy all day and (bonus!) will help
reduce afternoon cravings.
Recipe: Kiwilicious
1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology®
½ cup watermelon chunks
1 kiwi, peeled
1 cup water
Day 6 Check-in It’s STATurday! Write down your stats on your calendar to track your progress.

Day 7 Rest Day What is your "why"? Anyone willing to share what kept you going this week?

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 3 Schedule

Monday: Total Body Circuit

Tuesday: Speed 1.0
Wednesday: Lower Focus
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Total Body Circuit & Ab Intervals
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 3

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Fitness Tip Didn’t you just love the energy of Speed 1.0 today? If you found yourself
lagging, you might want to try E&E Energy and Endurance formula to give
yourself the energy to go full out. E&E is a powerful supplement that was
scientifically formulated to help improve your energy, endurance, strength, and
focus. Ask me how you can get it.

Day 3 Nutrition Tip Hopefully by now you are starting to feel stronger and getting through FOCUS
T25™ more easily. This may be the time when you are looking at the scale
expecting to see results. Many people who are not seeing the scale move fast
enough resort to eating less to accelerate weight loss. That is not the best
decision! Continue to follow the Nutrition Guide. Because you are working out
so hard, you actually may need more calories than you did previously to fuel
your workouts.
Day 4 Shakeology What whole foods would you have to eat to get all the nutrition in Shakeology ?
Recipe: Mexican Chocolate Honey
1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. honey
1 cup skim milk
Day 5 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “Double Day means double the results. Let’s get into it!”

Day 6 Check-in I find that the Lower Focus is especially difficult and that my quads really burn by
the end of the workout. What workout/moves have you found to be challenging?

Day 7 Rest Day What do you do for fun on your rest day?

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 4 Schedule
Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Total Body Circuit
Wednesday: Lower Focus
Thursday: Total Body Circuit
Friday: Ab Intervals & Speed 1.0
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 4

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Nutrition Tip Try eating 5 times per day - 3 light meals and 2 snacks – see page 7
of the Get It Done Nutrition Guide. Eating this way keeps your blood
sugar stable instead of peaking and crashing, which can lead to overeating
and sluggishness.

Day 3 Fitness Tip It's easy to sacrifice form when you get tired and weak, but doing so can
lead to injury. This week is all about form so always be thinking about your
form and engaging your core in every exercise. Don't be afraid to check
yourself out in a mirror, with a video camera, or even a Skype® session
with the rest of the Group.
Day 4 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “3,2,1 Your Focus begins NOW!”
Day 5 Shakeology Ever wonder what countries the ingredients in Shakeology came from?
Recipe: Strawberry Parfait
1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology
1 cup rice milk
½ cup sliced strawberries
Day 6 Check-in The time is just flying by, you’ve already completed Week 4! Hopefully by
now you’re starting to feel more energetic and getting through the
workouts more easily. Stay consistent, and make exercise like brushing
your teeth - no excuses.
Day 7 Rest Day Be sure to use your rest day to do the things you love. Spend time with
family, go take a walk, or go see a movie. You want to keep your life in
balance and ensure you're managing stress levels.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 5 Schedule

Monday: Total Body Circuit

Tuesday: Ab Intervals
Wednesday: Total Body Circuit
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Total Body Circuit & Lower Focus
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) - Wk 5

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Nutrition Tip What’s your favorite FOCUS T25™ recipe so far? I am loving the Salsa
Boats and Chicken Waldorf Salad.

Day 3 Fitness Tip Get your friends, kids, spouse, significant other, etc. in on FOCUS T25™! I
think you’ll find that the 25 minutes will go by even faster, plus it is a great
way to spend more time together.
Day 4 Shakeology The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals found in the fruits and vegetables
in Shakeology® can slow down the appearance of wrinkles, brown spots,
broken capillaries, and other signs of aging. Plus the zinc in Shakeology ,
a zit-fighting mineral, also reduces inflammation, redness, and wrinkles.
Recipe: Pineapple Cheesecake
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
¼ cup fat-free ricotta cheese
¼ cup plain nonfat yogurt
½ cup pineapple juice
½ cup water

Day 5 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says “Last Alpha Double Day! You better give it 110%.”

Day 6 Check-in It’s STATurday again! This is the midpoint in our 10-week Challenge Group.
Take your measurements and photos to track your progress. Anyone want
to share his/her results so far?
Day 7 Rest Day Congrats on getting through the first half of FOCUS T25™! You owned it.
This is the time to reset your body and your mind and prepare for the
challenge ahead - Beta phase. You have built a strong foundation with
Alpha and are ready to go to the next level!

Day 6 Check-in It’s STATurday again! This is the midpoint in our 10-week Challenge Group.
Take your measurements and photos to track your progress. Anyone want
  to share his/her results so far? 7  
FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 6 Schedule

Monday: Core Cardio

Tuesday: Speed 2.0
Wednesday: Rip’t Circuit
Thursday: Dynamic Core
Friday: Upper Focus & Core Cardio
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 6

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Nutrition Tip Like Shaun T mentioned yesterday, is a great resource
for tasty recipes to keep you eating healthy for the long term. Check out
Day 3 Fitness Tip You may have noticed those bright blue miniMATs in some of the workouts. If
you have a hard floor, the miniMAT is especially great because it provides
instant, cushioning support for your joints and back so you can keep pushing
your core. Ask me how you can get it.
Day 4 Weekly Awesome job so far with Beta phase! It’s time to push yourself harder and
Motivation really focus to get the most out of your workouts. As Shaun T says, “It ain’t
easy. But you better push through, this is BETA.”
Day 5 Shakeology What benefits have you noticed since you started to drink Shakeology®?
Recipe: Orange Zen
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology®
½ cup orange juice
½ cup cold green tea
Day 6 Check-in Measuring is your progress is key—but some of you may be wondering why
you aren’t seeing the number on the scale moving much. Don't be discouraged.
This is why you measure your chest, waist, arm, and thigh too. You are most
likely getting stronger while you are burning fat—and the scale can fluctuate
based on water and time of day and is not the most accurate gauge of your
progress. It could mean a few things, but generally it's just water retention
brought on by the stress of a new, hard program. Either way, it typically rights
itself in the next couple weeks.
Day 7 Rest Day Any big plans for your day off today?

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 7 Schedule

Monday: Dynamic Core

Tuesday: Core Cardio
Wednesday: Rip’t Circuit
Thursday: Upper Focus
Friday: Rip’t Circuit & Speed 2.0
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 7

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Remember that it’s all about CONSISTENCY.
Day 2 Nutrition Tip Timing your pre-workout nutrition is important. Try eating a small meal about two
hours before exercising. Exercising immediately after eating will lead to a lack of
energy for your workout since your body is focused on digestion.

Day 3 Fitness Tip With Beta phase and the dumbbell and resistance band training we did today in
Rip’t Circuit, you may find yourself getting sore. Beachbody’s Results and
Recovery Formula works to help reduce muscle soreness with vital nutrients
that help you bounce back from your workout. Ask me how you can get it.
Day 4 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “Make every second count. Why? Cause I said so.”
Day 5 Shakeology Has anyone tried making dessert with Shakeology®? I love the Chocolate
Shakeology® Pie. It’s easy, fast, and delicious.
Recipe: Chocolate Shakeology® Pie
2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology®
1 container tofu, silken or firm (approx. 12 oz.)
½ cup natural peanut butter
2 Tbsp. skim milk
1 premade pie crust (Whole Foods has whole-grain, graham cracker–like pie
crusts that are great for this!)

Place peanut butter, tofu, Chocolate Shakeology®, and milk in blender; blend
until smooth and creamy, adding a bit more milk if necessary. Pour into pie
crust and refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour.
Day 6 Check-in Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day (or two) of exercise, life can be
unpredictable. Just make a commitment to yourself to get back to your daily
workouts as soon as you can.
Day 7 Rest Day There’s a fine line between treating yourself and cheating yourself. Start at
29:10 of for Shaun T’s thoughts on
the subject. Remember to treat yourself every now and then (your Rest Day is
a good time), but don’t cheat yourself.
FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 8 Schedule

Monday: Core Cardio

Tuesday: Upper Focus
Wednesday: Speed 2.0
Thursday: Rip’t Circuit
Friday: Dynamic Core & Speed 2.0
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 8

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Nutrition Tip I know that drinking plain water can be boring, but it’s so important
to be fully hydrated. If you just can’t stand plain water, try doing
what I do and adding a little orange juice to your water to flavor it. Club
soda is also a great alternative, fun and fizzy without the
added calories.
Day 3 Fitness Tip Sleep is your body’s time to recover and repair itself. I know it’s
challenging when you are juggling so many things, but make sure you are
getting 7-8 hours a night.

Day 4 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “You’re almost there, just keep pushin’ through.”
Day 5 Shakeology Doctor's Review: "$4 for Shakeology is a cheap price to pay for good
quality of life."

Recipe: Pomegranate Zinger

1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
1 tsp. lime juice
½ cup unsweetened pomegranate juice
½ cup water
Day 6 Check-in What are your favorite FOCUS T25™ moves from Beta phase? Full
Pike-up? Air Plank? Show us your favorite moves by uploading a video!

Day 7 Rest Day Hope that you are all enjoying your rest day. Still try to do a light activity
like taking a walk before or after dinner.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 9 Schedule

Monday: Rip’t Circuit

Tuesday: Dynamic Core
Wednesday: Core Cardio
Thursday: Dynamic Core
Friday: Speed 2.0 & Upper Focus
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 9

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Nutrition Tip Now is a good time to remind you that you are what you eat. In general, you
should avoid eating anything you can’t pronounce. Case in point, Doritos have
sodium caseinate and disodium inosinate and Twinkies have sodium acid
pyrophosphate and sodium stearoyl lactylate.
Day 3 Fitness Tip If you’ve loved working out with Shaun T and FOCUS T25™ Alpha and Beta,
you’ll want to try FOCUS T25™ Gamma for Rip’t Up, Extreme Circuit,
and Speed 3.0 workouts! Now is the time to order it from me so you don’t
miss a beat.
Day 4 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “No Rest. Pure Focus. 100% Results.”

Day 5 Shakeology Recipe Swap! Please share your favorite Shakeology® recipe with our group.
Recipe: Strawberry Thunder
1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeology®
1 cup strawberries
½ cup blueberries
1 cup water
Day 6 Check-in You are so close to finishing your ten weeks! Look back at your "why" and the
goals you set for yourself in the beginning. These should be becoming much
more of a reality now.
Day 7 Weekly Motivation Surround yourself with positive people and inspiring messages. Look at
transformation videos at for inspiration from people
just like you.

FOCUS T25™ 10-week Challenge Group
Weekly Coaching Guide

Week 10 Schedule

Monday: Rip’t Circuit

Tuesday: Core Cardio
Wednesday: Rip’t Circuit
Thursday: Dynamic Core
Friday: Rip’t Circuit & Speed 2.0
Saturday: Update stats
Sunday: Stretch

Day of week Topic Facebook Post (Copy and Paste) – Wk 10

Day 1 Video Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Day 2 Weekly Motivation Believe in yourself. My #1 tip is not an exercise or nutrition tip. It's simply
to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever physical,
mental, and emotional challenges you face. If you believe in yourself first,
the rest will follow.
Day 3 Nutrition Tip Don't get in a position where your only option is a cheat meal—be sure on
your off days to cook enough food that you can portion out and refrigerate
for the week. That way, when you go to school or work throughout the week,
your food is ready to go and you always have healthy options

Day 4 Weekly Motivation Shaun T says, “Just 2 more days. Give me everything you got.”

Day 5 Shakeology Tell me some of the awesome compliments you’ve received since working
out and drinking Shakeology !
Recipe: Coconut Banana Oat

1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeolog
1 cup coconut water
½ banana
2 Tbsp. instant oats
Ice to blend
Day 6 Check-in “5,4,3,2,TIME!” It’s your last STATurday, and you are FINISHED.
Congratulations! Take down your measurements and compare them to Day
1 so you can see how far you’ve come.

Day 7 Rest Day Remember to log on to for a chance to win

cash and prizes and get your FREE FOCUS T25™ Nailed It! T-shirt. I’ve
enjoyed having you on this journey with me and hope that it is just the
beginning of a healthier, better you.


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