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Question:- Why shouldn't you consider Puritans dour?

The puritans were English protestants in the 16 th and 17th centuries who tried to purify
the church of England of roman catholic practices there main reason of protest is that the church
of England had not been fully reformed and needed to become more protestant .

One should not consider puritans dour as the puritans were forced to flee England and
Europe because they were being persecuted for their religious beliefs and that they arrived in the
Americas (which they regarded as an empty, previously trodden and despair the presence of the
Native Americans). For many hundred years during the medieval period the people were
religiously homogenous and they are very conservative withy their religious rituals. They used to
follow all the instructions of the pope of the Catholic Church, the English kings were good
servants of the church, and heretics were burned.

The puritans’ beliefs and ideas began to enter during the early 16 th century when they
used to raise fingers than usual began to point at the excessiveness and carnality of the catholic
clergy and monasteries.

The main demand of the puritans was made to translate the bible so people could read the
scriptures in English rather than in Latin. In addition, many people expressed their intention for
simple way to worship the deity that was different from the ostentatious catholic rituals that were
the norms.

The puritans believed that the bible was gods’ true law and that the Catholic Church
should not alter it. They said that the pope has introduced rules that were made by them and that
was not stated in the bible. They protest against the catholic rules and demanded that the pope
should not do such things and should purify the church and their own life.

Most of the puritans settled in the New England area. The doctrine of pedestrians kept all
the puritans constantly working to do good in this life to be chosen for the next eternal one.
Puritans striped away the traditional trappings and formalities of Christianity which had been
slowly building through out the previous 1500 years. The puritans take an attempt to purify the
church and their own life.

The main reason that one should not consider puritans dour is pointed below

Point one, they were not small group people so if any one follows them that individual
can be easily boycotted from the society.

Point two the puritans used to follow various witchcraft methods that are considered
dangerous for human life. The witchcraft trials did not properly define the ways of living for
more than hundred years that they formed successful communities. What did it shows was the
danger that their self-imposed isolation had put them in difficulty and they have been kept away
from the normal life. The effect of the puritans was so great that England’s civil war pitted the
puritans against the crown forces. However, the spiritual belief of the puritans was strong but
their strong protest against the church went against them and that make them so dangerous for
the society and the country.

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