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Teacher Academy My Path to a Career in Education (3.2) 1, High School (What are you doing? What have done?) a. Courses Taken » Sociology + ap Seminar + ap language teacher academy b. Tests (ACT/SAT) Taken/Plans to take, Score/s “ACT. 24 SAT © 160 c. Activities/Internships/Jobs + Youth director at my enurch + childcare + claw Team (freshman mentor) d. College Visits or College Applications + college visit to: cedarville / Taylor /inaiana Wesicyan ‘accepted and commited to cedarville university 2. College Plans a. One or Two Choices Entrance Requirements/Information + acceptea and commited to Cedarville University b, Colleges Education Programs Desired Degree/Certifications Information, middle eniidnecd education + second ary eavcahon + math minor bible, minor ; 3, Job Description - Choice of teaching assignment/s a. Grade Level, District Setting, Location, Subject + 91% grade + 6 grade math WHAT ARE QUALITIES TEACHERS NEED. passion hope + covmmi tied patirmes —*cteprertut caregeric — *HOKAWETKEDG -undrestanding compassipaair fiexibir ‘ rot TAM EXCITED FOR 1d V get to nerl hips madr ine Clativoom tart te dtcorait Magaic WHAT T CAN BRING TO THE CLASSROOM AS A TEACHER. “energy + passion / ove for teaching kids + rkertiment -pationct “oprn-ntas “Torione TAM NERVOUS ABOUT. .. “Abr first-year + the Stress that comes with grading + stygents may not NEE Mr / my styIT can use ow of eiforent words to express mys smeencer things exactly thay ate cad enjoy parcipating in debates ind esey to ae in things to others Lenjoy beeping = writen journal andor weting stones and arco Vike to read alot TOTAL enjoy coking grow, maze and/or ether vival ucts, Iretd chart and mace easly lave a good sense of diection Ili to watch the scares and activites n mous. tang thot other ris 1s ane consequacces in game plon ce, hockey sere, chess Sens) lean picture scenes in my asd when | remembar thos My mood che ia litle ike me Is somewhat Ike me slow combinations and wha clours ike me ical 5] Bl 3) Z) ia jan THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE QUIZ Estimated time required: 20 minutes 4 The te lke me 5 Ye rement is dfinitely me shogical/Mathematical. | | work best in an organised werk area. Lenjoy maths and using numbers Ihaep a things to do! st enjoy playing brainteasers and loci puzales Hee toask why’ quesnons best when Ihave «day planner or metal, 1059 cause and eect rlatonhips | always do things one step at 3 time can sass the moods ad fale | work best when interacting with pes | enjoy team sports rather than individual spon can sor out arguments between finds | ptefer group aces rather than ones do alone ening about eller cultures, | event ke paris. ing my i608 ar eolnge with othre TOTAL choose a number between 1 and 5to ate how the statement describes you BL. aeHa © SS SS CRASS: | RNY LORS ORS Lt INSSSS Multiple Intelligence Graph

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