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Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that any child cam achieve their

goals through the proper support and guidance. I believe that through

movement and continuos engagement children are able to reach new

heights that they never knew possible. I firmly believe that student

interest is the best way to educate people, without the proper drive

students will not get what they need to out of the lesson. To battle this

I believe that allowing the students to give feedback about what they

liked or didn’t like about the lesson is essential. Through refining my

lessons based on the needs of the class will allow me to provide the

proper format that allows all learners to get everything they can out of

the day. I believe that the system of teaching to the test is extremely

flawed, I think that students should be taught information that will

benefit them throughout their lives. I truly believe that the best

education a student can receive comes from having a trust in the

teacher and a sense of community to make this come to fruition I

believe that after activity transitions are essential, between movement

breaks and fun games you can make a student feel that a classroom is

more than a place for learning but it is also a place where they

become able to find themselves as a person. I believe that tests are

essential but shouldn't be something that students should stress over.

With students not stressing over tests and quizzes it will allow them to

spend time absorbing the information and not just memorizing and


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