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To my new third grade family,

First and foremost, I would like to let you guys know how
excited I am to be able to join your school community, I can
not wait to see what I can add to it! Joining your classroom I
hope to be able to inspire students to be the best not only
student they can be but, all around person as well. I have
many passions outside of the classroom and understand the
students do as well, so I pledge to make my classroom a safe
space where students can find and express these passions to
the best of their ability.

This school year I hope to help the students to develop

their soft skills. Soft skills are traits that allow a person to
interact in a social setting properly. I believe these skills to be
imperative for students to develop because of how important
I believe collaboration with peers is in the learning process.

In addition to building students soft skills I will aim to

ground lessons in real world situations. I believe that relating
my content to the real world will allow students to make
connections faster and absorb more of the information.
Furthering the idea of real world connections is important to
me, I am aiming to make all students able to keep up with
current events that are happening in the world around us.

I can not wait to get the year going and look forward to
meeting all of you, until then enjoy the rest of your summers
and be ready to learn come August!

Your teacher,
Mr. Skotek

Email: Phone:570-861-


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