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Viaje a la mejor ciudad:

Se vivía a diario un ambiente de amor y paz, porque sus habitantes contaban con altos niveles
de respeto, armonía y prosperidad, además tenían mandatarios quienes trabajaron y
gestionaron, pues se preocupaban, porque los niños necesitaban parques y colegios donde los
niños jugaban, bailaban y estudiaban, al igual que atendieron las necesidades de sus
habitantes, pues por mas bien que estuvieran nunca se iba a alcanzar una total conformidad,
entre otras cosas a cada uno de estos habitantes se les caracterizaba porque lideraban y tenían
buen hablar, lo que era importante y consiguieron un mayor desarrollo social, y de esa manera
se esforzaron y llegaron a ser la mejor ciudad y el país fue reconocido por su empuje y gran

Traveled to the best city:

It lived daily in an environment of love and peace, because its people counted with high levels
of respect, harmony and prosperity, also the had leaders who worked and managed, because
they took cared, because the children needed parks and schools were children played, danced
and studied, as well they attended the needs of his people, because no matter how good they
were they will never reach a total conformity, among other things, each of people were
characterized because they leaded and had a good speaking, which was important and they
achieved greater social development and in this way they strengthened and arrived to be the
best city and the country was recognized for its thrust and hope.

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