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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2018, Article ID 8596918, 21 pages

Review Article
Clinical Efficacy of Acupuncture on Rheumatoid Arthritis and
Associated Mechanisms: A Systemic Review

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Pei-Chi Chou and Heng-Yi Chu
School of Chinese Medicine, College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Rehabilitation, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan

Correspondence should be addressed to Pei-Chi Chou; and Heng-Yi Chu;

Received 25 January 2018; Accepted 7 March 2018; Published 12 April 2018

Academic Editor: Yuan Xu

Copyright © 2018 Pei-Chi Chou and Heng-Yi Chu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Objective. The objective of this review is to investigate the detailed existing scientific information about the clinical efficacy
of acupuncture on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) conditions and to reveal the proposed mechanisms. Methods. We searched the
PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine), NCCAM (The National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine), and CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) databases to identify relevant monographs
and related references from 1974 to 2018. Chinese journals and theses/dissertations were hand searched. Results. 43 studies
were recruited. Each research was analyzed for study design, subject characteristics, intervention, selected acupoints, assessment
parameters, proposed mechanisms, and results/conclusions. Conclusions. In our review, we concluded that acupuncture alone or
combined with other treatment modalities is beneficial to the clinical conditions of RA without adverse effects reported and can
improve function and quality of life and is worth trying. Several important possible mechanisms were summarized including anti-
inflammatory effect, antioxidative effect, and regulation of immune system function. However, there is still inconsistency regarding
the clinical efficacy and lack of well-designed human/animal double-blinded RCTs. Future discussion for further agreement on
taking traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory into consideration as much as possible is a top priority.

1. Introduction fact of the expanding awareness of unwanted side effects

of pharmaceutical treatment, there has been an increased
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflam- utilization of acupuncture as a contemporary healthcare
matory arthritis and has been known as a chronic and option which has been reported as a kind of safe management
autoimmune disease involving inflammatory condition char- [7, 8].
acterized with symmetrical and persistent synovitis and According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the-
destructive polyarthritis [1]. RA is also associated with ory, RA is categorized under the “Bi” or impediment disease,
morbidity, chronic disability, and poor quality of life and which means a group of diseases caused by the invasion of
the cost of care is huge [2, 3]. The estimated prevalence wind, cold, dampness, or heat pathogen on the meridians
of RA is 0.2–1% [4]. As many factors like susceptibility involving muscles, sinews, bones, and joints, manifested
genes, disease-causing immune cells, cytokine, and signal by local pain, soreness, heaviness, or hotness, and even
transduction networks are involved in the pathogenesis of articular swelling, stiffness, and deformities, also referring to
RA [5], the treatment of RA has always been a challenge. arthralgia.
The mainstream of the management regarding RA is the use Acupuncture has been regarded as an important part
of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, disease-modifying of TCM and has been used for thousands of years to treat
antirheumatic drugs, analgesics, and biological agents [3]. various clinical disorders including “Bi” or RA like conditions
But the concerns may arise when taking accompanying based on TCM theory. There has been a trend to use
side effects and toxicity into consideration [6]. Given the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as 30–60%
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

of rheumatic patients used CAM [9]. In the United States, a we did exclude some articles using the following exclusion
small but significant linear increase in the use of acupuncture criteria:
(from 1.4% in 2007 to 1.5% in 2012 of the US adults) was (1) interventions not involving traditional acupuncture
reported [10]. About 41% of patients with rheumatic diseases needle insertion or electroacupuncture such as gold thread
sought the help from acupuncture in Israel [11]. In Taiwan, a embedding or bee venom acupuncture but we kept the studies
recent population-based study revealed the high prevalence using acupoints stimulation with transcutaneous electric
and specific usage patterns of TCM including acupuncture in nerve stimulation (TENS), laser, or other herbs;
the RA patients [12]. 54.6% of the newly RA user of CAM (2) studies not aiming at the effect of acupuncture on RA
selected acupuncture only in Korea [13]. such as reliability/validity tests for certain questionnaires;
However, discrepancy exists between previously con- (3) study protocols not involving human or animal sub-
ducted investigations and reviews regarding clinical efficacy jects such as expert’s opinions or pure descriptive literature
reviews/systemic reviews.
of acupuncture for RA [14, 15]. As early as in 1985, a literature
analysis of the efficacy using acupuncture for RA was done
3. Results
by Bhatt-Sanders and no conclusion was drawn [16]. Ernst
and Posadzki suggested that the evidence to support the 149 studies from 1974 to 2018 were analyzed and 43 studies
effectiveness of CAM as a treatment option for RA has also were recruited into the review. As there are not many
been ambiguous [17]. On the other hand, Hughes concluded researches specific for acupuncture and RA, we tried to
that acupuncture elicited a range of effects which contributed include as many articles as possible. The study designs,
to improvements in RA patients’ quality of life [18]. subjects’ characteristics and sample size, acupuncture and
The actual mechanism by which acupuncture works also other intervention types, applied acupuncture points and
remains controversial. Among all the proposed mechanisms, their meridians, parameters used for comparison, proposed
anti-inflammatory effect has been the most often men- mechanisms, and the results/suggestions/conclusions of the
tioned which was supposed to provide nonanalgesic effects researches were summarized in Table 1 classified in an order
via suppression of inflammatory response, improvement of of the year when the study was done.
blood flow, or relaxation of muscle tone, but they are still
3.1. Study Design. Most of the studies (33 out of 43) are
largely conjectural [19]. Others include regulating plasma
randomized controlled trails (RCT) [22, 23, 25–27, 29, 30, 32–
adrenocorticotropic hormone, serum cortisol levels, activity
35, 37–45, 48–50, 52, 54–57, 59–62, 66]; 4 of them are double-
of synovial nuclear factor kappa B (NF-𝜅B), and the release of
blinded RCT [49, 54, 61, 62]. There are two single case studies
endorphins [20–22]. [31, 36]. The rest of the analyzed articles are clinical trials
In this article, we provide a descriptive and critical sys- without mentioned randomization or controls groups [24, 28,
temic review of the current researches available on the clinical 46, 47, 51, 53, 58, 63–65].
efficacy of acupuncture for RA conditions. We analyzed the
details of each investigation in terms of study designs, sub- 3.2. Subjects. There are studies with human RA patients [23,
ject characteristics, interventions, outcome assessments, and 24, 28–30, 33–37, 42–66] and studies with animal subjects;
results/conclusions. We wish to reveal the possible underlying most of them are rats [22, 26, 31, 32, 38–41] and rabbits [25, 27]
mechanisms as well. with an established RA model group by in vivo injection of
adjuvant components.
2. Material and Methods Liu et al. included 180 human RA subjects with peptic
ulcer to investigate the efficacy of ginger-partitioned acupoint
A comprehensive search of literatures which were published stimulation which is known to be the research with most
from 1974 to 2018 was undertaken using the following subjects included [37]. 5 studies contained human subjects
key words: rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatic more than 100 [23, 29, 37, 42, 60]. 2 researches focused
disease, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, laser acupunc- on elderly RA patients [24, 50], one focused on 6 female
ture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), complementary RA patients [46], and 3 researches recruited healthy human
and alternative medicine (CAM), moxibustion, therapeu- subjects for control as well [33, 34, 66].
tic effect/efficacy, and their synonyms. These terms were
3.3. Language Used for the Studies. There are 18 researches
used to search the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE,
written in English [22, 24, 31, 34, 36–38, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51–
Cochrane, AME (Allied and Complementary Medicine),
54, 61, 62, 64] and the rest of the analyzed researches in
NCCAM (The National Center for Complementary and
Chinese. English abstracts can be found for most of the
Alternative Medicine), and CNKI (China National Knowl- studies in Chinese.
edge Infrastructure) databases. Additional articles were also
identified from the reference list of identified articles. Chinese 3.4. Acupuncture Points Applied in the Studies. The selection
journals, theses, and dissertations that we thought might be of acupoints has not been very unanimous according to the
relevant to our study were hand searched. In order to review authors’ clinical experience and TCM theory applied. Some
as many investigations as possible, we reviewed any article in investigations used single acupoint [27, 37, 62] while some
English or Chinese with full-text available including animal used more than 10 acupoints [23, 24, 28, 36, 46, 49, 51, 53,
studies. There was no limitation regarding the study type. But 56–58, 63]. ST36 is the most frequently used acupoint and
Table 1: Summary of researches selected and analyzed.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
ST36, BL18, BL20, BL23,
RN6, RN4, ST36, DU14, (1) Acupuncture + herbs
Inhibiting the
Acupuncture (once LI11, SJ4, ST5, LI4, GB34, had significantly better
RA symptoms, ESR, inflammatory
Meng et al. 2018 daily for 4 weeks) + GB31, ST34, KI6, BL60, effect on RA symptoms
RCT 160 RA patients RF, CRP, IL-1, IL-6, reaction and
[23] herbs versus SP10, GB33, EX-LE4, (2) Significant differences
TNF-𝛼, ICMAM-1 improving immune
medication EX-LE5, SI11, SI9, LI15, in all parameters between 2
SJ14, BL36, GB30, BL54, groups
GB40, BL62
(1) Anti-inflammatory
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Laser acupuncture
RAQoL, HAQ, IL-6, (2) Radiation Significant improvement in
versus reflexology LR3, ST25, ST36, SI3,
Adly et al. 2017 30 elderly RA MDA, ATP, and ROM absorption by the each group but
Clinical trial (12 sessions in 4 SI4, LI4, LI11, SP6, SP9,
[24] patients at wrist and ankle respiratory chain acupuncture seems to be
weeks for both GB25, GB34, HT7
joints components inducing better
electronic excitation
(3) Antioxidative
(1) The central analgesic
effect of buccal
Body versus buccal acupuncture is better than
Upregulation of 𝛼-EP
acupuncture Pain threshold, body-acupuncture
and CCK-8 contents
Jie et al. 2017 Animal study (needling for 15 s ST36, LE5 “Xi” in buccal cholecystokinin-8 (2) Both buccal
60 rabbits in cerebrospinal fluid
[25] (RCT) then needle region (CCK-8), 𝛼-EP acupuncture and
(central analgesic
retaining for 30 min (𝛼-endorphin) body-acupuncture can
in buccal group) effectively raise the pain
threshold in acute arthritis

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Swelling volume of
the affected
knee-joint, IL-1𝛼, (1) Downregulating
Warm needle IL-6, and IL-8, serum inflammatory
Warm needle moxibustion
Cai et al. 2017 Animal study moxibustion expression of SIRT 1 cytokines and NF-𝜅B
50 rats ST36, BL23, GB 39 can relieve inflammatory
[26] (RCT) (15 min, once daily (a class III p 65 expression
reactions of RA rats
for 21 days) histone/protein (2) Upregulating SIR
deacetylase) and T1 expression
NF-𝜅B p 65 proteins
in the synovial tissue
Heat-reinforcing Pain threshold, local
needling (HRN) skin temperature,
versus endogenous (1) The effect of HRN group
The specific
reinforcing-reducing metabolites in the was significantly better
Du et al. 2017 Animal study regulation for the
40 rabbits needling (RRN), ST36 serum (𝛼-ketoglutaric than RRN and TRN group
[27] (RCT) Krebs cycle and
twirling-reinforcing acid, citric acid, (2) HRN for RA with cold
needling (TRN) succinic acid, glucose, syndrome is effective
(30 min, once a day inositol, d-ribose, and
for 7 days) D-mannose)
ST36, SP6, LI4, LR3,
Acupuncture (once GB34, LI11, SJ5, SJ4,
Chi and Hsu daily for 10 days, 8 EX-UE9, EX-UE4, RA symptoms, RF, Total effective rate was
Clinical trial 42 RA patients TCM theory
2016 [28] sessions) + warm EX-LE5, EX-L E2, SP9, ESR 95.2%
needle acupuncture ST34, BL62, BL60, KI6,
KI3, Ashi points
Acupuncture (once Acupuncture combined
daily for 15 days, 2 with herb steaming had a
Fong and Chao LI11, LI5, SJ5, LI4, SP10,
RCT 120 RA patients sessions) with herb RA symptoms TCM theory better effect on RA
2016 [29] ST36, GB34, SP9, ST41
steaming versus symptoms than herb
herb steaming only steaming alone
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
(1) The effects of the EA +
medication group was
Electroacupuncture VAS, clinical better than medication
(3 times a week for symptoms, DAS 28, group in terms of
Zhou et al. 2016 BL18, BL 23, GB 39,
RCT 68 RA patients 12 weeks) + oral ACR 20, HAQ, TCM symptoms and function
[30] ST36, LR 3, LI 4
medication versus symptoms score, ESR, (2) Adverse reactions can
oral medication CRP be reduced by EA therapy
coordinated with western
Anti-inflammatory by
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Animal study Electroacupuncture Arthritis index, paw Acupuncture may play an

Dong et al. 2016 reducing the
(single case 1 rat (30 min daily for 28 ST36, BL60 swelling, TLR4, important role in treatment
[31] expression of TLR4,
study) days) MYD88, NF-𝜅B of adjuvant arthritis rat
MYD88, and NF-𝜅B
(1) EA intervention is
Rats’ left ankle Downregulating the effective in relieving RA
(30 min, once daily
Zhang et al. 2016 Animal study diameter, serum levels of serum rats’ inflammatory reaction
32 rats for 10 days) versus ST36, BL60
[32] (RCT) TNF-𝛼, IL-1𝛼, and TNF-𝛼, IL-1𝛼, and (2) No significant
ICAM-1 ICAM-1 differences between the
medication and EA groups
TCM symptom
scoring system, the
needling (HRN)
expression of plasma Upregulating Both HRN and URN can
60 RA patients + versus uniform
Du et al. 2016 ATP synthase subunit expressions of plasma improve RA patients’
RCT 30 healthy subjects reinforcing-reducing CV4, CV6, ST36
[33] O (Atp5 O) mRNA Atp 5 O mRNA and clinical symptoms while
as control needling (URN)
and lysosomal V 1 Atp 6 V 1 B 2 mRNA HRN was better
(once daily, 5 days a
subunit B 2 (At p 6 V
week, two weeks)
1 B 2) mRNA

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
(1) The study group
SOD, GR, catalase,
Alleviating oxidative revealed significantly
GSH, plasma ATP
stress and increased plasma SOD, GR,
concentration, plasma
Laser acupuncture LI4, TE5, LI 11, DU 14, inflammation, GSH, and plasma ATP
Attia et al. 2016 30 RA patients and MDA, serum nitrate
RCT (3 days/week for 4 LIV3, SP6, GB34, and improving concentrations
[34] 20 healthy subjects and nitrite, serum
weeks) ST36 antioxidant and (2) Significantly reduced
CRP, plasma IL-6,
energy metabolic plasma MDA, serum
GPx activity, ESR,
status nitrate and nitrite, CRP,
DAS28 score
IL-6 GPx activity ESR
Group A = western
B = A + herb; Total effect in group C was
ST35, EX-LE2, ST36,
Chen 2015 [35] RCT 78 RA patients C =A + B + RA symptoms Not mentioned significantly better than
SP10, Ahi points
acupuncture (once groups A and B
daily for 7 days, 24
VAS, 10-meter walk
The EMMS therapy might
test, isometric
be considered as an
EMMS hand-grip test, The
effective treatments in
(electroacupuncture, Pittsburgh Sleep
GV20, LI4, LI11, BL11, reducing pain, depression,
Shetty et al. 2015 Single case massage, mud, and Quality Index,
1 RA subject GB4, SP6, KI3, ST44, Not mentioned anxiety, and stress with
[36] study sauna therapies) Depression Anxiety
EX28, and EX36 improvement in physical
(15–45 min for 3 and Stress Scales,
functions, quality of sleep,
weeks) SF-36, health survey,
and QOL in patient with
blood and urine
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
RA symptoms,
gripping strength, Combination treatment
acupoint stimulation
self-reported pain with ginger-partitioned
(15 min, twice daily
score, DAS-28 RA TCM theory/anti- acupoint stimulation, oral
Liu et al. 2015 180 RA subjects for 2 months) versus
RCT ST36 disease activity score, inflammatory sanhuangwuji powder, and
[37] with peptic ulcer antirheumatic drugs
HAQ, RF, anticyclic effect ARDs had a better clinical
(ARD) versus
citrullinated peptide effect for RA with
(anti-CCP), ESR, and complicated peptic ulcer
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Arthritis index, the (1) Parameters were lower
expression levels of for the acupuncture group
Acupuncture Acupuncture
TNF-𝛼 and NF-𝜅B than for the model group
Animal study (15 min daily for 3 mediates the
Li et al. 2015 [38] 60 rats ST36, GB39, BL23 (p65) in synovial cells, (2) No statistically
(RCT) weeks) versus sham anti-inflammatory
and the content of significant difference
acupuncture NF-kB pathway
serum inflammatory between the model and
cytokines sham acupuncture group
(1) EA can reduce
inflammatory reaction of
the ankle-joint in RA rats
(EA; once daily for 5 Downregulating
Guo et al. 2015 Animal study Rats’ ankle diameter, (2) No obvious differences
32 rats days and rest for 2 ST36, BL60 serum and knee-joint
[39] (RCT) IL-17, and IL-23 were found between the EA
days, 3 sessions) IL-17 and IL-23 levels
and prednisolone groups
versus prednisolone
except IL-17 protein
expression level

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Weight, swelling rate The fire needling has
Fire needling (once of foot, joint pain significant efficacy for rats
Zhang et al. 2013 Animal study every 3 days, 8 score and with adjuvant arthritis
40 rats ST36, EXB2 Not mentioned
[40] (RCT) times) versus polyarthritis index of without any damage to the
medication (MTX) rats, pathological liver and seems to be better
change of liver tissue than MTX treatment
Rat’s right hind paw (1) No significant
swelling volume, differences were found in
serum IL-1 and Downregulating the swollen paw volumes
Han et al. 2012 Animal study acupuncture (once
40 rats ST36, EXB2 TNF-alpha, serum IL-1 and on day 12
[41] (RCT) every 3 days, 8
pathological changes TNF-alpha contents (2) Both groups showed
times) versus MTX
of synovium tissue of better pathological
the right knee-joint observation
EA markedly decreased the
Electroacupuncture Body weight, paw paw swelling and the
Partially through the
He et al. 2011 Animal study (15 min, once every volume, histologic histologic scores of
75 rats ST36, GB39, BL23 induction of VIP
[22] (RCT) other day for 15 inflammation scoring, inflammation in the
days) versus sham VIP synovial tissue and reduced
the body weight loss
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Group A = Western
medication, B = A +
RN6, RN4, ST36, BL18, Group B had much better
Gao 2011 [42] RCT 114 RA patients acupuncture (once RA symptoms TCM theory
BL20, BL23 clinical effect than group A
daily, 5 times a week
for 3 months)
(1) EA and SN could both
Acupoints were selected Lowering TNF-𝛼 and reduce the TNF-𝛼 and
(EA) versus simple TNF-𝛼, VEGF in
Ouyang et al. mainly from VEGF in peripheral VEGF
RCT 63 RA patients needling (SN) once peripheral blood and
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2011 [43] yang-meridian and local blood and joint (2) The lowering of VEGF
every other day for joint synovia
Ashi points (pain-point) synovia was more significant in the
10 times, 3 sessions
EA group
Decreasing the
Electroacupuncture proinflammatory
(1) Both groups reduced the
(EA) versus simple IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, and cytokine of IL-1 and
Ouyang et al. GV20, GB20, LI11, TE5, interleukins
RCT 63 RA subjects needling (SN) (once IL-10 in peripheral IL-6 and increasing
2010 [44] CV4, ST36 (2) EA group had a greater
every other day for blood and joint fluid the inhibition
effect than SN group
20 times, 3 sessions) cytokine of IL-4 and
Acupuncture (once
daily for 15 days, 2 Acupuncture group had
sessions for Functional significantly better ADL
Liu 2009 [45] RCT 57 RA patients SP6, SP9, ST36 TCM theory
consecutive 2-3 assessment function (81.5% compared
years) versus with 50.0%)

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
VAS, ROM, face scale and
Acupuncture (10 VAS, ROM, face scale MHAQ improved in all
ST34, ST35, ST36, SP9, Not through
Sato et al. 2009 6 female RA acupuncture (mood), MHAQ, patients and significantly
Clinical trial SP10, BL39, BL40, BL56, reduction of regional
[46] patients treatments in 2 FDG-PET images, after acupuncture, but no
KI10, GB31, and GB34 inflammation
months) ESR, CRP significant change in ESR,
CRP, and PET images
21 RA patients:
responders (at least (1) The responders showed
50% reduction in significantly greater
swollen joint changes in the activity of
The increased
Kim et al. 2009 counts) or Acupuncture (14 TAS in the serum, the SOD
Clinical trial Not mentioned activities of SOD and
[47] nonresponders sessions in 6 weeks) SOD, catalase (2) No significant
catalase in the serum
(less than 50% differences in the changes
reduction in of the catalase activity and
swollen joint TAS between the groups
(1) Both groups were
Muscular Not mentioned,
L11, SP6, and scarring effective but with no
Chen et al. 2009 acupuncture (once RA symptoms, ESR, possible
RCT 60 RA patients moxibustion on GV14, significant differences
[48] daily for 3 months) RF anti-inflammatory
ST36 (2) Acupuncture caused
versus medication effect
less adverse effects
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Acupuncture (AC) EX 1, PC6, IG4, EX 28, (1) A trend for better
Pilot double- versus sham (control CV 12, CV 6, ST 36, SP Not through efficacy in the AC group
Zanette et al. ACR20, DAS, VAS,
blinded 40 RA patients AC) (5–10 treatment 6, LV 3, UB 20, UB 22, anti-inflammatory (ACR20)
2008 [49] HAQ, ESR, CRP
RCT sessions, followed up UB 23, GV 4, GV 14, UB effect (2) Other variables did not
at 1 month) 11, UB60 differ in both groups
Acupuncture (once
Medication combined with
daily for 20 days, 2 DU14, LI11, LI4, SP6, RA symptoms, ESR,
Pang et al. 2008 Anti-inflammatory acupuncture group with
RCT 86 RA patients sessions) + DU3, BL20, RN4, Ashi CRP, RF, IgG, IgA,
[50] effect better clinical effects in
medication versus points IgM
terms of each parameter
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

(1) At 6 weeks, 44%, 20%,

and 12% of patients
achieved ACR 20, 50, and
HT8, KI10, ST36, SP3,
70 responses, respectively
LR8, LR2, SP2, LR1, SP1, ACR 20, 50, and 70,
Lee et al. 2008 Pilot clinical Acupuncture (14 Anti-inflammatory (2) Acupuncture also
25 RA patients SI5, ST41, GB41, ST43, DAS28, swollen joint
[51] trial sessions for 6 weeks) effects produced statistically
SI3, BL66, SI2, LU8, KI7, count, SF-36, ESR
significant improvements
SP3, KI3
in DAS28, pain and global
activity, swollen joint
count, SF-36, and ESR
Auricular VAS, DAS28, the use
electroacupuncture of pain medication, (1) Both EA and AT
(EA) versus the pain disability resulted in significant
Bernateck et al. autogenic training index (PDI), the Anti-inflammatory short- and long-term effects
RCT 44 RA patients NA
2008 [52] (AT) (once weekly clinical global effect (2) The treatment effects of
for 6 weeks, impression (CGI), auricular EA were more
follow-up at 3 and proinflammatory pronounced
months) cytokine levels

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
ST36, CV8, EXUE9,
EXLE5, SI3, SI8, LI3, Morning rigidity, Not mentioned, 6 courses had greater effect
Acupuncture: 3
Wang et al. 2007 LI4, LI5, LI10, LI11, TE4, swelling, and pain of possible on parameters than 2
Clinical trial 47 RA patients courses versus 6
[53] TE5, PC7, LU5, LR2, joints as well as RF, anti-inflammatory courses of acupuncture
BL62, KI3, KI6. ST41, ESR, CRP effect treatment
GB34, SP10
(1) The number of tender
Electroacupuncture joints was significantly
Pain score, changes in
(EA) versus reduced for the EA and
the ACR core disease
traditional Chinese Not mentioned, TCA groups
Pilot double- measures, DAS 28
Tam et al. 2007 acupuncture (TCA) LI11, TE5, LI4, ST36, possible (2) Physician’s global score
blinded 36 RA patients score, and the
[54] and sham GB34, GB39 anti-inflammatory was significantly reduced
RCT number of patients
acupuncture (Sham) effect for the EA group and
who achieved ACR 20
(20 sessions for 10 patient’s global score was
at week 10, ESR, CRP
weeks) significantly reduced for
the TCA group
Acupuncture (heat (1) The effective rate was
electroacupuncture 79.2% in the treatment
instrument with group and 52.1% in the
Chinese herb RA symptoms, CRP, control group
Fan and Xia Anti-inflammatory
RCT 96 RA patients iontophoresis plus LI11, GB33, GB34, ST34 RF, ESR, WBC, (2) The decreases of blood
2007 [55] effect
medicine) versus platelet CRP, ESR, PLT in the
control (medicine treatment group were more
only) (followed up at significantly as compared
one month) with the control group
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Acupuncture (once Total effective rate was
a day for 10 days, 3 SI4, LI5, LI11, SJ5, LI4, better in group with
Chen and Guo
RCT 137 patients sessions) + ST36, GB34, Sp6, LR3, RA symptoms TCM theory acupuncture and
2006 [56]
moxibustion versus GB41, EX-UE9, ST41 moxibustion (88.51% versus
acupuncture 64.0%)
Total effective rate was
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture (once LI11, SJ5, EX-UE9,

better in group with
Gao et al. 2006 daily for 10 days) EX-LE4, EX-LE5, BL40,
RCT 98 RA patients RA symptoms TCM theory acupuncture and
[57] and moxibustion GB34, ST36, SP6, GB40,
moxibustion (94.3% versus
versus herbs EX-LE10
LI11, ST36, ST40, AP6,
TCM theory and
Shuain and Hsu Acupuncture and GB39, GB30, PC7, LU5, RA symptoms and
Clinical trial 20 RA patients anti-inflammatory Total effective rate was 95%
2006 [58] herbs LI4, SJ5, ST34, GB33, ESR
Needle-sticking Both groups had an
method versus RA symptoms Possible apparent therapeutic effect
He et al. 2006
RCT 50 RA patients routine filiform Not mentioned (painful and swollen anti-inflammatory on RA, but needle-sticking
needle therapy (2 joints), RF, CRP, ESR effect method was better in terms
sessions) of RF and symptoms

Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Effective rate was 79.73% in
Ai et al. 2005 146 RA patients at Electroacupuncture the treatment group and
RCT LI4, LI11, GB34 RA symptoms Not mentioned
[60] active stage versus medication 51.39% in the control group
with a significant difference
Electromagnetic Patients from MW group
millimeter waves reported significant pain
Double- (MW) applied to relief and reduced joint
Usichenko et al.
blinded 12 RA patients acupuncture points Not mentioned RA symptoms Not mentioned stiffness during and after
2003 [61]
RCT versus sham versus the course of therapy. MV
MW exposure may be an adjuvant therapy
40 min for RA
Acupuncture versus
No significant effect of
treatment or period and no
Double- (5 treatments at ESR, CRP, VAS, global Not through
David et al. 1999 significant interaction
blinded 56 RA patients weekly interval for 5 LI3 patient assessment, anti-inflammatory
[62] between treatment and
RCT weeks/2 sessions and DAS28, GHQ effect
period for any outcome
one 6-week washout
period in between)
Acupuncture + LU9, P7, H7, SP3, LI3, (1) The total effective rate
Li et al. 1999 needle warming by K3, L3, SI3, SJ3, ST43, RA symptoms, ESR, was 9 0.9%
Clinical trial 55 RA patients TCM theory
[63] moxibustion (once GB41, UB65, ST36, RF, X-rays of hands (2) No changes found in
daily for 2 months) GB34. GB39, RN4 X-rays
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Table 1: Continued.
Authors and Subject Acupuncture points Possible mechanisms
Study design Interventions Outcome assessment Results and conclusions
year characteristics applied proposed
Ex17, UB12, UB13, LI4,
Acupuncture (once The reinforcement of IgG, IgA, and IgM
Guan and LU7, REN22, LU6, ST36,
Clinical trial 12 RA patients daily for 10 days, 1–3 Serum IgG, IgM, IgA the immunological decreased, while IgE did
Zhang 1995 [64] ST40, LU5, LU9, REN4,
sessions) function not change evidently
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The NK activity and IL-2

Regulatory effect on value in RA patients were
Warm needling
Liu et al. 1993 the cellular found to be lower than
Clinical trial 54 RA patients versus point NK activity and IL-2
[65] immunological those of normal
function individuals; both increased
after treatment
An influence on the
immunity system The IL-2 level in control
41 RA patients and Acupuncture with
Xiao et al. 1992 through group was unchanged but
RCT 16 healthy subjects moxibustion versus Not mentioned IL-2 levels
[66] neuroendocrine increased considerably in
as control point injection
system to improve the two RA groups
IL-2 production
16 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

was selected in almost every research, followed by GB34, LI4, growth factor (VEGF), immunoglobulins (IgE, IgA, and
BL60, GB39, and so forth. Please refer to Table 1 for extensive IgM), white blood cell (WBC), platelet, nuclear factor kappa B
details. (NF-𝜅B), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-𝛼), intercellular
adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8),
3.5. If with TCM Syndrome Differentiation of RA. Several endorphin, protein deacetylase (SIRT-1), myeloid differentia-
studies mentioned the specific inclusion criteria regarding tion factor 88 (MYD88), toll-like receptor (TLR4), anti-cyclic
TCM syndrome differentiation [23, 24, 30, 33, 37, 59] includ- citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP), and vasoactive intestinal
ing one animal study [27]. peptide (VIP).

3.6. Details of Acupuncture Protocols. The details of the (2) Regarding Antioxidation. There are superoxide dismutase
acupuncture protocol are summarized in Table 1. The follow- (SOD), catalase, total antioxidant status (TAS), malondialde-
ing describes the detailed items summarized in the table: hyde (MDA), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ATP synthase
(1) Intervention type: traditional acupuncture with dif- subunit, glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione peroxi-
ferent manual techniques, laser acupuncture, electroacu- dase (GPx).
puncture, buccal acupuncture, auricular electroacupuncture, However, pathological changes of animal tissues (syn-
warm needling with or without moxibustion, and acupoint ovium, liver) were also collected [22, 26, 38, 40, 41, 43].
stimulation with herbs.
(2) Modalities used for control or combined therapy: oral 3.7.3. Special Imaging Tools. One study employed positron-
or injected form of Western medication, reflexology, mox- emission tomography (PET) scan to detect the regional
ibustion, herb steaming, massage, mud and sauna therapy, improvement of inflammation [46] and another study used
sham acupuncture, autogenic training, herb iontophoresis, X-ray of hands for before-after treatment comparison [63].
oral use of herbs, and electromagnetic millimeter wave. Please refer to Table 1 for more details.
(3) Treatment frequency/duration and follow-up period 3.8. Proposed Mechanisms. Not every investigation proposed
of each research summarized in detail as shown in Table 1. the possible mechanisms of how acupuncture works on the
Wang et al. used the same acupuncture protocol but RA condition. Proposed mechanisms could be summarized
compared the treatment efficacy for 3 and 6 courses [53]. as the following categories.
3.7. Parameters Used for Efficacy Comparison 3.8.1. Anti-Inflammatory Effect. Among all the mechanisms
3.7.1. Primary Outcomes. Most primary outcome assessments proposed, this is the single theory suggested by most authors
are associated with clinical RA symptoms (pain, morning [22, 23, 26, 34, 37–39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 50–52, 55, 58, 59].
stiffness, and so forth) and RA symptoms related scales such
3.8.2. Regulating Immune Function. Several studies also indi-
as pain threshold, visual analogue scale (VAS), pain disability
cated the mechanisms to result from regulating immune
index (PDI), TCM symptom scoring, 28 joints activity index
activities [23, 25, 31, 32, 64–66].
(disease activity score, DAS 28), range of motion of the joint
(ROM), 10-meter walk test, grip power, American College of 3.8.3. Antioxidative Effect. Some authors believed it to be
Rheumatology 20 (ACR 20, i.e., 20% of clinical improving related to the antioxidation [24, 34, 47].
rate), ACR 50, and ACR 70.
Parameters specifically used for animals include swelling 3.8.4. Miscellaneous. Jie et al. have indicated the fact that
volume of the joints, limb diameter, and number of swollen there is central analgesic effect by increasing 𝛼-endorphin
joints, arthritis index, skin temperature, and weight. level in the cerebrospinal fluid [25], while Adly et al. thought
There are many questionnaires applied in each domain the effects to be via inducing electronic excitation [24].
specifically for human RA subjects including quality of life Specific regulation of the Krebs cycle (also known as the
such as the rheumatoid arthritis quality of life questionnaire tricarboxylic acid cycle) and glycometabolism were also
(RAQoL), health assessment questionnaire (HAQ), short mentioned in the work of Du et al. [27]. Du et al. suggested
form-36 health survey (SF36), the Pittsburgh sleep quality the role of biological heat production by acupuncture [33].
index, depression, anxiety, and stress scale and face scale For most researches in Chinese, the authors selected the
for mood, and modified health assessment questionnaire treatment protocol and acupoints according to the TCM
(MHAQ). theory.
Table 1 has the details of each assessment tool used in each
study. 3.9. Clinical Efficacy. Almost every investigation found that
any kind of acupuncture as the main treatment or adjuvant
3.7.2. Secondary Outcomes. Most of the secondary outcome treatment tool could benefit clinical conditions of RA in
assessment samples are from the blood and tissues like human or animal subjects except one [62].
synovium including two major categories: There were no adverse effects of acupuncture reported.
(1) Regarding Anti-Inflammation. There are serum levels of 4. Discussion
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein
(CRP), rheumatoid factor (RF), interleukins (IL-1, IL-2, IL- RA has been regarded as a chronic inflammatory condi-
4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, and IL-23), vascular endothelial tion with various clinical manifestations and some of them
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17

could cause serious disabilities and handicaps. Clinicians with the longest follow-up period of 3 years [45]. This made
have been working very hard to suspend the devastating the conclusions drawn less practical and applicable for RA
disease progression and deal with the symptoms as well as patients. But Jie et al. used buccal acupuncture and found that
the impaired function and accompanying stress and cost. central analgesic effect with upregulation of endorphin and
However, the actual pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis CCK-8 in cerebrospinal fluid could be observed with needle
remains incompletely understood. Previous researches have retaining for 30 minutes in RA rabbits; this is the shortest
shed light into the cellular and molecular mechanisms and observation but with good results [25].
from that base modern Western medications have derived Some authors provided better clinical efficacy using
[3]. Contemporary use of medication is linked with the different needling techniques including warm needling
concern of adverse effect and may limit the compliance such [26–28, 33, 41, 55, 63, 65], plus herb steaming [29],
as the case of methotrexate (MTX) [67]. needle-sticking method [59], reinforcing-reducing/twirling-
An estimated 60–90% of arthritis patients are reported reinforcing needling [27], and moxibustion [57, 66]. EA was
to use CAM including acupuncture [68]. There have been used in several studies [22, 30–32, 36, 43, 44, 52, 54, 60],
several reviews concerning the clinical efficacy of CAM on and some authors suggested a better effect than traditional
rheumatic diseases [8, 9, 17, 69–72] but the latest review acupuncture [43, 44, 52, 54]. Several studies employed sham
specifically focused on the efficacy of acupuncture for RA acupuncture or EA as the control group [22, 38, 49, 54, 61, 62].
conditions was conducted in 2008 [14, 15]. Special forms of acupoints stimulation included laser [24, 34],
Seca et al. suggested a protocol for systemic review ginger-partitioned therapy [37], and millimeter waves [61].
focused on pain, physical function, and quality of life but will We found an interesting fact that acupoint ST36 was
exclude animal studies and has not been completed [73]. To used in almost every research and followed by GB34 and
our knowledge, the present review is the most comprehensive LI4. According to TCM theory, RA should fit the disease
one covering studies from 1974–2018 including human and condition called “Bi” or impediment disease, which means
animal studies and with discussion of the details of study any disease pattern that results from blockage of the merid-
designs, interventions, parameters used for comparison, and ians occurring when wind, cold, and dampness invade the
the possible proposed mechanisms as well as results and fleshy exterior and the joints, and that manifests in symptoms
conclusions. such as joint pain, sinew and bone pain, and heaviness or
When taking study design into consideration, TCM numbness of the limbs as stated in Elementary Questions
theory was adapted substantially in most of the investiga- (Su Wen, bi lun). Distinction is made between three pattern
tions. TCM represents the most significant component of types, each of which corresponds to a prevalence of one of
complementary and alternative medicine [74]. According those three evils: wind impediment (or moving impediment)
to the TCM theory, patients who suffer from the same characterized by wandering pain and attributed to a preva-
disease may present different TCM syndrome patterns that lence of wind; cold impediment (or painful impediment)
also correspond to different biological processes and are characterized by acute pain and attributed to a prevalence of
associated with different related biomarkers [75]. Lu et al. cold; damp impediment (or fixed impediment) characterized
indicated that RA patients may be divided into cold and by heaviness and attributed to a prevalence of dampness. A
heat pattern and they have different molecular signature fourth type, heat impediment, arises when the three evils
processes and react differently to certain treatment [76], so transform into heat. The basic philosophy of how all the
theoretically RA patients may be treated by acupuncture acupoints were selected derived from the above theory. As a
without unanimous acupoints according to their TCM syn- result, the number of acupoints used seems not to affect the
drome differentiation. These facts have led to obstacles when clinical efficacy.
trying to conduct contemporary researches which critics Measurements of quality of life domain have gained
may face in terms of methodology. Double-blinded RCT is more interest among RA patients than other disease-related
thought to be the most optimal study design to establish parameters such as inflammatory biomarkers or joint counts
scientific evidence, but acupoints selection by TCM theory [77]. In this review, some studies have adopted related
would experience difficulties which may be the reason of the questionnaires [24, 30, 36, 37, 46, 62] and acupuncture
existing discrepancies between studies of human subjects. In was able to improve the quality of life except in one study
addition, it is also difficult to classify animals into appropriate [62].
TCM syndrome categories like human. Another question is Anti-inflammatory effect has been the most well-known
the standard localization of acupoints in animals and the mechanism of how acupuncture works for RA as many
correlation and difference between different species. studies in this review used inflammatory biomarkers for
A RA animal model is often established in animal studies comparison such as ESR, CRP, RF, IL, NF-𝜅B, and TNF-𝛼.
by injection of substance such as bovine collagen [26], Most of the studies comparing these biomarkers indicated
Freund’s adjuvant [32], or ovalbumin and extra freezing the anti-inflammatory effect of acupuncture [22–24, 26, 31,
process to imitate the cold syndrome as classified in TCM 32, 37–39, 41, 43, 44, 50–55, 58, 59, 66]. Wang et al. indicated
[27], the disease progression may not be the same in real the reduction of ESR and CRP after acupuncture in RA
RA patients, and most of the investigations did not have subjects in their review as well [15]. Han et al. thought that
adequate follow-up period till the chronic stage was achieved acupuncture can lower TNF-𝛼 and VEGF in peripheral blood
(e.g., 10 days [32]). As compared to most human studies, and joint synovia to improve the internal environment which
there were at least 3–12 weeks of treatment and follow-up is beneficial for RA [41].
18 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Dong et al. indicated that toll-like receptor (TLR) signal- and mechanism may not be revealed. Some Chinese articles
ing pathway contributed to the development and progression did bring about the treatment philosophy according to TCM,
of RA and acupuncture could reduce the expression of but it was very hard to organize and summarize well.
TLR4, thus leading to anti-inflammation [31]. However, some
authors did find clinical effect but not via anti-inflammation 5. Conclusions
[46, 49]. Efthimiou and Kukar indicated that even though
no clear anti-inflammatory effect has been demonstrated, In our review, we concluded that acupuncture alone or
acupuncture may still be a useful adjuvant for pain [70]. In combined with other treatment modalities is beneficial to the
our review, we think anti-inflammatory effect acts in certain clinical conditions of RA without adverse effects reported and
occasion to improve the RA conditions. can improve function and quality of life and is worth trying.
Another possible mechanisms could be attributed to the Several important possible mechanisms were summarized
antioxidative effect (such as inducing the increased activities including anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidative effect, and
of SOD and catalase in the serum of RA, alleviating oxidative regulation of immune system function. However, there is
stress and inflammation, and improving antioxidant and still inconsistency regarding the clinical efficacy and lack of
energy metabolic status) [33, 34, 47] and triggered release of well-designed human/animal double-blinded RCTs. Future
endorphins [25] and regulation of immune function as IgG, discussion for further agreement on taking TCM theory into
IgA, and IgM decreased, while IgE did not change evidently consideration as much as possible is a top priority.
after acupuncture in 12 RA patients [23, 32, 64–66].
Forestier et al. concluded in 2009 the evidence level of
acupuncture for RA is limited to professional agreement with
Conflicts of Interest
no scientific evidence [78]. Along with other inconclusive The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
information regarding the clinical efficacy [54, 72], well- regarding the publication of this paper.
designed RCTs are warranted [79]. Most animal studies lack
the consistency in establishing the RA model such as the
standard injected substance, the dosage, the injected site, Acknowledgments
the duration of observation after injection, the treatment This work is supported by research grants from China
protocol including acupoints selection, animal acupuncture Medical University, Taiwan (CMU103-S-48).
localization standard, TCM syndrome differentiation, the
period of follow-up, and assessment parameters. As for
human study, the most important thing is to decide if treat- References
ment protocol should vary according to TCM differentiation.
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