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The Business School

For People Who Like Helping People

By Robert Kiyosaki

The following is an example of a type of letter Robert Kiyosaki receives often:

Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,

My name is Susan and I am writing in regards to my husband, Alan. He has read all your books and has
such potential to be a great entrepreneur and businessman. . . my husband is putting a lot of time into a
company called ___. They are a pyramid-scheme company that sells health-related products. The person
on the top gets you to sell for him, and down the chain it goes. How can it be his business if his name is
not on the vitamins? On top of that, he’s been working at it part-time for over a year and he still has not
made much money. Rather than building a network marketing business, I think he should just start his
own company. . . Who knows, maybe I’m wrong. That would be a good thing, as it would put my mind at
ease to know.
Susan M.

The book, The Business School, is focused on answering this question. Many people want
to know why their spouse, family member or friend is involved in a networking marketing
company and is it a legitimate business? This book examines network marketing in detail.

In the book, he recommends network marketing, and illustrates the hidden opportunities
and values a network marketing business offers. He says that many of the values of
owning a networking marketing business are often not seen. In other words, “there is far
more to a network marketing business than just the chance to make some extra money.
It’s a business with a heart and a deep caring for people”.

Kiyosaki says that if you want to be rich, you need to be a business owner. If he had to do
it all over again, rather than build an old style type business, he would have started
building a network marketing business. (Donald Trump said the same thing in 1999)

Kiyosaki says that network marketing– “a personal franchise” - is a new and revolutionary
way to achieve wealth. The richest people in the world build networks and everyone else is
trained to look for work. Network marketing gives millions of people throughout the
world, the opportunity to take control of their lives and their financial future. A network
marketing business is a business with people who are there to help you become richer. It
is a fairer system for acquiring wealth, “a democratic way of wealth creation”. He says
that the network marketing industry continues to grow faster than franchises or traditional
big businesses and “is an idea whose time has come”.

A networking business provides a large support group of like-minded people. And once
you have a strong cash flow, then you can begin investing in other assets, help needy
people, give to your favorite charity or help your family and friends.

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