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BONIATO 101 Boniato, botanically classified as |pomoea batatas, is a nutty-flavored root vegetable in the same family as sweet potatoes. Boniato goes by many names, such as batata, camote, kamura, white sweet potato & even the Cuban Sweet Potato. TASTE & TEXTURE MAKE IT: * Rough skin, ranging + Fried from red and purple + Mash to light brown. + Fried + Baked + Creamy white flesh + Steamed with a chestnut- + Roasted like flavor. + Fluffy, starchy, texture once cooked. WHAT IS BONIATO? Boniatos are native to the tropical areas of the Western Hemisphere, such as Central and South America. Together with other tropical root vegetables like yam, taro, yuca, and the potato, it is an indispensable part of the carbohydrate diet for many.While boniatos lack the bright orange flesh of a sweet potato and aren't as sweet, they're just as versatile in that they can be mashed, fried, baked, steamed or roasted. HEALTH BENEFITS + NATURALLY GLUTEN FREE * GOOD SOURCE OF VITAMIN C * GOOD SOURCE OF POTASSIUM + HIGH IN FIBER * CONTAINS ANTIOXIDANTS Tere co ctea Creer uae rete ete ay ee ey ey

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