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MICAT 1 Descriptive Writing

An MBA will enrich my knowledge about the business sector through rigid program involving case
studies, Industry Exposure and Frequent guest lectures given by prominent people from the

The most challenging situation faced in my life was when I graduated from college and had to
choose between going abroad for masters in petroleum engineering or to start working here in
India. At that time in 2017, not only petroleum industry but also employment sector in India was
facing a huge recession and jobs were a difficult thing to get. With the advancement of electric
vehicles and global urge to move from fossil fuels, petroleum industry is on a downward path. I
decided not to take a risk of doing my masters in petroleum and chose to start working. I thought it
would help me get a better exposure of the industry when I am involved in it directly.

Along with this after interacting with my teachers, I decided to start my career in India and get a
exposure of petroleum industry

The lessons learned were:

1. Rely on your instincts and do thorough research before making a big decision.

2. It is you who have to take decision about your life and not anybody else.

OR –

2: How to take control of your life decisions and depend solely on your instinct and information
instead of relying on other people to dictate the terms.

Pictures –

1) A bee with a camera

2) A shopping complex with parked cars
3) Window bars
4) Man crossing a road to reach a shop.

It was a bright sunny day and Peter, the 14-year-old genius has recently created an amazing tech
product to play; a bumble-bee as he calls it. Bumble-bee was a small artificial robot in the shape of a
BEE which can fly upto 20feet with a remote control. The amazing part was that he had installed a
CAMERA in this machine to have a view of his neighbourhood from the top.

That day his mom didn’t allow him to go out as it was very hot and he might fall sick. With a mild
resentment in his heart, peter took the decision to check bumble-bee from his room window only.
Peter liked the WINDOW in his room which had bars and opens up to the street view, as his home
was situated in the vicinity of a shopping complex, there were always people wandering around the

He sat down at the window to have a look at the surrounding’s. There were many cars parked near
the shopping complex and people were going in and out of the shops. He thought it would be
perfect to test his machine on these pedestrians. Suddenly a car came in rushing and stopped on the
other side of the road. A well-built man steeped down from the car and crossed the road to enter a
shop without looking anywhere around. Peter took this man of interest and wanted to see what he
will buy from that shop.

So, Peter started his bumble-bee and flew it around a little bit to see if the cameras were working
properly or not and then adjusted the height, he needed to have a closer look on the items that the
man would buy.

Suddenly, the alarm in that shop went off and the same guy came out rushing from the shop with his
hands tightly tucked around a big bag. Peter got afraid and at the same time curious to know what
has happened. He levelled the bumble-bee down to a point where he could have a clear look onto
the man’s face and what was he holding. Peter was astonished to see the bag full of cash and
immediately moved the robo away from him to avoid being caught. People were surprised and
before anyone could get a hold of what has happened, the man rushed off in his car with the bag.

After few minutes, the police came and started investigating the scene. Peter went straight to his
mom and explained the whole thing that has just happened. Peter’s mom took him to the police
personnel’s and peter showed them the whole video that he had captured on his camera. Police
found it very helpful as peter was able to capture the man’s face very clearly and also the car in
which he ran off. They patted peter on his back and everyone gave a big round of applaud for this
heroic effort done by a 14-year-old smart kid.

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