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Aladdins’s lamp bottle magick

S Rob
Chapter 1

It is forgotten by many people that the folklore of the past was the ancient’s history, and was a synthesis of

what had actually happened but told so as to be interesting. This means that what is thought to be simple ancient

folktales is usually truth or at least has much hidden knowledge within. One such tale is the tale of Aladdin. The

tale of Aladdin is a tale from the Arabian nights, but was added in the 18th century. But it draws on one full clear

truth, and that is that there is such a thing as a magic lamp. The reason for making a lamp magical is quite simple:

to make the lamp magical you must put something within it and since a metal lamp would be hollow then it would

be easy to do, but in the modern world a bottle is an easier to find object: although hollow magic rings and other

things are still used. But the whole point of using a magical bottle: or other object: is that it allows you to

command a magical entity and make it your servant and to improve your life. The magic of Aladdin isn’t difficult

either, as long as you know what it is you must do: that is what this book is for. You will now learn that the magic

of Aladdin and from other tales using magical objects is real and once more you can do it too.

Many of the entities which are made into magical servants are called genies. But what I want you to understand

from the start is that genies are really a system of classification for other magical beings. This is because the many

types of genies are often called other names my different people. But a genie is a being which is often made into a
magical servant also called a servitor. But what must be understood is that these magical servants have some

intelligence: how much depends on the type of genie or magical being: but because of this they can be much more

useful than magic spells can be. These magical servants can bring what you want to you, change your life in ways
you want, but do it with intelligence and judgement. But their judgement isn’t something to be afraid of because

these magical beings will be controlled. This is because these magical beings such as genies are made into
servants because their magical nature makes doing this quite easy. But there are other benefits to doing this:

because genies have free will as humans do, and so making one into a servant also makes the beings stops that
particular being from being able to choose to do bad things.
But many of these beings really want to help humanity; they want to help us anyway. But these magical

creatures are very varied and don’t think they are all the same because they are not. But also there was a human

king who had the power to command genies on a great scale and this was King Solomon. King Solomon was a

magical king who could speak to the animals and knew how to command genies. In fact it was the latter which was
the foundation of his power. Solomon used the power of genies made into magical servants to do many things

which otherwise would have been impossible. This is because when one controls a magical servant your power is

increased greatly. It is impossible to understand however without having done it because the only true form of

understanding in this matter is by having a magical servant at your control.

But also many people do not realise why in folktales and folklore such genies are always linked and within an

object: which is their home or prison: where they wait until wanted. But the reason for this is that they are bound
to the object although not literally within it. This is because genies that could not go outside of the object could not

obey the command and do the task it has been set. No, the only thing which occurs is that it is bound to the object

and even then it can travel. The reason it is bound to the object is that real genies are given the command in the

making of the genie object: the easiest modern equivalent being a bottle because they are already hollow. Genies
aren’t commanded daily they are instead bound to an object and a task and in this way will work to do the task for

he who has the object or even the location: this is because genies can be used to protect an area and location and

not just a person. I hope now you understand who the making of genie objects is still a secret which many do not

possess. However the method is partly based upon the fact that genies and many other magical beings have a true

name and once this name is used they have no ability to choose, they have to do as commanded and this is crucial

to how a genie is bound to an object. But genies vary in traits and so it must be understood that some types of

genies are better for certain tasks than others: the right genie for the right task.

But genie magic isn’t some practice which is theoretical; it is a practical form of magick. It is a power which
exists to be used. The power is also neutral and just as in the folktales good people use genies for good things
whereas evil people make genies do evil things. But the magic here is for your purpose and isn’t bad it is good

magic which will improve your life and others. Genies however are not monsters they are simply other types of
life. But what to one person is a genie to another is a fairy, or many other names. Also different types of genies do

not even have to look alike. It therefore makes sense not to think of genies as being one type of being, but more like
a whole other world of beings some of which do not even fit within the standard classification of genies: genies

are also called jinn. But genies have societies and structures, they have leaders and can marry and some are
religious too. They have a society and so generally they are more than mere animals.

The nature of genies means that they have a better understanding of humanity than an animal would because

although it is said they were made from smokeless fire, and humans were made from clay and other things, they
resemble us more than many non magical entities. Also genies have the power to see humans, but we as humans

cannot always see genies and most of the time when using a genie magical bottle it will not show itself and will

work quietly on performing the task which it has been set. When genies are bound to items like this they are very

amenable, and easy to get on with. In fact the court of King Solomon had many genies which were seated behind

humans: showing humanities greater importance. Because of the way that genies are not seen by humans mostly you

will now realise that they are not always in some far off land or on the ocean, or in air worlds which we cannot
get to, they also can be beside you and around you, after all if your genie is around you and others, then why not

other peoples genies too. Just because something is invisible does not mean it isn’t there and the proof of the

existence of genies is that your genies will work for you and you will see the effects of the magick they do.

However because of the nature of genies: more properly referred to as Jinn of Djinn I will start by showing you
how to use a form of jinn which is quite weak.

One weak form of Jinn or genie is called a Hinn. A Hinn is a weak type of genie and so is easy to control. But

the Hinn are in many ways closer to animals than humans. Hinn are not very intelligent, but can still be of use. But

there is actually a good chance of seeing a Hinn because Hinn like to appear in the form of dogs. This means that

when using a Hinn if you see a dog around you or when walking around which you do not know then it could well

be your Hinn. Of course it can show itself a little because of its magical nature and for instance if you have the

Hinn do something for you and just before this you see a dog then that is a good indication that it is a Hinn. Also if

a dog appears in your home and you do not have one then that can be a good indication of a Hinn. However a Hinn
is a good jinn to use for protection because being animal and dog like they make good protectors and I will show
how to do this next.

Making a Hinn bottle for protection

To do this you should first have a bottle which you don’t mind having around, and this may mean that you may

want a decorative bottle although this isn’t necessary at all. You also should have some paper or some other
material that you will write upon: you can even use wood and carve upon it if it can fit inside the bottle. You will

also need a cap or cork which is to be the top of the bottle. Also some sort of material for the Jinn to use when
inside the bottle because the Jinn’s bottle should be pleasant for the Jinn and as Jinn are not human all that is

required is some kind of material or wood or even a leaf. Now take the paper of whatever else you are going to

write on and write upon it:”Hinn I command you to protect then write either your name or write this place.” This
paper then will help to bind the Jinn to the bottle and the command. You should not place the paper: or whatever

else you have written the words on into the bottle and place within this the other material you have chosen for the

Hinn to have within the bottle. Then say:”Hinn I place you within this bottle to which I bind you until I myself

release you.” Then place the top onto the bottle. The Hinn now has its command and it will obey it for as long as it

can: Jinn live a very long time but aren’t immortal.

The bottle you have just made should be placed somewhere safe because although the magic says that you,
yourself will have to release it, if the top is opened and the paper comes out: maybe even if it doesn’t: the jinn

will be able to release itself. The same would happen if the bottle broke. The bottle is what pulls the jinn to the

command and pulls it to you. The bottle is a very important part of the magic. But the bottle will protect the area or

you depending on what you wanted protecting from evil entities be they jinn or not, from curses and even from
people and anyone who tries to do harm to the place or you will find bad things happen to them. But the Hinn being

a living thinking being does have discretion, and also it isn’t very powerful and so cannot do too much harm if

ever anyone does attack you or where you live who you do not want to be harmed. The Hinn is a jinn that also

likes to serve just as dogs do. They love to serve people, and will accept you as its master and even if it is

released it may still choose to be around you, because of its dog like nature. It therefore is an ideal first jinn to use

and since everyone should have occult protection everyone should make the Hinn bottle for protection.

But the time may come when you want to unmake the bottle and release the Hinn. To do this simply remove the

cap on the bottle and remove the contents. However since Hinn are quite dog like a good idea is that after this you
send Hinn away be saying:”Hinn I command you to be happy and do good for the world.” And in this way the Hinn
will quite happily move on, because although Hinn are dog like they will quite easily move from you because

unlike dogs they live a long time: much longer than we do. Of course Hinn like to be dogs and can spend a long
time as dogs. There is an event which occurred to someone I know where a dog was bought from a dog shelter and

the dog was thought to be abandoned and was found in a scrap yard.
The dog was in the shelter and bought and lived its life. The people also had a rabbit and just after the rabbit

dies the dog did too. But when the dog died, and the body was dead it walked over the bedroom quilt of the
persons bed, after they awoke they found dog’s foot prints, and one of the people who lived there remembered a

dream of the dog happy with puppies. This dog wasn’t a dog it was a Hinn. It simply chose to live out a life as a

dog: even getting old. Since Jinn are not always seen by us: before it died it got pregnant of another Jinn:
completely unseen physically and also impossible in its elderly dogs form. It therefore left behind the body and

had its Jinn offspring. The Hinn may then have went on and lived again as a dog for another family. Hinn and other

genies are all around us. People make the mistake by thinking that genies and other magical entities are some other

more mystical place, but no magick is right where you are, it is just that people rarely see it: remember that jinn

don’t want to be seen much of the time.

I hope that this true story and the method of making the Hinn bottle for protection help you understand that the
world is not quite as you may have been led to believe. I therefore show you the truth in this book as much to

enlighten you as empower you. In the world we all need a full picture of things so that we understand how things

work, and what we can do, and our place within the world. It is easy to think that humans are less than magical

entities but actually I am convinced of the magical nature of humans too, we are magical just not always in the
same way.

Chapter 2

There are many types of jinn which are quite different from the hinn that you have already learned how to

command. Many other jinn: genies: are quite different from the hinn and more intelligent. The more intelligent a

jinn is the more it can be utilised for more complex things. But remember that it is still important how you decide

to use the jinn and like all forms of magick it helps that you understand that any magic must be composed correctly.

While making the magic it should be phrased so that it will work the easiest way possible: but not too easy: is

perhaps more art than science. It is however a learnt skill but one that can be perfected easily, as long as you think
before working any magic that you have, composed yourself. But also the occult and gaining skill in it is actually a
matter of practice. To try to learn the occult without working magic would be like trying to learn to swim on dry

land. But the occult isn’t like some subjects which requires much impractical and difficult to get facilities: no the
occult actually needs very little and so is easy to practice and so we all are on the same level in terms of

advantages, the occult neither gives or takes social advantage or otherwise and it is perhaps the fairest subject
there is, and for this there is much to celebrate in an unfair world.

Although the jinn are powerful, they are not all equally as powerful. It is also important that you bear in mind
that jinn are not all the same in personalities and types. Much of what people talk about as traits of the jinn is

actually organised in the form of clans or tribes. But remember that jinn have free will to do good and bad: unless

commanded by us. The important thing however is that you also remember that many of the more intelligent jinn
have may have beliefs and can be just as complex as humans, and human society. These jinn come from beings

however that some people believe to be very much influential upon us and us them. The jinn are believed in

ancient texts to actually predate humanity and many people believe that they had a civilization upon Earth before

us. Their civilization was different to ours because jinn are said to be made of smokeless fire: although many can

take solid form: and this means that do not really need the space we do and can live happily in places where we

would find impossible or only be able to survive with great difficulty. But for a long time their civilization
flourished, until one jinn: who was a leader: defied god and so they moved to one side to allow us to have

civilization: this jinn was called Iblis. But not all jinn backed him and there are good and bad jinn just as there are

good and bad people. But this act gave free will to humanity. However we never use Iblis for jinn magic because

this would be bad and Iblis is the one completely evil jinn.
But now I will show you how to use, a powerful but easy to use jinn for magic; this type of Jinn are named

Jann. The Jann type of jinn, have certain traits which are common to them all, and they tend to live in the desert:

they do this because they are quite happy to avoid humanity and have their own civilization. However the fact that

they tend to live in deserts isn’t a difficulty because as jinn they can travel at incredible speeds. The main power

that the jinn manifest in their everyday life is that they can shape shift and can take the form of whirlwinds and

white camels, but they also can be invisible. They also like to conceal or reveal oases in the desert, depending

upon whether they like the traveller or not: this means they can conceal and reveal other things too. But the Jann

aren’t evil, they are just a different type of being which exists. But they are very useful to use as a servant because
they have the power to work magic, and also the power to conceal places. I will therefore show you here how to
work magic with the jann.

Making a jann bottle to make a place less noticeable

To do this you will require a bottle or other hollow container: I will however work from the assumption that

you are utilising a bottle. There are some advantages of using a quite a decorative bottle because then it will look
particularly good at home. But you should make sure that you want the place to be less noticeable because it does

mean that your mail can be difficult to get, but it can conceal your location from people who don’t seek it; this
would mean that people wanting to find it would be able to, whereas others such as burglars would not find it as

easily. You will need the bottle and also a top for the bottle. You will require some paper or some other thing

which you can write upon: it actually is good to use quite decorative paper and even something to find it up into a
scroll. You will need something to write upon it. But as the Jann like to be in the desert then the bottle should also

have some sand so that the Jann type of jinn will be comfortable there. Take the bottle and first put the sand within

the bottle and then take the paper and write upon it:”I command you Jann to make the building in which this bottle

is located unseen and unnoticeable to anyone who does not seek that particular building, to all casual observers it

will be unseen.” Then you should put it into the bottle: roll the paper into a scroll if you want: and then place the

top on the bottle after a few days: the few days, is to give the jinn time to settle in. However if you want to unmake
the bottle then all that is needed is to open it up and remove the contents and destroy the paper.

What you can expect from the Jann bottle is for the place to be less noticeable. This will mean that quite

simply the place where you life: if this is where the bottle is: will have a very useful type of occult protection,

after all people burgle houses and buildings which they notice. But remember that making the building noticeable
in purpose would still be counter-productive and I will say that things such as burglar alarms are still a useful

thing to have and everyone should get advice from a security professional too if they can. But the effect can vary

and you will find that if the Jann jinn feels that a particularly bad person or people are around it will conceal the

place strongly; when this occurs even those that know you may have trouble finding the building. But remember the

Jann will do this for your protection, because it is your magical servant.

But there also are other types of jinn that you can use, one of which is the Nasnas. The Nasnas is actually a

jinn: you can call it genie if you wish: which isn’t actually completely a genie. This is because the Nasnas is a

classification for a type of jinn which is partly human or animal. It is a type of jinn which is very diverse. Some
Nasnas have half human traits while others have half animal traits. The Nasnas therefore isn’t a powerful jinn but
this does make them easier for you to command. Many folktales and folklore is the Nasnas: but often named other

things: this is because the many sightings of strange phenomena are usually the Nasnas. The Nasnas have very
diverse appearances but the Nasnas which is described in the book:”The Arabian nights” also called the book of

1001 nights, is described as being half a man, with half a head, half a torso and one arm and one leg. But this was
the description of only one Nasnas and they vary greatly in appearance. But the Nasnas are said to be the offspring

of a type of jinn called a Shiqq.

The Nasnas may appear in monstrous form but jinn very rarely appear in solid form for people. Also do not

think that because it looks strange that it is necessarily bad, because a Nasnas is no worse than a person. But also

do not think that because it will look strange that it is unable to help you, because it may be a less, powerful jinn,
but a jinn it still is and it still has the power to help you greatly. This perhaps is the greatest lesson we learn from

the jinn is that we should not judge by appearances, and that odd strange looking things are not necessarily

monsters and just are in different forms to us. But also remember the jinn, is made from smokeless fire and as they

rarely appear in solid form there is no such handicap from their form whatever that may be. I would say that just

the reverse is true the jinn can survive extreme hot or cold, pass through solid objects, can live happily above or

below ground, over the ocean, within it, and they are basically indestructible and so physically we are much
weaker, simply because we are physical whereas they can simply choose to be when they want to. But just

because the Nasnas have diverse and odd looks do not think that they are only limited to certain forms of power.

The Nasnas are for instance just as capable as bringing love to you as any other jinn. There are also some

advantages because the Nasnas having such a diverse nature means that they are capable of understanding love and
sex just as a person or animal could. With this in mind I will now explain how to make a Nasnas bottle to attract

love and sex.

Making a Nasnas bottle for love and sex

To do this as before you will require some variety of bottle: it may also be useful to label the bottle or at least

make it different from any others that you have made, and as before you will require paper and something to write

upon it. You may also use cloth to write on but good quality paper is good enough, and can be wrapped into a

scroll shape. But also you will need something some wool or cloth which came from a natural animal: this is to

represent the animalistic nature of the Nasnas, and also human too because we too are animalistic in nature. But
remember that the bottle will also need some type of top to seal it. You should then take the paper and write upon
it:”I command Nasnas that you bring attract love and sex from attractive people to write your name.” This should

then be wrapped up and placed into the bottle along with the cloth made from animal skin such as wool. Then
place the top on the bottle. If you ever want to unmake the bottle simply take off the top and remove the contents

and destroy the paper.

This bottle will bring love to you, but the love isn’t completely dependent upon the bottle and once you have

met someone then after a while the bottle will not be needed for what you have then is love which isn’t reliant
upon magic: true love. This is because the Nasnas creates the situation where you can find love and sex, but once

it has been create what you are left with are your love, and the other person’s love for you: although the bottle will

not affect you and you will not be made to feel different in anyway. The Nasnas who is commanded by the bottle
will be of great help to you, and will make your life better and more fulfilled. But people want love, even when

they think they do not, because people want happiness and there is no greater happiness than true love. The Nasnas

is bound to the bottle and will keep attracting love and sex to you from attractive people. This is because by the

nature of these jinn magic bottles the magical entities keep doing as commanded and so this is perpetual magic,

that keeps working, it does not need recasting or redone in any way as long as the bottle is unbroken.

What is important though is to realise that such bottles can be decorative and even talking points. They do have
power but only until broken or opened. This means that just as in the tale of Aladdin, he lost the power of the genie

when the lamp was exchanged for a new one, so the power that comes from the bottle only works when it is intact.

But the last bottle is made for you particularly and will not work for anyone else: although it is best if kept

somewhere, where you spend time: I would recommend where you live. Some other bottles however only work
for whoever has possession of them. This means you should guard the bottles, and also anyone you live with

should know of the importance of the bottle, because without this they can get damaged. This does mean that it is

best to keep them somewhere safe, somewhere where they will not get damaged. But of course there are other

containers which can be used too, in fact any hollow container can be utilised for this magick. The jinn can be

bound and commanded by the magic using any hollow container as long as they have the magic ingredients within.

But remember power is meant to be used and power that is never used is some way shape or form usually

serves no purpose: nuclear bombs being an exception and are best used as a threat only. But magic is by far a

better option than many other forms of power. It is better to use magic than the many more harmful things because
magic isn’t a scatter gun and can work with precise efficiency when needed, and yet has power that can be
unleashed easily. I want your life to be enhanced by magic and so the power you have learnt is yours to use when

you feel you want to. But remember these magical bottles are long term magic, they keep working and so do not
bother to make a bottle whose effect you do not want to keep working for you: although the bottles can be unmade

by you if you ever want to.

Chapter 3

The last jinn that I showed you how to control was itself the offspring of the type of jinn called a Shiqq. A
Shiqq is actually a jinn which is only a half creature or only half formed. They are said to be the first jinn or

genies that were created. But the Shiqq are in many ways a purer form of Nasnas because when the Shiqq

produced children with humans or animals what they produced were, Nasnas. The Shiqq are half beings but they
look in their normal form quite human like and so could easily be mistaken for the more human like Nasnas: not all

Nasnas are human like however. But The Shiqq are unusual in that if they do not mate with a human they are likely

to kill them. This means that they are very good jinn to use offensively or defensively. The Shiqq also look very

strange and they do not have a form which looks like an animal: unlike some Jinn who have an animal form, like

the Hinn like to look like dogs or the Jann as camels or wind, they only look invisible or very strange. But as the

Shiqq were the first jinn that was made this means the Iblis would have been a Shiqq, and so this was his original
tribe. However the Shiqq are not as powerful as other types of Jinn, but they do have some power. But the Shiqq

have a nature which is in many ways very primitive but powerful. Like all jinn the Shiqq have the power to see

humans, but we cannot see them unless they want to be seen. But because of the Shiqq’s nature they must be

properly controlled, and so any magic using them must be performed correctly and there is little margin for error.
I will therefore say that in using the Shiqq in magic you should bear in mind that the time may come when you

will want to dispose of the bottle: the jinn magick bottle that you can make: and when you do this it should be done

with great care. You should not simply rip open the bottle and scatter the items within, you should try to open the

bottle somewhere away from people and scatter the items so that the Shiqq will then simply go back to its own

realm. This is because Shiqq like all jinn can live in unliveable places: unliveable to humans. They can quite

easily live in the smallest space, or the most dangerous to us. The Shiqq should be thought of like a tribe of sorts.

But also the Nasnas being the offspring of Shiqq although Shiqq mating with Shiqq can also produce Shiqq and a

Nasnas only occurs when a Shiqq mates with a human or animal, and so the tribe is slightly porous. But there are
still distinct races which occurs in the Jinn which are far less alike than our human ethnic races, no these jinn are
very, very different but still capable of breeding with each other. This does mean that there are jinn that do not

exactly fit into a classical category, but I only show you how to control those jinn that have a clear and specific
image and way of working.

The Shiqq can be used in a bottle and controlled in a way which is similar to the way that other jinn can be
controlled. But there will need to be more of an element of control, because of their nature. It has been said that if

a Shiqq sees a human it will either mate with the human or kill them. But remember the Jinn have free will and so
all Shiqq will not be like this, and all that is required is to add additional commands to stop the Shiqq from mating

or destroying inappropriately. Remember the Shiqq will be constantly commanded by the command in the bottle:

or other hollow container the items are within. But do not lose or break the bottle are for this reason be very
careful with the bottle because if it is opened you then have a dangerous jinn on the loose. The Shiqq jinn need to

be controlled properly, although it has some intelligence, and so is much more useful than a simple spell or many

talismans. The Shiqq is a jinn which I will now show you how to use for protection against dying. This means that

the Shiqq isn’t used for general protection, just against that most grave of things it will protect you from dying from

any source or being killed.

Making a Shiqq bottle for protection against death itself

To do this you will require a bottle which you don’t mind keeping it will be with you a long time and this may

want a decorative bottle but this isn’t necessary at all. You also should have some paper, maybe some good quality

paper. You will also need the top of the bottle. You will also need a small stone to be placed inside the bottle.

Now take the paper of whatever else you are going to write on and write upon it:”I command Shiqq to protect state
your name from death do not let me die or be killed.” You should not places the paper inside of the bottle: you can

if you wish roll it into a scroll and fasten it, and then place inside the small stone and put the top onto the bottle.

The bottle will now protect you: but at all times make sure that, you keep the bottle safe. Also if you want to

unmake the bottle do this somewhere safe and then remove the contents. Best of all simply take the bottle and

throw it out to the sea and in this way the bottle will move into the ocean and if it breaks somewhere then it

doesn’t matter at all.

What you can expect from the bottle is that you will get defence against dying or being killed, especially at

home, and anyone who risks trying to hurt or kill you at home will be badly hurt by the jinn. But actually if you can
then I would recommend that you put the piece of paper and things into a locket and simply keep it closed and this
way it being with you it will have the strongest effect. But a bottle will still protect you, although if you simply

want the bottle to protect anyone in the house from being killed or dying, then instead of writing your name simply
replace this with me or bottle owner and in this way the bottle owner will be protected. I do understand that many

people will think that using the Shiqq in this way will seem odd because of this appearance and let’s face it half a
jinn doesn’t seem that good at defending, but they are very strong and aggressive the Shiqq are also a tribe and

they can choose to come to the help of their own and so should your jinn have difficulty dealing with anything,
likely as not the others will come to help.

But there are other powerful jinn but the most intelligent type of jinn is the Si’lat. These jinn have power of

shape shifting that is much better than any type of jinn and to such a degree that they can impersonate humans: one
reason why this is so is because they are so intelligent that they are able to pass themselves off as humans. The

Si’lat are universal and have been seen and covered many places; their appearance has also been catalogued in

folklore in Eastern Europe where they were named the Leshy and they were noticeable in this Slavic folklore

because their feet where on backwards, and this may even predate the Afghanistan, and Somalis folklore that states

the same thing: I wrote a research paper about the Leshy and the jinn being the same thing in folklore, and also they

appearing in other European folklore that was published and it is called:”Welsh and Slavic folklore in modern
Afghanistan and Somalia.” But there is variation in the Si’lat and remember that those that looked like a perfect

human would simply not be noticed and people would just think them human: we only see the ones who make this


But the Si’lat are very intelligent and are the most intelligent of all the jinn of any types, so much so that they
could even be around you and you may not know and if only some of the Si’lat make the mistake with the feet that

doesn’t appear in other texts and so seems likely, then they could live out entire lives as humans and would be

doing so all over the world. It is therefore a fact that many humans that have been labelled saints or other things

because they were seen after death in full physical from, may be Si’lat who faked human appearance and lived out

a lifespan and then didn’t die because the Si’lat being jinn have very long life spans. The Si’lat is also very useful

for magic because of their high intelligence they are able to work magic will great subtlety, which other jinn

cannot manage. This means they can help you gain wealth, power, friendship, practically anything although they are

more powerful jinn, they are great jinn to use, and I will therefore show you how to gain wealth using a Si’lat.
Making a Si’lat bottle to gain wealth
You will need a bottle and some paper, something to write upon the paper and a top for the bottle. You may

choose to get good quality paper because you will be looking at it within this bottle for a long time: who after all
doesn’t want more wealth. You should also have something for the Si’lat to look at but without writing on, such as

a flower, a fake one would be best so that it does not age. You should take the paper and write upon it:”I command
you Si’lat and you will bring wealth to the person who possesses the bottle (you can substitute this part for your

name because unless the bottle lives with you it would not work otherwise)”. You should roll this up and place it
within the bottle and also the decorative thing which you put into the bottle also. You should now put the top onto

the bottle. Guard the bottle well although the Si’lat do not generally harm humans, but keep the bottle safe, and

where you live because if the bottle leaves where you live then it will stop attracting wealth to you. The bottle can
be safely unmade by removing the paper, from the bottle, or the bottle can be thrown away if you did not write

your or anyone else’s name upon the paper.

What you can expect from the bottle that I have showed you how to make is wealth to be attracted to you. But

this will come in the form of ways to gain wealth because the intelligent nature of the Si’lat jinn means that it can

use its intellect to bring these great opportunities to you. A less intelligent type of jinn would just try to bring

money and you would find the effect would be weak whereas the Si’lat can also bring opportunities to you. This
does mean that to get the most effect you must be prepared to take these opportunities although wealth itself will be

attracted. The Si’lat has the power of intelligence and this coupled with the magic power it has will transform

your life and this is real magic power. It is easy for those uninitiated in the way of the jinn to think that they can

only promise a weak effect not knowing the true power they have. This magic will transform your life because it is
supposed to, magic is supposed to make life better. But do realise that the bottle of constant magic and you do not

need to keep doing anything for it to work.

But also the Si’lat has intelligence and it has so many used. It is easy to think that all anyone wants is simply

wealth when what many people want is success. Many people wants success more than wealth although they are

sort of the same thing to many people. But success doesn’t just mean that the Si’lat can help you be good at one

thing, but it can help you succeed at many. It makes me wonder how many of the great polymaths of the ancient

world had the help of a Si’lat? After all a Si’lat are intelligent themselves and could help a person to learn what

they could not otherwise learn. But success is something well within the boundaries of the power of the Si’lat and
you like me will realise that being so intelligent they themselves may actually have been some of these great
universal men or polymaths who mastered so many subjects. I will therefore now show you how to make a bottle

using the Si’lat for success.

Making a Si’lat bottle for success

You will require a bottle or other type of container: it must have a top or some way of closing it. You will also
need something to put in the bottle such as a shiny stone, this will be the Si’lats furniture when it is within the

bottle, and also to help to identify the bottle from any other magic bottles you may have or may make. You should
place the shiny stone into the bottle. You also will require some paper and something to write upon it. You should

write upon the paper:”I command you Si’lat to make me successful in what I do, help me to be a success, bring

success to me.” You should roll the paper up and place it within the bottle. You should then close the bottle or
other contained by putting the top on. The bottle can be unmade if you want but there is no reason to because

success is after all something many of us desire and few would refuse.

The bottle that you have made should be kept safe and what you can expect from it is an improvement in your

life and your life will get easier because it will be easier to achieve anything at all and you will have the help of

the Si’lat. You may find that you will readjust because when everything gets easier people get shocked at first

because after a lifetime of difficulty people find it unexpected: even though they knew what the bottle was for. But
guard the bottle although you can make another. You will quite soon after making the bottle know the power that it

has and the power of the Si’lat. Magick bottles using the Si’lat have the advantage of an intelligent magical

servant, and this makes the bottles very useful and with the subtlety but also power you will want.

Chapter 4
I will now move onto some quite rare magic for the jinn that I will now show you how to use has not been

covered very much in many places. Not much is generally known about them and they are called the Ifrit. The Ifrit

are a type of jinn that is thought to look like a winged creature of smoke. But they aren’t generally mentioned and

their most important mention anywhere is that they were commanded by King Solomon to move the throne of the

Queen of Sheba. The Ifrit are very strong and cunning, and therefore powerful. However the Ifrit are not easily

controlled and so therefore I have waited until now so that you understand what you must do and hopefully have

practice in making these magic bottles. They have power but aren’t the most moral of jinn and generally tend

towards being more bad than good. But like other jinn that have free will. But as we will not be relying upon the
jinn’s natural ability to choose and will be commanding them, then it is up to you, to understand that. But what I
want you to bear in mind is that these Ifrit are part of a complex social structure as all jinn are. They are not

simply into simple packs but complicated intelligent structure. This means that there will be different roles for the
Ifrit as there is for other jinn and humans.

Do not underestimate the Ifrit, they are actually quite, a formidable jinn and in making the bottle they that I will
describe you do not want to make any mistakes. The mistakes that people may make using the Ifrit are as often as

not come from carelessness or lack of confidence. But what is needed is practice and hopefully you have had some
of that by now in the earlier bottles which I have showed you how to make. But because of the Ifrits power they

can be utilised for purposes that otherwise would be very difficult at best. The great power which you can get

from these jinn is also constant power, in that it keeps on working without any extra effort from you. To do this you
will of course need a bottle or other hollow container in fact any hollow thing can be used to make this magic

vessel, and if you want to use another container then by all means do so, but read the full descriptions before you

make it, so that you know how to replace the bottle described with your own choice of vessel: bottles are however

easy to use and very practical and easy to get a hold of.

Making an Ifrit bottle for the power to lead

To do this you should have a bottle and also it’s top because the bottle will need to be firmly sealed once it is
made. You will also need to have some paper to write on and it is perhaps best to use good paper: although this is

not required: but as the bottle will be used for a long time and you will be looking at your handiwork for some

time it may be best. You will of course need something with which to write with upon the paper. It would also be

good to have some Earth and some stones to put within the bottle, because the Ifrit normally live underground or in
ancient ruins. You should take the paper and write upon it:”I command you Ifrit to give me the power to lead, make

me a leader and give me power and do only good.” And then place this paper within the bottle you can wrap it into

a roll if you want. Then place the Earth and stones within the bottle if you have any. Then place the top securely

onto the bottle and leave it there. If you ever feel like unmaking the bottle I would recommend simply leaving it

somewhere remote or taking the things out of it there, and then leaving it.

The bottle will now give you the power to lead and the power that leaders have. But also remember that the

bottle should be kept and should be kept safe because it has great power within. The Ifrit are by nature powerful

but will go back to a natural place for it if left. The Ifrit can also travel at great speed: like many jinn: and so when
release should simply go back to underground or a ruin. But always remember that the bottle should be kept safe
and if the bottle is ever broken you should immediately sprinkle salt over where it is: unless it is outside, and then

remove the different parts carefully so you do not get cut. But remember that the power of the Ifrit has been
controlled because the paper within the bottle had written on it also the command to only do good and this

controls, the instinct the Ifrit has to sometimes do harmful things to people. However I would not recommend you
put the paper inside the bottle without this written on it too no matter how much you want to.

But I hope that you also find that you can make the world better for others too, because when we do this we
gain in great power because people will not resist if they are better off with us as a leader. Leadership is a power

that can affect many lives and make our lives better. This means that Ifrit can help you to help other people, and

this makes the help it gives powerful but for the good too. This is strange for some people because the Ifrit has free
will and so is no more good or bad than many of us. Just as there are bad humans there are bad jinn. But of course

there are also many types of Jinn and one powerful type of Jinn is a Ghul and this type of jinn is powerful but also

difficult to control. But the Ghul however have a very unusual characteristic and this is that they can drink human

blood and there are many types some with highly refined shape shifting ability. This means that some Ghul have

been said to be able to appear in human form and drink the blood of their victims, or feast upon the body of the

The Ghul therefore although a type of jinn: genie: may be the root of many other legends in many other places.

The Ghul however can be good or bad just as humans can be. This means that some Ghul will quite happily live

off the bodies of the dead or animal blood. But not all Ghul are like this. The Ghul however mainly choose to live

in graveyards. It may seem bad to us that they can live off the flesh of the dead: but then again they are dead: and it
is perhaps much better than the ways that we live off flesh that we kill first: animals: or at least those who aren’t

vegetarian do. This means that it is therefore quite easy to find one: even if you do not want to. But the Ghul being

genies are not seen by people most of the time because they choose not to be. They generally have little interest in

human affairs and have their own social structure. However sometimes there are people who are themselves evil

and in these situations the Ghul could be utilised against them. But the Ghul can also be used to help with many

tasks, but this is easier to do if we understand them.

Humanity finds it easy to label anything evil which we do not understand. The Ghul is also the root of the

western horror idea of the goul: a monster which lives off the dead. But in horror films they usually try to hunt
others, people who are alive, whereas simply living off the dead is more the style of most Ghul. This does mean
however that if any cemetery has many killings or deaths in the area then it may be an evil Ghul. Let us not judge

them too much because humans sometimes do this too. But a Ghul will make a great entity to be used to live off the
pests that may live around you. Remember there are many small beings spiders and rodents that people do not

want around them and that spread disease. The Ghul will happily live off these, however if anyone who is dead is
around them, there may be a problem and so remove the bottle which I will show you how to make. I will first

explain how to unmake the bottle and all that is required is to simply remove the contents from the bottle,
preferably near a cemetery. The Ghul are after all much more preferable to be around if properly command than

many pests; they will not spread disease and are the natural recyclers of the jinn.

When you think about it there are much more nasty beings than a good Ghul, many humans although good
probably use more up than they do, and their ecological footprint would be very small, after all the dead are dead

and would only go to the soil: which being jinn they would anyway. This is because Jinn are in many ways

elemental spirits and what they take goes back to the Earth. They are very efficient beings, but then again the Ghul

not really needing to appear in physical form: which jinn usually do not use much: does give them this advantage.

But I will now proceed onto how to make a Ghul bottle for it to remove pests.

Making a Ghul bottle to remove pests

To make a Ghul bottle obviously a bottle with a top will be required. Also some paper and a pen or other

implement, which you can write with. Also I not use anything else, because otherwise you will need to have a

bottle with something dead in it or some cemetery soil and this simply isn’t required but does add to the power.

Now take the paper and write upon it:”I command you Ghul take the energy and kill (you should now list all pests
that you want removed but my list follows) only rats, mice and spiders.” If you have anything else such as

something dead or cemetery soil you should add this now. Place the top on the bottle.

The Ghul bottle will serve a very useful purpose and this is to protect you from disease that many pests can

spread. But this may seem mundane but we never miss the illness we did not get. But many illnesses that people

can get this way are very dangerous and can ever kill or at the very least be very unpleasant. I hope therefore you

can look past the nature of the Ghul. But remember that the Ghul you have controlled by the bottle and remember

that it is the control which is important. The Ghul can be dangerous but can easily be thought to be evil when

actually they are just another type of being, but one which can feed on us. There is folklore of people getting take
by Ghul who were travellers, but this makes a much better tale than a Ghul protecting you from pests. But there are
many Ghul and due to the fact that there are cemeteries near many people, and yet cemeteries as far as I know are

usually only unsafe when people are in them, they must prefer the dead for their food and due to the fact that bodies
rot away anyway, then most Ghul do little if any harm. No if walking alone through a cemetery at night, which

really isn’t a good idea, it isn’t the Ghul which you need to worry about, it is other people. Unfortunately the
average Ghul will not rush to your aid if anything happens, just as most humans would not: in the end the worst

thing about the Ghul may be their similarity to us.

I hope that what you have learnt has helped you realise the power that you have, because you have the power

to command jinn, just as any magic bottles you have made will have proven. Humans have great power and may

perhaps ourselves one day find that we will have greater communication with the jinn as a society. We should
remember that they do not have to be rivals, or mysterious and we can perhaps learn from each other. We however

at the moment have to instead command them, this is the way it has been for thousands of years, and it is the role

we have taken and have to continue until the world changes and we gain more magical power as a society, because

although the power of individuals can be strong people many still do not fully embrace occult power; this is their

choice. But power is within humanity and our physical form does have advantages, but most of the jinn do not have

the level of intellect that humans do, and so a house trained jinn controlled and bound to a magic bottle is perhaps
better for now for us all. They are after all in some ways like us and their free will is something which means that

if humans get judged for what we do good or bad, then they too will get judged. Their free will means that they do

not have a free ride; they have responsibilities just as we do.

They have societies and families just as humans do and some jinn can even mate with humans too. This means
that some jinn are in actual fact just as human as jinn and perhaps it is our own bigotry which considers these as

jinn when they are jinn/humans and so they should have a place rightfully in both societies but yet I do not see

many human jinn hybrids walking the streets. Jinn therefore must be more accepting and more open minded that we

humans are. Their societies therefore may have things which we could learn, although the jinn are usually less

intelligent and do considered less developed as a society because when their society was what covered the Earth

it is said that it was more primitive than ours: however what it is like now may be quite different. But one

important tip, however idealistic you get, always remember you command them, and if you cannot deal with this

then you have a problem because the jinn are also potentially dangerous, because just as we do not think much
about a lamb chop they would not think much about us, after all for better or worse we are usually on different
sides with potentially rival civilizations. But we humans are cunning and we have the power to command.

Chapter 5
I will now move onto the more powerful Jinn that exist. The reason that these have been left last is because

such power needs care to control. However the jinn I talk about here also are quite useful too, the power that these
jinn have need of great care. The jinn type with the greatest power of all, are called Marid. The Marid are

powerful, so powerful that they have even been linked to powerful mages. This is because not just do they have
power but also a greater knowledge of magic than any type of jinn: these jinn not just can do magic or work magic

for you, but also teach you the magical arts too. These jinn therefore are the most powerful that anyone can

command. The potent force of the Marid should never be underestimated. It may seem quite strange that any jinn
can have greater knowledge of magic than any other: but as I mentioned the Marid are the most powerful Jinn of

all. The Marid therefore can be without limits in terms of what types of magic they can perform. This makes the

Marid excellent teachers. But getting knowledge from the Marid is itself rare because although the Marid can be

commanded like other jinn, they also can find it difficult to teach someone because the learner must be at the

correct stage in development and frame of mind. But for those that can connect with the Marid and gain great

power literally stuff of legend. Learning from the Marid can be difficult even dangerous if not done so correctly.
What is most important though is for you to realise that like all jinn you can be their master, because they all

have essentially the same flaws: the same ways of being commanded, and the same for all jinn. But also realise

that you should always know that the true power you have is within you. It is easier to use jinn when you know

this. The human should always be the master. But I understand that commanding such powerful entities is
something which people need to get used to, and also the idea of commanding a Marid can seem overwhelming so

much that it can be easier not to think of it and to instead simply do it. But at first I will use the power of the Marid

for something which is quite simple and safe, and we therefore will learn how to make a Marid bottle to gain

greater concentration.

Making a Marid bottle to gain greater concentration

To make this you will need a bottle or some other type of vessel although bottles are actually ideal. However

note this bottle is for you and not just for anyone and so it should be unmade and never simply left for anyone else

to get a hold of or take from you: just to be on the safe side. You will also need a piece of paper, and something to
write with. Also because the bottle is for you only you can add a piece of your own hair if you want, although this
is not required. Take the piece of paper and write upon it:”I command Marid to give write your own name greater

powers of concentration.” You should then take the paper and roll it up and place it into the bottle. If you have
decided to put some small piece of hair inside the bottle then do this now, and then put the lid on the bottle.

You will get from the bottle what you expect and you will get greater powers of concentration. The Marid
bottle is however the greatest concentration aid that anyone can ever have. The bottle has not just the power of a

jinn but of a Marid jinn which are the most powerful at all. But this power is only just the beginning of things and
the Marid can give much greater power than concentration. But the concentration will help you to get the Marid

jinn’s greatest gift which is greater magical power. But before this is done I will show you how to make a Marid

bottle for greater intelligence because this too will help you in gaining greater magical power from the Marid. The
Marid is powerful and can help you and so next here is how to make a Marid bottle for greater intelligence.

Making a Marid bottle to gain greater intelligence

To make this you will need a bottle or other type of vessel. You will also need a piece of paper, and something

to write with. Take the piece of paper and write upon it:”I command Marid to give write your own name greater

intelligence.” You should then take the paper and roll it up and place it into the bottle. Put the lid on the bottle.

You will find that the Marid bottle that is for intelligence will boost your powers, and this will be noticeable
to you and others. The bottle has power and is also a means of preparation for the more powerful bottle which

follows. This bottle is to greater magical ability from the Marid. This will enhance your ability to work all types

of magic including that which you use the bottles for and so will therefore enhance all types of magic and your

ability to gain power too. This means that the bottle which follows is able to help you gain your goals magically. It
is easy for people to imagine that all magic has to be direct when in fact this bottle is a booster and it boosts your

power, but on its own if you were never to work magic, it would not make you happier, richer or attract love, but

if used with other magic or even other bottles it will do this and many other things too. This really is the true

power of the Marid to give you greater power. I hope therefore that you can see the value of the Marid bottle for

greater magical power before I show you it. I say this because it is easy to miss, or misunderstand it because

people do have inherent magical power, and the Marid will give you more power, but that you already possess

some yourself.

Making a Marid bottle for greater magical power

To make this bottle you will obviously need a bottle, but also apart from the paper and a pen to write with you
will need to realise that this bottle without use will simply be a bottle, and without you using magic, or owning

other magical items such as magic bottles, the power will lie dormant. The magic bottle also has more power
when the magic is worked near it: in the same building. The reason for this is that the bottle isn’t about you and it

can be give to others and such bottles can actually be quite valuable once made and are frequently sold. You
should take the bottle and make sure that you have a top and then take the paper and write upon it:”I command you

Marid to give greater magical power to me.” You should take this paper and place it within the bottle. You should
now place the top on the bottle. The bottle can be unmade quite easily by removing the contents, but I recommend

that this is not done because of the power of the bottle.

What the bottle will do is greatly increase your magical power and you will find that the Marid will help you
understand magic by showing you. It will not do this directly necessarily, but it will show you what you can do and

know. The Marid is quite possibly the most potent magical thing you will possess. I can also say that when

working with jinn, or other magical beings you will find that they can inspire you and teach you things and much of

my magic is worked with other entities and I have gained greatly from this. The true magic however is that which

is used by you. Magic exists to be used by people, to be helped by people and to help you to get what you want.

Magic is supposed to make life better, and it does not just have to be about the general feeling of well being that
many people gain from magic. Magic is in many ways not just about getting what you want because there are many

other benefits too to magic. The world in which we live has magic as part of it, and this if ignored frequently

makes understanding things difficult. However do not limit yourself to purely magical methods and your own

abilities and talents also can help you to gain a better life.
But I hope the magic in this book makes you feel empowered because this for many people is one of magic’s

great benefits. It can also help people to feel stronger and many people come to think that humans are incomplete

without magic or at least some aspect of magic of the occult or new age. Do not back off when the jinn brings to

you what you want. Many people when presented with what they want, will do what they never though they would:

they back away. They are afraid that now that everything that you want is here that somehow there life will be

worth less and that there is nothing left to move towards. But this is not true, and magic will help you to gain other

great things too. The power of magic does make things easier and bring to you what you never thought possible,

but some people need to prepare themselves mentally for this, because they never expect anything to happen like
this. After a life time of things not happening or not having connections when things start to happen, they are afraid.
But power becomes natural after a while. But remember you have power within you and the point of this book is

definitely not to make you feel small because that would be a lie and the same lie that many other people tell
others to control them, I do not seek to control others, I seek to set you free and know what wonders are within the

world, and yourself. But you also have to be prepared to set yourself free too, and not hold yourself back.
But remember that the jinn are now your servants and so you are the master of magical beings and this should

not be forgotten. The servants that you have are much more useful than the servants that other have because
although humanity is wonderful, we are human and so the power of jinn enhances us more than other humans. The

jinn usually are unseen by people and the jinn in this book may not show themselves, but they may. But stay

composed because the jinn you see are your jinn, they are jinn that you command. They may simply show
themselves because they wish to show respect to you. But also remember that many jinn can live within a very

small space and they do not need to show physical presence. This is because the jinn are mainly not physical

beings, but they have the power to take physical form even for a prolonged length of time, some jinn have certain

physical forms which they like to take or can only take such as the hinn which takes the physical form of a dog and

can live like this for a long time. Their nature is in some ways like ours, but in many ways not. They do have

freewill which is something which makes them more like us than not. The power they have is also, the power that
is yours, you have the secret of the bottles, you know how to make them and so how to harness the jinn’s power,

and therefore you now finish reading this book with great power too.


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