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Aesthetics is an important aspect of modern day dentistry. The importance of esthetics in
restorative dentistry has shown marked increase owing to new interest and public
awareness.1Shade selection is one of the primary determinations for achieving good aesthetics in
restorative dentistry.Precise color matching has become integral to the success of aesthetic
restorations.Dentist can help restore patient’s self confidence by choosing the correct tooth
color.The expertise needed for color matching can be improved by studying and learning the
language of color and light characteristics.

When matching tooth color, the three parameters of value,chroma and hue are the most important
considerations. G.V.Black’s work, published in 1908, was the first reference in dental literature
showing the importance of ‘value’ in the shade determination process. He stated that the best
esthetic result was obtained when the proper colour (hue) and translucence (value) were
determined. He believed value was of greater importance than hue. Colour is dependent on three
factors, namely, the observer, the object and the light source. Each one of these is a variable and
when any one is altered, the perception of colour changes. Gratifying results are achieved when a
careful attention is given to each of these factors.

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