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Interpretation for Hypothesis Testing From the above hypothesis we did the Chi Square test because it is a non-parametric data, the variables
are nominal. So it is a non-parametric data and we did a Chi Square. There are significant relations between categories and the p value we
got is 0.003 which is less than 0.05 this shows H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. 14. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS? Graph
No 1 Interpretation: The above graph no 1 represents that out of 100 respondents, 57 are male and 43 are female respondents are using
Internet of Things. Graph No 2 Interpretation: The above graph no. 2 shows that the 14% of the respondents belong to the age group of 16-
22, 79% lie in 23-29 age group, 6% fall in 30-40 age group and 1% lie in 41-60 age group. So, the age group 23-29 has the maximum usage
of Internet of Things. ? Graph No 3 Interpretation: From the collected 100 respondents which is clearly seen from the above graph no.3 that
94% People are using IoT items.? Graph No 4 Interpretation The above graph shows 78% of people stated that Smart devices has changed
their daily routine and 20% stated as maybe and only 2% stated that not changed their daily routine. ? Graph No 5 Interpretation The graph
No 5 represents 78% of people stated that they having a concern about security issues with IoT devices and 17% are also stated that may or
may not concerned about security and 5% are not concerned about security issues. ? Graph No 6 Interpretation The graph represents 88%
respondents are using an app to manage the IoT devices and the 12% people are stated that they are not using the app to manage the IoT
devices. ? Graph No 7 Interpretation From the graph No 7 the 70% respondents are regularly updating their password on home routers in able
to protect from the security issues and 30% people are stated that they are not updating password regularly and they are not worried about
security issues with the router. ? Graph No 8 Interpretation The graph represents that 91% of the respondents said that they are updating the
software on smart devices regularly for better features and security reasons and 9% said that they are not updating the software in smart
devices. ? Graph No 9 Interpretation The above graph No 9 shows that the 47% respondents stated that technology plays a significant role in
their life and 47% are said that the technology plays Quite a bit role in their life and 4% respondents said only little and 1% said that
Technology doesn’t play a role in their life and 1% said don’t know. ? Graph No 10 Interpretation The graph represents that 55% are very
active on social media platform which shows that the usage of internet is more and 38% are quite a bit active, 5% respondents are only a little
usage of social media and 1 % are not at all active and 1% did not know whether that they are active are not active on social media.? Graph
No 11 Interpretation From the above graph it represents 68 % people are dependent on technology for ease of communication and 28 %
respondents are quite a bit, only 1 % are little and not at all dependent on technology and 2 % people don’t know. ? Graph No 12
Interpretation The graphs show that 46 % of respondents are using technology and Internet by peer’s influence and 33 % respondents are
quite a bit by peers and 12 % only a little, 8 % they don’t know only 1% are not influenced by the peers. ? Graph No 13 Interpretation From the
above graph we observe that 84% are agreed that are they are living in a technological world and 12% agreed that maybe we are living in a
technology world only 45 said that they are not living in a technology world.? Graph No 14 Interpretation From the graph No 14 the 75 %
respondents stated that they faced security issues with the IoT devices or smart devices and 25 % stated that they are not faced any security
issues with the IoT things and smart devices. 15. Findings Demographic Factor The survey on Security issues on Smart devices in which we
worth trust 100 respondents that are 57 % are male and 43 % are female. Among that 79 people are in the age of 23-29, 14 people are in the
age of 16-22. Awareness Out of 100 respondents 94 % are already owned the smart devices and 70 % are regularly updating their software
for security and for updated features. Security Out of 100 respondents 75 % faced the security issues with smart devices and 25 % did not
faced any security issues with the smart devices. Factor Analysis We have found that the respondents are mostly using the Smart band,
Smart Refrigerator, Amazon Echo and Google Mini and the features they are using the most are listening music, listening to radio stations,
controlling smart home devices and out of 100 respondents 70% are using security products to protect the devices and 30% are not using any
security products for the smart devices. 16. Suggestions • Increase the encryption for security purpose • Regular updates should be given for
every month in order to prevent from the security vulnerabilities • Best Artificial Intelligence should be used in the smart devices for better
performance • The smart devices should come with the inbuilt security • Every person should be notified when an update versions are
available in app market and every one need to upgrade • If any person does not update the app to latest version, the application should
automatically do not work hence they will update. • The persons should regularly update the passwords for the home routers because it will
work as a host for the security issues

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