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1. Polluting products:

• Pharmacists:

1. acetylsalicylic acid

2. Amoxicillin

3. Ampicillin

4. Diclofenac

• Cosmetics

1. Methyl alcohol

2. Ethyl alcohol

• Agrochemicals: Pesticides

2. Environmental effects:

Most of the pharmaceutical products pose a minimal risk, however, it is increasingly evident that
some drugs with possible ecotoxicological effects, specifically parasiticides, antifungals and
antibiotics; such as those mentioned above, pose risks to the environment in certain cases. For
example, in the Indian subcontinent there was a decline in the vulture population attributed to
poisoning by diclofenac, a pain reliever detected in the carcasses these birds fed on.

Among the agrochemicals used, the greatest impact is produced by pesticides, since these are
chemical substances designed to be toxic to organisms, be it called plant, fungus, nematode or
insect, which is why they are said to be dangerous substances for the environment, because the
vast majority are openly released into it. One of its great risks is the cause of cancer, due to
exposure to compounds that produce neurological and reproductive disorders in mammals, birds
and fish.

3. Regulations:

 Decree 4741 of 2005 Generation of hazardous waste in the pharmaceutical industry: defines
hazardous waste or waste as all that residue or waste that due to its corrosive, reactive, explosive,
toxic, flammable, infectious or radioactive characteristics can cause risk or damage to human
health and the environment.

 Law 99 of 1993, title, numeral 8, the requirement of the Environmental License for the
production and import of pesticides.
 The Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, regulated by decree 1753 of
1994 the Environmental Licenses. In chapter V, article 22, of said decree, it was established that
“the Environmental Impact Study is an instrument for decision-making and for environmental
planning, required by the environmental authority to define the corresponding measures of
prevention, correction, compensation and mitigation of impacts and negative effects of a project,
work or activity ”

 International ISO 14040 standard, created between 1997 and 2000: The environmental aspects
and impacts of the product or process system are considered, but the economic and social aspects
and impacts are beyond its scope. Additionally, aspects or attributes of the natural environment,
human health and resources are considered in order to identify and evaluate the impacts it
causes. The company for producing agrochemical products, produces a series of residues that
must be deposited in their respective class, and make a life cycle analysis, considering the
complete life cycle of a product from the extraction and acquisition of raw material, going through
the production of energy and matter, the manufacture, up to the use, exploitation, final treatment
of the useful life and the final disposal.

4. Environmental objective:

Efficiently minimize the risks to humans and the environment caused by solid or liquid and
hazardous waste, and especially minimize the amount or danger of those that reach final disposal
sites, contributing to effective environmental protection and economic growth. Implementing a
Waste Management Plan and, in turn, viable prevention and minimization strategies.

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