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Digestive System Diseases:

Large Intestine and Pancreas
Research 2 diseases that occur in the large intestine
and 2 that occur in the pancreas. Then, write down the
effect that the disease will have on the digestive
system and the treatment that is required.
 Large Intestine
1. Colonic Polyps: A polyp is an extra piece of
tissue that grows inside your body. Colonic
polyps grow in the large intestine, or colon.
Most polyps are not dangerous. However, some
polyps may turn into cancer. The treatment
consists in regular screening tests, such as
colonoscopy, can help ensure that polyps are
identified and removed before they can
develop into cancer.
2. Diverticulitis: Diverticula are small, bulging
pouches that can form in the lining of your
digestive system. They are found most often
in the lower part of the large intestine (colon).
Diverticula are common, especially after age
40, and seldom cause problems. Mild
diverticulitis can be treated with rest,
changes in your diet and antibiotics. Severe or
recurring diverticulitis may require surgery.

 Pancreas
1. Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis is a disease in which
the pancreas becomes swollen and inflamed
causing it to not work properly. The enzymes
which the pancreas normally produces to help
digestion in the small intestine can attack the
pancreas itself. Treatment usually requires
hospitalization to treat dehydration with
intravenous fluids. It also includes a low-fat
diet or nutrition by feeding tube if you can’t
eat, and a clear liquid diet.
2. Diabetes: Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism
– that is, the way the body uses digested food
for growth and energy. Most of the food
people eat is broken down into glucose, the
form of sugar in the blood. Glucose is the main
source of fuel for the body. Diabetes occurs
when glucose builds up in the blood due to the
pancreas not producing enough insulin (or not
using it correctly) resulting in low energy
levels. Insulin is a hormone that your body's
cells need to absorb glucose. Treatment
includes controlling blood sugar through diet,
oral medication or insulin is the main
treatment. Regular screening for complications
is also required.

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