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My name is Michael Young and I am an Eagle Scout and it is the highest rank

that you can get in boy scouts. I have also done two years of golf and two, years of clay

target and my family is the best family ever. We help each other out when we need to and

we stick together and we always help, each other out no matter what it is. My home life is

good and nothing hasn’t went wrong and my home life has been the best ever. People that

have influenced me has been my mom for one, because of she always believed in me. and

some other people from my boy scout troop have influenced me to get my eagle scout

rank. I want to become a heavy equipment operator and be really, successful in becoming

a heavy equipment operator.

My school performance has been really good and that I showed up every day except for

when I was sick or had to stay home from getting wisdom teeth out. I have been involved with

golf and clay target shooting and the most challenging class that I had this year was the college

level psychology class and the computer applications class. That I had to take to help become a

heavy equipment operator the classes that I liked the most was my history class and my welding

class and English class was the classes that I like the most out of this year. Throughout the whole

year I always tried to keep on top of things. even the days that I had missed when I knew that I

was going to be gone I tried to get all of my assignments for that day to get done before hand so I

didn’t have too much to do while on the road. I have been a patrol leader and senior patrol leader

and have, been assistant senior patrol leader through boy scouts.

The reason that I chose the heavy equipment operator is because I have a movie that

show what they use the machines for. I always liked watching them ever since I was little I

wanted to operate the big machines. I plan to study heavy equipment operator and I have to take

a collage math class to. To be honest to why I chose the felid of work that I chose is because you
get to play in oversized Tonka truck all day but in all seriousness I know the risks that come with

operating the equipment. It was the only other collage that offered the class that I wanted to take

and the only other collage that offered the class that I wanted to take I would have to move to

Tennessee and I didn’t want to move to Tennessee so I chose North Central Kansas Tech and so

far they have been the best collage because they have gave me the answers that I needed to have

to help me get things filled out.

My career plans after I finish collage is to operate heavy equipment and I made the

choice was when I was little and I stuck with it and I plan to have a job running heavy equipment

and I plan to live out in Beloit Kansas.

That I am a hard working person and when I get an assignment I get the it done and I

don’t play around instead I get it done then I move on to the next thing to get done then I go and

spend time with family and play board games with them.

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