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Short Writing #1 – Description? Poem Response? Imitation? Personification?

Add emotion and stakes. Think in terms of opposites and contrasts. Think in terms of essences.

Hammer is a person…

I am a hammer without a nail. I am a broken hammer.

Zero cries because one left it behind…

I am a zero, and it makes me ecstatic. The one and the many ignore me, but they will become me. They
all exist in me. I am zero, but I am everywhere and everything.

--see what arises naturally out Friday’s discussion? I’m thinking it will be…word play…mapping…maybe
just playing with metaphor and word play…

--this also sounds like a great improv game: can also work in the 185 X walk into a bar / sex with
me is like… / life is like…

Do stuff to the metaphor. The frost has a face. Frost is a person. Frost has emotions.

--some thoughts on discussion: if you’re shy or you don’t get--

--trust your instincts/gut

--lead with kindness

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