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UNAHUR- Inglés I Prof.

Andrea Scagnetti

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2. Indique los distintos temas que el texto aborda.
3. Explique qué ilustra la imagen.

4. Determine qué información le proveen los siguientes nombres propios y fechas:

- 1971:

- 19,000:

- fifty:

5. ¿Está completo el texto? Sí/No. Justifique su respuesta.

Mientras lee
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1. Utilizando sus propias palabras, explique en qué consiste el proyecto Gutenberg.
2. ¿Qué tipo de libros conforman la colección?
3. Este proyecto solo tiene libros escritos en inglés. Verdadero/Falso. Justifique su
4. ¿Por qué se trata de no incluir material en formato PDF?
5. Según Michael Hart, ¿cuál es la misión del proyecto?
6. ¿Cuál es el slogan del proyecto?
7. El objetivo de realizar back ups regularmente es …………………….

Project Gutenberg (often abbreviated as PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize, archive, and
distribute cultural works. Founded in 1971, it is the oldest digital library. Most of its items are the
full texts of public domain books. The project tries to make the items in its collection as free as
possible, in long-lasting, open formats that can be used on almost any computer.

UNAHUR- Inglés I Prof. Andrea Scagnetti

1 History

2 Scope of collection

3 Ideals

4 Copyright issues

5 Criticism

6 Affiliated projects

7 Notes

8 See also

9 External links

Scope of collection

As of August, 2006, Project Gutenberg claimed over 19,000 items in its collection, with an
average of over fifty new eBooks being added each week.

These are primarily works of literature from the Western cultural tradition. In addition to literature
such as novels, poetry, short stories, and drama, Project Gutenberg also has cookbooks,
reference works and issues of periodicals. The Project Gutenberg collection also has a few non-
text items such as audio files and music notation files.

Most releases are in English, but there are also significant numbers in many other languages.
As of August 2006, the non-English languages most represented are (in order): French,
German, Finnish, Dutch, and Spanish.

Whenever possible, Gutenberg releases are available in plain text, mainly using US-ASCII
character encoding but frequently extended to ISO-8859-1. Other formats may be released as
well, when submitted by volunteers, with the most common being HTML. Formats which are not
easily editable, such as PDF, are generally not considered to fit in with the goals of Project
Gutenberg, although a few have been added to the collection. For years, there has been
discussion of using some type of XML, although progress on that has been slow.
UNAHUR- Inglés I Prof. Andrea Scagnetti

Project Gutenberg e-texts have been distributed on CD-ROM.


Michael Hart said in 2004, "The mission of Project Gutenberg is simple: 'To encourage the
creation and distribution of eBooks.”

A slogan of the project is "break down the bars of ignorance and illiteracy", because its
volunteers aim to continue spreading public literacy and appreciation for the literary heritage just
as public libraries began to do in the early 20th century.

Project Gutenberg is intentionally decentralized. For example, there is no selection policy

dictating what texts to add. Instead, individual volunteers work on what they are interested in, or
have available.

The Project Gutenberg collection is intended to preserve items for the long term, so they cannot
be lost by any one localized accident. In an effort to ensure this, the entire collection is backed-
up regularly and mirrored on servers in many different locations.

volunteer voluntario intend tener la intención de

effort esfuerzo long term largo-plazo
scope alcance
issues edición
encourage alentar
easily fácilmente
break down derribar
bars Barras/rejas/barreras?

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