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The social worker must understand that the personis

a "biopsychosocial being" wherein s/he is made up of

at least three parts or subsystems -the physical, the

psychological and the social.

It is very important to know that in casework, the worker

needs to understand that the person's present behavior

is a manifestation of her/his own mode of adaptation

to her/his current condition that has caused her/him


Flight is manifested when the person physically moves

away trom the problem, or resorting to drugs, alcohol or

substances that will make one forget the current stressful

situation e.g. husbands or fathers who abandoned their

families because they can no longer provide economic

support ora youth who turned to be a drug dependent

to escape problems at home.

Involuntary clients comprised of individuals in need who

may not even consider asking for help because they

think that they are doing fine and will survive somehow

or they are unaware of the agencies that can provide

with them some assistance.

Purposeful expression of feelings refers to the

worker's allowing and facilitating the client's purposeful

expression of feelings that means the free sharing with

a sympathetic worker of her/his thoughts and feelings

even the negative ones

One of the relationship factors is transference which

involves the client's reactions and displacement on the

worker of the particular feelings and attitudes s/he may

have experienced earlier in life in relationship with the

members of her/his family such as the father/mother or

significant other.

In social group work, a group is seen as an agent of

change, the group is used to effect the desired change

needed outside the group.

A functional community refers to the people in a specific

geographic area like village, barangay, sitio, district,

municipality, city, province, region, nation or the world.

The principle of guided group interaction requires the

group in social group work to possess conscious design

and plan and must contain the potential for social growin

of its member.

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