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Are you close?

Are you closer now or when you were younger?

Can any of you tell the future?

Complete this statement: “My sibling is…”

Describe each other in three words

Describe the last thing you did with your sister/brother?.

Did anyone of you ever see a ghost or something paranormal?

Did you have a favorite game when you were kids?

Do you both love sports, which one?

Do you compete with each other?

Do you follow fashion trends, which one is more in fashion?

Do you have one favorite youtuber?

Do you have your future plans already?

Do you share secrets with each other?

Does your sibling have a YouTube channel (give it a shoutout!)?

Have ever secretly wished to be another person?

Have you ever had a crush on one of your sibling’s friend?

Have you ever liked one of their friends?

How long does it take your sister to get dressed?

How many outfits do you have that are matching?

How much time do you spend together?

How often do you argue?

If you got a call that your sibling was in jail, what would be the first crime that comes to mind?

If your sibling could be invisible, where would they go and what would they do?
If your sibling could go to any country, which would it be?

If your sibling got a chance to be locked up with someone, who would they pick and why?

In which area are you and your sibling the complete opposite?

Is there anything you don’t like doing together?

Last thing you talked about?

Most memorable argument?

Nicknames you have for each other?

One thing you can do that your sibling can’t?

Please tell us, what is your favorite game you can play together?

Please tell us, what was the favorite drink in your childhood?

Please tell us, which sibling is the favorite of parents?

Please tell us, your favorite moment from your childhood?

What are things that you are both bad at?

What are things that you are both good at?

What did you most fight about as children?

What do you and your sibling(s) for fun?

What do you and your siblings have in common?

What do you like and hate about your siblings?

What do you think you will do in 10 years time, will you be together?

What does your sister/brother talk about the most?

What does your sister/brother think about the most?

What habits does your sibling have that you would change if you could?

What is both of your favorite video games?

What is each other’s favorite flower?

What is one thing that has changed about your sibling as they have become older?

What is one thing your sibling cannot live without?

What is one thing your sibling might not know about you?

What is something weird that you eat?

What is something you like to do together?

What is the dumbest decision your sibling has ever made?

What is the one dish you want mom to make you when you feel down?

What is the smartest decision your sibling has ever made?

What is the weirdest habit your sibling has?

What is your brother/sister really bad at?

What is your favorite memory together?

What is your favorite thing about your sibling?

What is your funniest childhood memory of your sibling?

What is your sibling’s favorite animal?

What phone do you both use phone?

What was the last text you sent each other?

What was the last thing you did with your sister/brother?

What was your biggest fight or argument?

What’s a weird habit of yours?

What’s one thing you can do that your sibling can’t?

What’s something that annoys you about the other one?

What’s the best thing about one another?

What’s your favorite makeup brand?

What’s your funniest memory?

What’s your sibling’s biggest talent?

What’s your sibling’s favorite movie?

What’s your sibling’s favorite song?

When did you both last do shopping?

Which one is most likely to excel in their career?

Which one is most likely to have a big family?

Which one is taking more selfies?

Which one of you do you think will get married first?

Which sibling loves reading books more?

Who has more friends and why?

Who is more introverted/extroverted?

Who is more pessimistic/optimistic?

Who is the most talented?

Who is the oldest/youngest?

Who keeps a cleaner room?

Who keeps their room/home cleaner?

Who learned to drive before each other?

Who reads more?

Who sleeps longer?

Who takes longer to do their hair?

Who takes longer to get dressed?

Who takes longer to get ready?

Who watches more TV?

Who’s better at math?

Who’s the better cook?

Why do you think people do not use Internet Explorer even though they use it to download other
browsers when they get a

Windows setup or a new computer?

Would your sibling choose successful or being more attractive?

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