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 What reputation do teenagers have? Why?

Are all teenagers lazy, untidy and

moody? Do your parents have annoying habits? Do you have annoying habits?
Have you ever borrowed your sister´s t-shirt? What happened?
 What have you done? Have you made a decision about…? Have you finished …
yet? Have you ever bought anything on the Internet? Have you ever lost your
credit card? Have you ever had an argument with someone in your family?
What about? Etc.
 What happened to Sven on a long weekend? What were his plans? How did he
feel? How did he finally get out of the lift? How was his wife feeling
meanwhile? Was she relaxed? Was it an interesting experience? What did you
do last weekend? Did you do anything in the house? What did you do on
Saturday night? Etc.
 What´s the most beautiful city you’ve ever been to? What´s the most
extraordinary thing you’ve ever bought? Who´s the most extraordinary person
you’ve ever met? How has your life changed in the last years? What has
changed? What don´t you have time for nowadays? Can you give some tips to
live more slowly?
 Can you talk about the journalist´s experience in the cities of London? Rome?
New York? Paris? What's the most beautiful city you've ever been to? What's the
most expensive thing you've ever bought? 3 Who's the most impatient person you
know? Who's the most generous person in your family? What's the most frightening
film you've ever seen?
 Do you drink coffee? How many cups do you drink a day? What kind of coffee? What
time do you drink your last cup of the day? How much time do you spend a day in the
sun in the winter? Do you always wear sunscreen? Do you play a lot of video or
computer games? What are your favourite games? How much time do you spend a
week playing them? How often do you eat chocolate? What kind of chocolate do you
prefer- milk, white, or dark? How many hours a day do you watch TV during the week?
at weekends? What kind of programmes do you watch regularly? Do you think you eat
too much? Do you have enough time to study?
 Do you think you'll have a nice weekend? Do you think you'll pass your next English
exam? Do you think you'll get a good (or better) job in the future? Do you think you'll
get an interesting email or message from someone tonight? Do you think you'll meet
some new friends on your next holiday? Do you think you'll live to be 100? Do you
think you'll get to the end of this book?
 What were Carmen and Steve doing in Torbay? Why didn't they get married? Why
didn't Steve's letter get to Carmen? If you buy something online that is not exactly
what you wanted, do you always send it back? 3 Have you ever lent somebody money
and they didn't pay you back? 4 When you come back after a holiday do you usually
feel better or worse than before?
 Where do you usually buy your clothes? What do you like doing at the weekend? Are
you watching any TV series at the moment? Are you studying for an exam at the
moment? Where did you go on holiday last year? Did you do anything exciting last
Saturday night? Where were you at 10 o'clock last night? What were you doing? Were
you sleeping when the alarm clock rang this morning? Have you ever had the same
dream again and again? Have you ever dreamed about something that then
happened? Are you going to learn a new foreign language next year? Are you going to
do anything exciting next weekend? Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow? Do you
think your country will win the next football World Cup? What are you doing tonight?
 Have you ever offered to look after somebody's dog (or other pet)? • Do you think it is
difficult to stay friends with an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? • Have you ever tried to learn
something new and failed? • Do you think it is important to learn to cook at school? •
How long do you usually spend deciding what to wear in the morning? • Do you know
how to change a wheel on a car? Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign language
studying on your own at home? • Are you planning to go anywhere next weekend? •
Would you like to work or study in another country? • Have you ever pretended to be
ill (when you weren't)? • Have you ever forgotten to turn off your mobile phone during
a class or concert? • What do you think is the most interesting thing to do for a visitor
to your town?
 What don't you mind doing in the house? What do you like doing with your family?
What do you love doing in the summer? What don´t you feel like doing at weekends?
What do you spend too much time doing? What do you dream of doing? What do you
hate doing at work/school? What don´t you like doing alone? What are you thinking of
doing this weekend? What do you think you are very good (or very bad) at doing?
 HAVE YOU EVER spoken to a tourist in English? When? Why? HAVE YOU EVER had to
speak in English on the phone? Who to? What about? HAVE YOU EVER seen a film or
video clip in English? Which? Did it have subtitles? How much did you understand?
HAVE YOU EVER read a book or magazine in English? Which one(s)? HAVE YOU EVER
asked for directions in English in a foreign city? Where? What happened? HAVE YOU
EVER used an app or website to improve your English? Which one? HAVE YOU EVER
learnt another foreign language? How well can you speak it?
 If you have a problem that you need to talk about, do you talk to a friend or to a
member of your family? Why? Do you think that men find it more difficult than women
to talk about their problems? Why (not)? When was the last time you got a present?
What was it? Who was it from? Would you like to get fitter? What do you think you
should do? What website do you use if you want to get tickets a) to travel b) for the
cinema I theatre I concerts? Who do you get on with best in your family? Is there
anybody you don't get on with? How do you get to work /school? How long does it
usually take you?
 What will happen if you get to the airport early? What will happen if you want to sleep
on the plane? What will happen if you are in a hurry? What will happen if you take
something that doesn't work back to a shop? What will happen if you're late for
something important? What will happen if you park a long way from a restaurant?
What will happen if you are single and you meet somebody at a party who you really
like? What will happen if you wear a new white shirt or dress?
 Can you talk about something you would like to learn to do, and someone you think
would be interesting to meet? Can you talk about three things you like, love, and hate
doing? Can you talk about the rules in your (language) school using must and have to?
Can you give someone advice about learning English using should and shouldn't? Can
you remember three of Murphy's Laws in English? Can you say two true sentences
using mine and yours?
 What would you do if you saw a mouse in your kitchen? What would you do if you saw
somebody being attacked by a dog? What would you do if a bird or a bat flew into
your bedroom? What would you do if you saw a large spider in the bath? What would
you do if it was a very hot day and you were on a beach that was famous for shark
attacks? What would you do if someone offered to buy you a fur coat? What would
you do if your neighbour's dog barked all night? What would you do if a friend asked
you to look after their cat or dog for the weekend? What would you do if you went to
somebody's house for dinner and they gave you ... ? a horse meat b goat c kangaroo
 Which of the phobias in this lesson do you think is the most irrational? Which do you
think makes the sufferers' lives most complicated? Do you or anyone you know have a
phobia? When and how did it start? How does it affect your or their lives?
 When were you born? • Where were you born? Where do you live now? How long
have you lived there? • What do you do? (job) How long have you been a student?
What did you do after you left school? (e.g. get a job, go to university, get married,
have children, etc.) • What do you do in your free time? This same questions for
famous people or for people you know well
 Can you talk about inventions? When was the dishwasher invented? How many
disposable nappies are used every day? Why is Kevlar used in all the world? Why is
Tipp-ex no longer used? Who was Sherlock Holmes written by?
 Did you use to be disorganized or very organized? Did you use to be a good or a bad
student? Did you use to be late for school or on time? Did you use to wear a uniform?
Did you use to get a lot of homework or a little? Did you use to have a teacher you
hated? Did you use to have a teacher you really liked? Did you use to have a nick
 Can you continue these sentences with the past perfect: a I got to the station, but ... b
When I saw him I was surprised because ... ? Can you report two things that somebody
said to you yesterday using said or told me? Can you ask your partner three questions
without an auxiliary verb beginning with Who, How many, and Which?

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