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I’ll teach you basic CSS in this comment.

Basic inline syntax (in your HTML document):

<div style=”[style-function]: [style-parameters]; [style-function]: [style-
parameters];” > </div>
The bold text is CSS. All the possible CSS [style-fuctions] and what [style-
parameters] they can have, can be found here. This is called inline CSS. Inline CSS
takes priority over any other CSS definitions. This is the type of CSS you want to
use in emails, in emergency cases… or when you are paid shit money to make lots
of fixes. For example:
<div style=”background: red;”></div>

Will make the background colour of the <div> box red. CSS also
takes HEX and rgb , rgba, hsl & hwb(rarley used) color values as well
as cmyk for all you printers.
<div style=”background: #FF0000;”></div>

#FF0000 = red = rgb(255,00,000) = rgba(255,000,000,1) = hsl(0, 100%, 50%) =

cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%)
More colors here.
However, most CSS you will find in a separate file called usually style.css, that is
linked to your main .html file via <link>. These style.css files are links via the
following HTML tag located always inbetween your <head></head> sections of
your .html file(s), like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href = "style.css" />

These looks similar and like so:

.style1 {[style-function]: [style-parameters]; }

The dot before the word style1 indicates that this is a style class that can be
applied to any html element like so:
<div class=”style1″></div>

The things between the { } brackets, indicate what should be done with that
given style class. It’s in essence identical to what you can put in the inline CSS
If there is no dot ( . ) then the parameters will be applied to any html element with
that name. Example:
div {background: rgb(000,255,000); }

The above will make all <div> elements have a green background.
Bravo! You have learned Style Sheets so far (CSS without the Cascading). Now
lets learn what the Cascading bit stands for.
The following CSS code:
.style1 span {background: rgb(000,000,255); }
Will apply to all <div> elements inside a .style1 HTML element within your HTML
document. So in your HTML structure the following <span> will have a blue
<h1 class=”style1″><span></span></h1>

And so will this one:

<div class=”style1″><h1><span></span></h1></div>

That’s because the <span> HTML element is still nested within the <div
class=”style1″> element.
You’re catching on? Good… very goooooood. Now its time for some Pseudo
classes and pseudo elements.
A pseudo class in your .css file is applied after a double dot (:) (and it can’t be
applied in inline CSS). It looks like so:
.style1:hover {font-size: 25px; }

Pseudo classes allow to target various states that HTML elements can have. The
above CSS code will kick in when a cursor moves over a HTML element that
has .style1 applied to it, and change the font size to 25 pixels (px).
More on other pseudo classes here.
A Pseudo element is applied after 2x double dots ( :: ). These allow to target
specific elements within HTML. For example:
.style1::first-letter {font-family: arial; }

The above CSS code will apply just to the first letter only in the .style1 HTML
element, an Arial font type.
More Pseudo class elements can be found here.
If you got this far, you should pass tomorrows exam with a D- now. The last bit to
learn are media specific classes. These kick in whenever a specific media type is
displayed or whenever a specific browser resolution is present. This is the core of
mobile responsive sites. An example of a CSS media queries looks like so:
@media screen and (min-width: 995px) { .style1 { background: red; }}

You can see that there is some strange @media shit before the regular css class.
the @media bit specifies what classes should be applied when the screen size is
minimum 995px in width. This is extremely useful when designing mobile
responsive site as it allows to remake the whole HTML display if needed to suite a
particular resolution. More on that jazz here.
That’s the basics. I hope i got the point across. Now I’m going back to suck on my

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